Sword Legacy: Omen: Video Review Games
Recently, there have been many games about that period in the history of Britain, when it was a split for several warring friends with each other, fought off the Vikings, who regularly arranged raids on the foggy islands, and tried to unite under the rule of one king. Sword Legacy Omen, which even before a full release received a lot of awards at festivals and exhibitions of independent games – also about it. But do not wait for strict historical accuracy from it. Taking the basis of the legend of the King Arthur and Celtic mythology, the authors added to Merlin’s wizard and a typical British knight trying to save the stolen princess, and some local elves with hooves, dwarves and even the walking dead. It turned out really interesting – though, several for other reasons ..
Panofotikum King Arthur
The story begins with the fact that the Kingdom of Messi attack the neighbors from Wessex, kill the local king and kidnap the princess. The Knight of Uther knights are sent to them, the blade itself is that he could not protect the rulers of the country (besides, he loved in the princess), and the wizard of Merlin. They visit Kent, Northumbra, Eastern England, meet new satellites and gradually learn about the fact that the attack of Wessex is hiding something more terrible and dark than the usual struggle for power.
History is served using drawn inserts and dialogues that happen to important missions. Follow it interesting primarily thanks to the characters themselves – as the main thing (the relationship of Uther and Merlin can not name friendly) and those who are gradually joining them. Professional thief, saved from prison, Viking Berserk, who came to the islands in search of fights and glory, a fanatical priest, a representative of the mysterious race Fei (they can be allegedly called local elves), a funny and constantly swearing gnome – each of them has its own character and their ownThe story that is revealed in the dialogues during the missions or when the party stops for the night to become.
About the benefits of combustible liquids
However, Sword Legacy Omen – This is not a classic party RPG from BioWare or Obsidian. Both the plot and dialogues between the partners are perceived here as a pleasant (but no more than) addition to the main dish – step by step tactical battles. Many companions first need to save before they join the ruler.
Not all mission start immediately from fights: We investigate the levels, find some notes, open the chests (if there are bastards or thief in the detachment), watch the scenes and listen to the dialogues. But sooner or later, it is necessary to get sicks from the sheath – two or three serious fueling on the task are provided. In addition, the detachment can be attacked on the map when we move between the kingdoms or stop for the night in the field, and not in the urban tavern (there you can buy potions and equipment).
Worked out battles excellent. Move to your turn, to carry out an ordinary attack or use one of the skills is not all possibilities. It is very useful to break different barrels and jugs with poison, butter or fuel liquid to strive, slow down or wait for enemies – the latter, respectively, can be attracted or, on the contrary, repel the contaminated cells.
It works against us when all the rolling field turns out to be filled with some kind of fat. Therefore, it is always necessary to carry the potions with you from burns, poison, deceleration or bleeding. And look under the feet – no one has canceled traps either.
And here you need to take more or less reliable shelters and even use the interception of the course – to “heal” a certain zone and wait for the enemy to come closer to spend a “free” attack on it. The value also has how you attack – in the focus, from the flank or in the back. Direct attacks are often blocked, but there are hype from the flank or in the rear.
Finally, in battle, the characters accumulate the power of the will, which can be used at any time to obtain bonuses and additional points of action – this is also an important tactical tool in properly growing hands.Picture with the wave of cartoons exclusively pleases.
Tell me who you are
But the main tactical load is to choose which characters to take with you. A total of seven satellites are joined to the ruler, and on the mission you can only take four. So you have to break your head above the perfect (from your point of view) the composition of the party – and there may be several such combinations. Everyone’s skills, unique and in their own way useful. Merlin’s wizard knows how to teleport, create walls of fire and even take the mind of enemies under control, the priest treats, and the thief of any laundrs reveals any locks and knows how to quickly move over long distances.
The situation is complicated by the fact that the glory points for which new active and passive skills are learned, there are always few here and they are common to the entire detachment – again, you have to choose which the abilities of which characters are betting. The same fighters must first be equipped with objects found during missions or purchased in cities. And there for everything requires a lot of money – one safe nightly nights in the tavern will cost 300 gold.
And if the weapon or armor intended only for the knight, the same teem or, for example, the magician will not be able to use, then many artifacts are able to wear any character. Who will give the ring found? And whether to wear it at all, if, enhanced attack, it simultaneously reduces protection?There are your bloody “Fataliti”.***
From such notexist solutions and consists of all Sword Legacy Omen – How best to choose a party, whom and how to equip, what skills and potions and when to use how to deal without losses (critically wounded drop off until the end of the mission) and so on. The opponents here, of course, are not the smartest (they willingly come on poisoned or warmed cells), but they are still strong, there are many of them, and the levels are quite compact, tired by barrels with different unpleasant fluids, so almost every fight here provides a serious challenge.Many have to be replayed several times. The conclusion from this is simple and obvious – all connoisseurs of thoughtful tactical RPG simply do not have the right to pass by Sword Legacy Omen.
Pros: Many interesting partners;complex and exciting tactical battles;Pleasant hand drawn graphics.
Minuses: There are bugs;little content;a small duration;For some reason, wolves also know how to block attacks;Dialogues are not voiced.