Truberbrook: Video Game Overview

Home » Game Reviews » Truberbrook: Video Game Overview
May 18, 2022
6 minutes

By Jonny Gamer

Truberbrook: Video Game Overview
It is no secret that with high-quality classic quests now taint. Even the Germans Daedalic Entertainment, It seems that finally forgot about the legacy Deponia And The Whispered World, Switching to “survival”, platformers, arcade and games for PS VR. And yet the genre is alive. As the authors prove Truberbrook, He is even able to surprise.


True, this game is surprised primarily not a gameplay, but with its appearance. The fact is that all locations and characters model in Truberbrook Created manually. Each scene, the authors were treated individually and illuminated by a real, and not modeled light. Then all this was digitized using photogrammetry technology and transferred to the game. This allowed to build very detailed, living locations and even recreate the time change and various weather conditions. In general, looks like Truberbrook really cool.

Such painstaking work, of course, demanded a lot of time and effort – it was most likely that the lion’s share was left of those almost 200 thousand euros, which the developers gathered for the project through Kickstarter in the fall last year.

Secret materials

You, probably, are now waiting for what I say: but, they say, the rest of the money clearly did not have enough! But no, I will not say. The rest, too, for the most part, pleased – especially the plot and study of characters. The authors do not hide that they were inspired by the series “Secret materials”, “Twin Pix”, “Very weird business” And “Star Trek”. And it is immediately felt.

Action Truberbrook Deployed in 1967, but the center of attention is not a cold war, the conflict in Vietnam, the lunar race between the USSR and the USA or student unrest in Europe, and strange events, in the life of the American student-physics of Hans Tangeizer. He won in the lottery in which he never participated, a trip to the small German town of Truberbruck. Immediately at the arrival there, his work on quantum physician steals the ghost (seemingly), begging to save him. Truberbrook: Video Game OverviewThere are many of the most different characters.
And went to go. In this story, travelers in time, spatial portals, ancient sects under the larvae of modern industrial corporations, the ancient gates, to open which can be opened with the help of German runes and Egyptian hieroglyphs, talkative AI, local “Loch Nevsky monster” from the lake named Trudy. As a result, we need to save the world from Gretchen Lemka, the Faculty of Paleoanthropology Faculty, passing the home of the mysterious inventor from another dimension of Taffeta.

Irony against mysticism

You, too, have already felt in all this irony? Yes, as far as the same “Twin Pix” originally thought as a parody of the police serials, so and Truberbrook is the basis of its more comedy than a serious statement on the topic.

Here, for example, full of crazy. Some live on a tree and are prettring, which intelligence represents Hans. Others lock it in the building of the former hotel and spend psychological tests, trying to determine if our hero is alien. There is still sad and lonely AI in the form of a flutter monitor. He refuses to provide the necessary access to Hans, because then the hero will leave and leave him one, – it has to assure silicon brains in our eternal friendship and promise them to.

At some point, Hans and the same Gretchen Lemka can go to the mountains along the cable car, clutching for hangers from clothes attached to the cable. Or the protagonist will wrap stalactitis in the cave so that he fell into the water, worked as a tube in the bathroom and water rose. Or puts on a helmet, sit down in the trolley and a blow to the cylinder with gas will turn it into a missile projectile to break the barrier.Truberbrook: Video Game OverviewYes, not all refills in the game are funny. By the way, Russian localization is incomplete.
Also in the game there are many funny references – not only “Twin Picus” (for example, Hans just like a special cooper, loves to write down everything on the voice recorder), but also to the series Monkey Island (no minor authors advised himself Ron Gilbert – Ron Gilbert) and much more. And in a wonderful soundtrack clearly heard references to enveloping jazz iridescent in the spirit Angelo Badalamerty (Angelo Badalament9) and hoarse blues (as well as to folk and alternative jazz) Tom Wayats (Tom Waits).

Very strange cases

The gameplay itself, too, does not disappoint. Yes, there are no very complex puzzles and mini-games – everything is built around classic exercises on the collection of items and their use in the right places. At the same time, even combine things in the inventory do not need. If you, let’s say, have already picked up a pair of boots and two covers from the garbage baskets, then after clicking where it is necessary, the game itself will offer to combine all this to get in the swamp to mushrooms (do not even ask why).

Yes, there is a strange or no missing, as it may seem, logic – take, for example, repairing a water bike with a sauce. Some things have to do without understanding why. We can, perplexed, catch fireflies to the bank before we learn that in the basement, access to which is not yet, it will be very dark – and they will be able to use instead of a flashlight.

On the other hand, the same game inspired by “Very strange affairs” And “Twin Pixom”, so strange logic to her somewhere even to face. In addition, for the most part, everything is very logical and competently woven into the narration. Therefore, the story as a whole develops dynamically and keeps in voltage.

This is how the scenery was created.

Well, in general in Truberbrook Many interesting situations and related mysteries – there are both runes / hieroglyphs / Latin / rock painting / graffiti in the correct sequence to activate, and adjust sad AI or a crazy conspiragologist, and funny psychological tests to pass. At some point, having previously visited the musicians of their own spill, you can even participate in the concert of the local group, determining what words to sing, and just enjoying them in the spirit Tom Wayats. ***
Meaning Truberbrook, In fact, it is difficult to overestimate. This is the first in a long time truly solid and high-quality classic quest in the genre of Point and Click – Indi-Variations are still not counting. This is a rather ambitious game with an innovative, expensive approach to a visual row, which fully justified itself. With all the issues to the logic and content of some puzzles, this story at the junction of mysticism, thriller and comedy really fascinates, causing warm memories of the evenings spent on watching “Twin Pizesa” And “Secret Materials”.

Pros: fascinating plot;worked out characters;Mute humor;numerous cross-cultural references;Many dynamic situations and puzzles;atmospheric soundtrack;Elegant graphics based on manual decorations.

Minuses: There are questions about the logic of local mysteries, situations and dialogues;not the biggest duration.

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