Whispers Of A Machine: Video Game Overview

Home » Game Reviews » Whispers Of A Machine: Video Game Overview
August 9, 2022
8 minutes

By Jonny Gamer

Whispers Of A Machine: Video Game Overview
Quests fans are very loved by the studio itself Wadjet Eye Games, and produced by her games. It is always very stylish “pixel” Point & Click Adventures, mixing Noir with the “Wizard of Oz Wizard” or Ciberpant, Medium Ghosts – with Ghosts of Detectives, and Modern New York – With Magic and Demonams. Enough to recall the cult Gemini Rue and series The Blackwell. So here, Whispers of a Machine – this is not from Wadjet Eye Games, But as I would say Roman Kartsev, very similar. And all because its director became Dave Gilbert (Dave Gilbert), who made most of the quests just for Wadjet Eye Games. Therefore, there are also stylish “pixels”, and cyberpunk, mixed with the “Scandinavian Noir”, and detectives with ghosts.

Cute Lie Detector

As in many books, films or television series, which are somehow referred to as Scandinavian Noura (we, for example, about “Bridge”), main heroine Whispers of a Machine is a detective girl, almost devoid of personal life. Well, in general, here too, everything is gloomy, sad and some kind of hand. Favorite man died, and at work faith (so calling our heroine) you need to investigate the series of mysterious murders day and night, periodically reaching the bone fragments from the knocked corpse into the troop of the mechanism. Even lives faith in the police station near the SIZO.

Well, though, in the work of the girl helped the augmentation mounted in her. Action Whispers of a Machine Deployed in the city of the future, and faith is actually a special cyborg. From the very beginning of the investigation of murders of simple seemingly residents of the city, such supersilles are available, as an opportunity to move, for example, a heavy cabinet, scanning directly from eyes of crime and corpses, as well as a hidden interlocutor pulse sensor.

The latter is especially interesting. During a conversation, asking questions for all themes available in the notebook, you need to follow the pulse of the interlocutor (especially if it is excited, and not relaxed) and click on the anomalous indicators in it in time to make telling the truth. Because even in the inventory, we have a gun, but faith basically allows him only to self-defense purposes only.

With each new day (and all the narrative is divided into three) the heroine opens new superhuman abilities. For example, learns to send temporary amnesia to characters or even copy the appearance and voice of a person. How exactly the decision of puzzles is built on this, I think you yourself are guessing.Whispers Of A Machine: Video Game OverviewCorpses here will be a lot!

Tell me who you are, – and I will give you your implant!

Inventing very unusual for the classic quest of the skill, the authors did not finish their experiments with mechanics. The fact is that what abilities during these three days will receive faith depends on the player himself, or rather, from what heroine he is obtained by nature. And this is the difference Whispers of a Machine From the typical Scandinavian Nuara: not everything is linear here, and the protagonist may well and not be a cynical fragment or a dark pro.

Periodically, we get up to choose how to answer and what to say. You can, for example, tell the girl who lost her beloved that, they say, and the faith itself was in such a situation. And you can see that it does not give her the right to violate the law. All these answers tend to some three ways to one of three ways – empathy, professionalism or self-confidence.

Nanosumnation called Blue, which is used by our cyborg detective, allows it to develop the abilities corresponding to its psychological state. In drinking 43-year-old Voloshin Vera, naturally, was a sympathetic to everyone and the whole girl, so she was called Amnesia and Mimicria. And, for example, those who were inclined to analyst, taught her special vision, allowing to see what is hidden from a regular view.

This, of course, does not affect the plot, but determines the content of many puzzles. And if it was enough for me to bring a technical employee and simply ask her to turn off the electricity (pre-forcing it for a while to forget about the other work), then “analysts” had to bother with a current during a separate puzzle. Whispers Of A Machine: Video Game OverviewIn the local museum you can learn a lot about the history of this world.

Classics of the genre

Otherwise, everything is generally in the classics: we communicate a lot, collect items and use them in the right places, we crush all the active points (since they are highlighted) and solve puzzles. There are a lot of puzzles, and they are interesting: somewhere you have to clean the audio recording from noise, somewhere – to properly press the buttons under the exhibits in the museum to open the secret door, somewhere – manually enter passwords, seen from books, and different commands through the panelOffice. And this is not all that we have time to do in three days of investigation.

Particularly important communication. Frequently, the plot is simply not shifted from the place (or there is no solution to the riddle) until you discuss the necessary themes with the right people or not overheave some conversation.

Yes, B Whispers of a Machine, As with almost any Quest, there are conventions and attracted by the ears of the situation. When, for example, the heroine in the focus refuses to notice the initials of one of the victims on the locker, until it understands the other room, where they can be. It’s all good, but if she didn’t understand it, then her eyes still had before it – that it hurts to notice two such familiar letters on the cabinet? But such situations, thank God, are rare. And where it is not clear what they want from you, as a rule, it turns out that you yourself did not understand or did not guessed. Whispers Of A Machine: Video Game OverviewNot only need to pick up the code, so also the desired fingerprint will have to find!

Girl who played with fire

The main thing is why Whispers of a Machine It is impossible to break away – here is a very exciting story. Scandals, intrigues, investigations, mysterious killings, betrayal, attempts on our heroine, attempts to survive in the forest – everything will be here.

In history and in the setting itself a lot of cyberpank. War with machines, totalitarian and terrorist sects, conspiracies, attempts to create a superhuma, illegal cyberologies – everything is written convincingly, and human motives are added to this.

Suffice it to say that periodically faith has to take care of the not yet born baby (not his!) and communicate with the ghost of your favorite man, who seems to be died, and now whether it seems her, or it gets out of some neural network. Here this moment of interaction between the heroine and the ghost man is registered not as detailed as in the games series The Blackwell, But it is with him that the severity of the final choice between two fundamentally different endings is connected.

That’s how we mimic under other characters.
In general, I am from Whispers of a Machine In the wild delight – already because I love both cyberpunk, and noir, and Scandinavian detectives, and games Dave Gilberta. Everyone who saw them will understand me and do not miss work Clifftop Games And Faravid interactive. In addition, there are really very successful and unique gameplay finds. Music is good, and all the dialogs are very cool voiced.

But as part of our program “Down with” Amazingly “in a row in a row!»Let’s say this: Once I guessed, who betrayed the main character, even before she guessed. For me it was quite obvious. On the other hand, if you want to sit, watch and guess who is to blame for and who is a killer – this is, you will agree, and there is a sign of an exciting detective. In general, decide for yourself. For me and all the quarters, this is definitely amazing game. And for indie haters – probably, something closer to “commendable”. And she is short – I want more!

Pros: The plot tightly clings from the first minutes;Fascinating and varied gameplay with several very interesting ideas;The world and main characters are perfectly prescribed;Mass a variety of puzzles;the ability to influence your actions on the capacities affordable heroin and the content of mysteries;Stylish picture;All dialogues are professionally voiced.

Minuses: Small duration;Some riddles and their decisions are spited by white threads;No Russian language.

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