The Way: Video Review Games

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October 13, 2022
8 minutes

By Jonny Gamer

The Way: Video Review Games
What are the good times now for video game classics! On the one hand, the publishers are actively re-released their memorable creations, earning additional money, but at the same time I still give us the opportunity to comfortably play your favorite hits of the past. And on the other, the indie developers regularly give out something similar, with many references and the atmosphere of the “old school”.

Today it will be about manifestation of the second process. The Way – game in the spirit of creation Eric Shay (Eric chah9) or companies Delphine Software. Another World, FlashBack, Heart of Darkness – Wonderful adventure platformers, skillfully combining tasks for logic and battles with opponents. All of their beauty is hard to explain a couple of sentences, but now it is not required: telling about The Way, I, in essence, in many respects I will describe the concept of famous samples, and the comparisons will not be avoided.The Way: Video Review GamesWith the help of an energy shield, enemy shots are not only reflected, but some tasks are solved.
First contact

The story starts quite unexpectedly – on a rainy cemetery, where the main character first crushes over the grave of his beloved, and then it extracts her body to the outside. The fact is that our character, that once consisted in a scientific expedition who studied at one of the distant planets in the heritage of ancient civilization, apparently received sacred knowledge about immortality and eternity. But then the studies were discontinued, and the team of scientists – recalled. And so, experiencing the loss of a loved one, Tom decides to personally continue the search for truth – immerses the body of his companion in the capsule, kidnaps the corporate stars and goes towards fate.

It is impossible to say that in The Way Solving some philosophical topics are revealed or that the player is destined to observe the dizzying turns of the plot. But still the story was sufficiently complex and rich in details. At certain moments are felt, so let’s say emotional depth and spiritual promises who tried to convey to the player developers.

In the reality of what is happening, there is no doubt, even despite some dissonance, at first caused by the character moves. And it’s not about the problems of management or some other technical neudes. Yes, and in general it is not a minus at all and not a claim. Just here you will not find that inertia and persuasive movements, whatever famous Another World And FlashBack. Launcing The Way, We are looking for full compliance with predecessors. But, as you understand perfectly, the rotoscopy is too labor-intensive and irrational pleasure for a small independent studio Puzzling Dream, Therefore B The Way The main character moves the same way as in many other modern “pixel” platformers. At the same time, fortunately, the creators did not praise on the animation, as in general, to thoroughly study the visual part. This is perhaps one of the best samples of pixel art over the past few years – a variety of locations, tons of details, pleasant colors ..The Way: Video Review GamesDuring his travel, Tom meets many alien life forms. Not all of them are aggressive.The Way: Video Review GamesRothoscopy
This technique for creating animation is based on a consistent appearance of frames, which are captured by the movements of real actors. In essence, this is the Forerunner of Modern Technology Motion Capture. Rotoscopying is actively used in animation, but in the gaming industry this approach has not passed – the developers resort to it quite rarely. Among the games created with the help of rotoscopy are most famous Another World, FlashBack, Prince of Persia, Mortal Kombat And THE LAST EXPRESS.
Inventing bicycle

But let’s go to the most interesting part – gameplay. Here, shedding on the wounded hearts “Oldfagov”, we meet respectful quoting of glorious ancestors. First of all, each level in The Way – This is a moderate location, without obsessive pointers and linear structure. The player needs to be perezding around the surroundings, to understand what switches are affected by what the enemies are guarding and whether to neutralize them now. By the way, about the enemies: absolutely everything in the game “Vanzhotit” of the main character. And drones, and an awkward jump from a height of two human growth, and seemingly not the very dangerous alien flora and fauna (hello to slugs from the first level Another World).The Way: Video Review GamesThe zone of the enemy review is helpful designated by a c1.
Wonderfully observed balance between puzzles and battle scenes. And sometimes two of these components and are completely awesome. Developers are not allowed to bother the player, not only constantly changing the rhythm of the gameplay, but also breaking their own rules and introducing new elements to the game and even whole mechanics. At one level, you get a gun and prepare to the methodic rotation of enemies, on the other – encounter the creatures that this gun is in general. At one level, you use a cunning alien device for telekinease, at a distance, solving a puzzle with the right location of objects, on the other – with the help of the same tool, build a series of platforms under your feet to overcome the abyss. And so – almost everywhere and with all. In addition to weapons and telekinease, you are waiting for the regular use of the energy shield, a pocket teleport, as well as interaction with the alien beast named Tinkan, who once turns out to be a faithful companion of the main character.

Authors manage to use gameplay tools to the full coil, motivating the player to show quite life logic. The fact that at first glance seems to be an ordinary thing with only one appointment, sometimes it may require a special approach and other use. You know, it’s how to give an ax to a person, only a familiar with the instruments of Labor: Soon he will understand that you can hit this thing about something, then aware of her stolen opportunities, and there, you look, it will come to the use of mysterious things inquality lever, for example.

As for the puzzles directly, then, of course, the developers failed to stuff the game only with original tasks of their own production (albeit them and abound). A series of puzzles regularly dilute already familiar fans of logical entertainment fun, built into the local world – “Snacks”, switching levers in the spirit of the legendary refrigerator from “Brothers pilots”… Why not? Similar inclusions here in moderation and they do not cause any rejection.The Way: Video Review GamesThe game is translated into Russian, but a person responsible for localization clearly approached his task after the sleeves.
Eternity Contrary to

I promised you permanent comparison – it’s time for another 1. As you understand, on the part of the gameplay The Way not lost on the background of the same FlashBack, And in something, perhaps, even surpasses her. But it is a pity that the developers have not spied Delphine Software The principle of using codes to levels – such a system is exactly better than one-sole (!) Auto storage. Even profiles for different players can not be created, so at the same time passing the game on one computer in two users will not work.

Someone may seem unsuccessful and location of control points. Often, when the player fails, he discards to a decent distance, and he has to overcome all obstacles again. On the other hand, the element of the hardcore is concluded – sometimes you need to be pretty, to deal with all the difficulties without errors and with relief to see the autosave icon in the bottom corner. And personally I feel this feeling, so here again, no author’s complaints.

Claim K Puzzling Dream I have a few other character: in one terrible moment, the preservation simply stopped being loaded, which, given the already mentioned system, meant only the complete opposite game. Fortunately, indi teams have the opportunity to pay attention to almost all requests for help from their community, so the developers have quickly built a good file for me. Of course, this is by no means justifying an unprotected approach to conservation.

But what to make face oh how difficult it is to musical and sound accompaniment. With this B The Way full order. Compositions are always successfully combined with what is happening on the screen is not bored with their cyclicity, do not annoy with sharp transitions and accurately emphasize the mood of the game. In a similar key, surroundings are also working, perfectly supporting the atmosphere of a particular episode.The Way: Video Review GamesIn a second, the lower rooms will be filled with a deadly flame, but the main character will have time to move to a pre-left silhouette at the top level – the teleportation works here.***
Verdict, in fact, depends on the answer to the question: did it manage The Way Become a decent successful job Eric Shay? Yes, managed. What is a little worse, and something is a little better. The game justifies the expectations of the nostalgic “Oldfag”, surprises inventiveness and until the latter retains the verified balance. Adventure platformer manual dressing, which is now criminal.

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