The Dark Inside Me: Video Review Game

Home » Game Reviews » The Dark Inside Me: Video Review Game
September 27, 2022
9 minutes

By Jonny Gamer

The Dark Inside Me: Video Review Game
The authors of Indy-Horror seemed to be broken from the chain – well, or among them now alone perverts. In recent weeks, there are games in each other in which the familiar monsters, blood, murders and consamplers are more or less organically adjusting with naked women, sex and not so that erotica, and somewhere almost pornography: Agony, LUST FOR DARKNESS And our today’s client – THE DARK INSIDE ME. The last one is made by one person, a Turkish musician and director named Ask Karamamk (Akcay Karaazmak) and is a classic Point’n’Click Quest. It is in the genre that her main thing, although not the only one, the problem. And so serious that the game really wants to call pornography, but not at all in the sense that you have thought now.

From the hospital – to the concentration camp!

History B THE DARK INSIDE ME It starts quite enough: a young man with a bandage on his face and amnesia in his head wakes up in the hospital, not really understanding where he, who he is and why in the scraps of his memories some evil units, stuck with nails and as if escaped with the filming “Raising from hell”, Want his death. Our task is to escape and figure out that, damn it happens.

At some point, the protagonist sees how the couple has sex or a man rapes a woman (although it seems to be especially strong), trying to go closer, and at this point the action is completely unexpectedly transferred to the past, during the Second World War, where weas a prisoner of war in shape or British, or the American army find themselves in the car. And already on the next screen we see how some fascist in about the same posture again rapes a naked girl. Immediately there is a suspicion that the author, let’s say, somewhat looped on the topic of rape or just sex here in such poses. And instead of a sense of empathy and immersion in what is happening completely different emotions are born, the most harmless of which is light laughs and a mute question: what it was?

Ask Karamamk, Apparently, I wanted to say something serious on the topic of sexual violence – and in general, and in the Nazi concentration camps in particular. But when in these most concentration camps and lively, and already dead naked women resemble pornodels with ideal proportions, and not those exhausted victims, similar to the skin-covered skeletons, which they were in reality of the Second World War, again it is difficult to perceive all this seriously.The Dark Inside Me: Video Review GameHero is dying often, hurt and in different ways.

What was it?

However, the main problem of the script is not at all this. The abundance of “nude” was promised initially, this is part of the game and its atmosphere, justifying the age rating. And it is clear why the young Turk is everywhere sees beautiful young women in interesting positions. The problem is that the author interferes in one bunch of all – monsters devouring naked girls (yes, again!) in past;Some on the face of terrible but beautiful on the body aunt, raping dead men in the present;Founders resembling the heroes of the film Hellraiser, and girls with hair closing face from “Call”;Nazi concentration camps and prostitutes with a bullet in the head ..

Yes, the author at the same time knows how to scare – with the help of naturally enough cheap, but the effective consversals. When, for example, in the light of the included headlights, the same girl with closing her hair appears, and then also jumps in our direction, they unwittingly jump on the chair, they are soothes with good mate and sorry that there is no Validol.

IN THE DARK INSIDE ME In some places there is a real atmosphere of such a good treshore and frightening horror. It is created, in particular, well-drawn screensavers, high-quality monsters design, naturalistic bloody scenes (when, for example, we personally cut off the corpse of the hand with a key clamped in it) and good work with sound. Yes, and the situations of choice are periodically found: spare a rapist or sagging his scramble?The Dark Inside Me: Video Review GameHe raped women – now we kill him!
But this atmosphere this thing is sinking in a winegree, which is called a scenario and which is clearly made according to the principle of “I interfere with me in one bunch so that the player constantly asked himself what it was”. But if in high-quality games, films and television series (for example, in “Legion”) Such a mixture only excites interest, then in the case of THE DARK INSIDE ME Personally, she quickly cheerful and cobble.

I warn you – now there will be a spoiler, but it is very indicative. The protagonist of the hero meets a semi-digit girl locked in a cage that herself asking him about help and punctantly promises to help in response. But after about 10 minutes, the protagonist, having spoiled on it, for some reason, it jumps into the floor window with the fifth. And immediately next to the asphalt landed like this locked in the virgin cage. Both are alive. What, how, why … closer to the final there was a complete feeling that there was a narcotic trip, Achinea and nonsense, born in the head of a concerned man who loves porn, horror and pornhorrhors ..

Hunting and logic

And in the middle of this – a hero with a limited dictionary and a slightly flawed logic. Poin the cursor in the picture – he will say: “Picture”, poke into a cup – logically inform that this is a cup. And that’s all in this spirit: “I can use it,” “Now I can’t use it,” “I will not use it”. If I knew that if, for a variety and for the discharge of this semi-pythyotic atmosphere. Or, on the contrary, chokingly swore.The Dark Inside Me: Video Review GameMany problems have to solve violence – although sometimes there is a choice.
In other situations I want to joke already – when, for example, the character for some reason cannot just close the door (in this case they will not see it and do not shoot), and instead, it blows up the bedside, distinguishes chloroform on it and sets his. Say, it will not be hurry on fire. Instead of sneaking and quickly remove the knife hanging on the wall on the right of the fascist, raping the prisoner, we arrange a whole special operation, as a result of which the knife falls on the box with a ring, and we tighten it to them with a hook combined in inventory. Nobody, of course, does not notice the self-deviating boxes.

No in THE DARK INSIDE ME There are interesting situations – for example, we need to shoot synchronously with the Nazis exercising on the shooting range to remove the interference to pass. But it is generally it turns out that according to the concentration camp, the prisoners of war in the helmet of the American army? In another case, we need to melt hot water gun, laughing to the leg of the corpse. But if you put the kettle not on that fire, then it is so stuck, since it is impossible to remove it. And such potentially dangerous zones, “hanging” passage, here are somewhat.

But the main trouble game as a quest is a completely hellish, terry “pixel-hunting”. What is the backlight of active points, has long been adopted as a standard in modern quests – the author does not know. And with some sadism makes us groppy the cursor the tiny wells of the locks, searching among almost the same white croutons of the lattice one slightly rumped or guess that there is a twig in the tree is actually a lever. And all this is complemented completely terrible, so really in Turkish made by the management.The Dark Inside Me: Video Review GameAlmost any lady in the game is naked more or less completely.***
THE DARK INSIDE ME – the thing is very ambitious. Page in Steam is replete with the words “unique game” and “psychological horror of the next generation”. Partly, these ambitions are indeed supported by good graphics, stylish rollers, saturated and often frightening scenes. Well, in general it felt that Ask Karamamk – Man is clearly not only concerned, but also passionate about his work: he is not bad to understand the aesthetics of horrors.

The trouble seems to be that he does 1. How did his only Turkish horror movie REMINISCENCE, Why does he resemble an amateur handicraft with a richly polished ketchup by half-water women. IN THE DARK INSIDE ME things are better in the visual and aesthetic point of view (considering that everything is done alone, you can only admire), but with a plot and gameplay there are big problems. Ask – obviously a good musician, artist, director of clips and in general “Visual”. But so far a nikudny game designer. Therefore, I want someone to help him, suggested – for example, about the same backlight of active points.

Until the first chapter came out THE DARK INSIDE ME, and most of them the author scored already eight. He promises a “script changing from the actions of the players”. How he will change there – let’s see in the following episodes. But if the plot and gameplay and then will be presented in the same form as now, the game will be akin to that nightmare and horror in which the main character.

Pros: The game knows how to scare;Not bad graphics;Stylish rollers.

Minuses: While the game is completely crazy and illogical scenario;Horrible “pixel-hunting”;primitive and illogical riddles;Uncomfortable management.

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