The Mooseman: Video Game Overview
Envious and talented competitors try to break the horns Limbo From her release in the distant 2010 year. However, to issue the product of the same sewing and quality managed only to the Danes themselves from PlayDead (I am Inside, of course). The more interesting was to follow the development of a “Russian response Limbo“, The Mooseman, And finally, familiarize yourself with the game, littered with the predatory skeletons and torn bone forests.The Moosemann got the best episodes in the Mooseman. But the abode of people and heavens are represented by urabs.
Personal Speed
The Mooseman, or in Russian “manually”, invented and implemented by Perm Vladimir Beletsky, hiding behind the studio with a wonderful name Morteshka. “Platform Adventor” was preparing for almost two years – apparently, without unnecessary hurry and with a meticulous study of museum values.
The game is a kind of transcription of the legends of the small peoples of Komi, Samov and Mansi, and plot inserts are even voiced in Kom9. The starting point for the author became archaeological finds – the samples of the so-called Perm beast style. So the threshold of entry in this case is high, that MiG narrows the already small audience of connoisseurs Limbo, Typoman And Never Alone.
Elk, the Creator of the Universe and People, according to the folklore plot, had seven sons-shamans – those most humanities from the name. Endowed by the parent forces of the parent, they are able to move between reality and the dimension of spirits. Himself of the first one sorted on the hunting animal that stuck in himself. The luminaire collapsed into Tartarara, and the planet was on the verge of apocalypse. Since then, siblings are sacrificed to the hell, to get a pinch of fire. Day after day…
The way for the fragments of the Sun. Log – you need to fuse the lower, middle and top world. The most attention is paid to the afterlime layer – here we are met by the Goligan Bear Osh, a sort of Cerber, Spider Chero about seventy seven eyes (Senior Brother Shelob, not otherwise!) And the Red Dead, bodied in the Sir-Yu River, full rotten flesh. What to say, seeing impressive much more than the dry expositions of local history museums.Baby pillars related couple mysteries.
Our shaman slowly wanders from left to right on the background of fabulous 2D backdrops – despite the modest gamut, the artist managed the piercing landscapes. Due to the fact that the turtle step of human mass can be made automatic and removed from the keyboard, quietly drinking tea, The Mooseman still at the “demo” stage became the object of ridicule. “Walking simulator”, however, is not deprived of an interactive – over time, the hero gets the opportunity to light a staff that distinguishes evil spirits, and onions will be built on a short cut. Winter Taiga, where it is allowed to shoot on wolves, is one of the most beautiful locations, a pretty heart of Siberian, who personally threaded in the forest snowdrifts and seen living snow-white hares.
Core gameplay The Mooseman – It is a solidification of tasks. Going to the ghost world, the shaman makes the boulders move (or rather, what we consider boulders), the cloak of themselves or crossing the abyss. Komi-pagans, fishermen and reindeer breeders, worshiped the elements, animals and trees, so that in the game spiritualized almost all the environment. Puzzles are complicated smoothly enough to sit over them a minute-other. As a “bosses”, the debt are leished yes, but the battles do not require arcade snacks – it is enough to grab that the riddle, and leisurely and thoroughly solve it, while the next six-legged elk is eldly slowly picked up the jaw.
In short, “bosses” do not violate the greatest adaptation of a relaxing gameplay. Marching past pillars-idols, you will open the pages of the interactive encyclopedia – something like sketches from Never Alone. Challenge for re-passing – Collection of museum figures (ridges, suspension and other), divided by secluded corners. Someone the adventure will seem unbearably boring – still, eyes work, your fingers are resting. I was also interested to know what they lived and what they believed the priestly and the Ural before arrival Ermaka and industrialists Stroganov. The story touches approximately as in Journey – Unlike Owlboy With her children’s story.Hills – not what it seems. And they also have eyes!***
Rene Zellweger (Renee Zellweger) would be satisfied with the brainchild of Perm! Oscarovskaya laureau, I remind you, leads genus just from Saamov. And if seriously, Morteshka It turned out surprisingly spiritual arcade on an unexpressed topic. Boyfriend Limbo, True, it can sleep well – in his segment he is still out of competition. Even the horned shaman him is not a hindrance.