Warhammer 40,000: Sanctus Reach: Video Video Overview

Home » Game Reviews » Warhammer 40,000: Sanctus Reach: Video Video Overview
March 3, 2022
5 minutes

By Jonny Gamer

Warhammer 40,000: Sanctus Reach: Video Video Overview
Publishing house Games Workshop, Warhammer who owns the rights to the Warhammer universes (and fantasy, and the “forty-fighter”), in recent years, it simply bombards us with games on “Waha”, packsing licenses to developers. However, a truly massive, one hundred percent hit among them – and will not at least before Dawn of War III. Almost all projects are niche, hardcore, requiring what is called, to dive and understand. But if you figure it out and plunge, you will get a lot of pleasure. Warhammer 40,000: Sanctus Reach – just from such ..Warhammer 40,000: Sanctus Reach: Video Video OverviewSpace wolves are available three dozen “units” – from those that were included in the early Set of Blood Claws, to Paradator Paradator representatives.

Everything’s under control

Like most strategies for these universes, Warhammer 40,000: Sanctus Reach dedicated to tactical battles between detachments. In this case, the hordes of the greenstocks, which have already conquered almost the entire Sanctus Rich system, and cosmode retractors from the Order of Space Wolves, defending the last stronghold of resistance – Planet Aleric Prime.

For two story campaigns (and these are almost fifty missions) we play for space wolves, but in Skirmish and in the multiplayer allow you to perform on the side of the orcs. In any case, the scheme is one: before the start of each battle, a certain number of points is issued, which from the proposed list you can dial your army, and directly on the maps everything is mainly reduced to capture and retain control points.

Situations in campaigns when we need to do anything in addition to the sequential sector capture (for example, to accompany transport to the point of evacuation), there are very rare. But it is completely normal for such tactical strategies – remember the series Dawn of War or ancient hit Warhammer EPIC 40,000: Final Liberation.

Some detachments go to battle

Most Sanctus Reach similar to that Final Liberation. With the only difference that the scale here is still not such epic and on the rolling field there are not entire army, but separate detachments. And yet cards and here are very decent sizes, a lot of detachments, and each level is something different – landscape, the presence of some fortifications, narrow passes, bypass pathways, and so on.Warhammer 40,000: Sanctus Reach: Video Video OverviewBriefings before missions are very visual and useful.
Therefore, even one-one, it would seem that the capture of control points consistently turns into an interesting tactical and positional struggle in which you feel a real commander – planning bypass maneuvers, competently move the detachments, cover each other with them, watch the flanks (enemies often try to bypass you),use the shelter and nature features, such as hill. Or break your army into several groups, distracting enemies on one section of the map, while the rest are breaking to the evacuation point on another.

Familiar all persons

In these large-scale battles, almost all familiar fighters are involved in the original “Board” – flameters, terminators, arrows with bolters and so on. There is also a heavy technique (including the dreadnights of wolves and walking furs in the orcs), and the heroes with their unique abilities that can, like magic, use on the battlefield – in stock, say, Cosmodestate Ragnar Blackmain, Logan Grimnar and other comrades.

The authors have accurately reproduced the appearance and characteristics of combat units: each detachment is characterized by the number of available moves and points of action, level of health, protection, damage, accuracy, and also available weapons. Some can shoot from different cannons or combine near and long-range attacks. And you choose who and how to beat, considering the distance, the chance of hitting and the magnitude of possible damage. All this affects the presence of shelters. Especially important in time to intercept the moves of the enemy, arranging the ambush, – for this there is a separate function of Set Reaction Arc.

As it should be, killing enemy troops, our gains and levels are gaining experience and levels to go from a mission to a mission with new abilities and equipment – for example, they get the opportunity to throw shock grenades.Warhammer 40,000: Sanctus Reach: Video Video OverviewEach squad has a morality indicator, and the fire is clearly not raised by this orc.***
In general, fans of the original “showers” and connoisseurs of step-by-step tactics Warhammer 40.000: Sanctus Reach, Of course, you have to taste. Especially since the game is supplied by the editor, allowing you to create your own scenarios and even campaigns. Cons, of course, there is: little content (only two fractions), there is no global regime, the plot is filed by short descriptions of missions, there is no permanent death of the “units” (even the deceased detachment will be available for a set in the next task). But it is so, quit and wishes.

Everyone else Sanctus Reach, Most likely, it will seem monotonous, ugly, too complicated and slow strategy, where you have to wait very long until all the enemy detachments do their actions. And in the multiplayer and at all uses an uddettled postal system when you are waiting for email messages that notify that your opponent deigned to make his move. But I immediately warned you that this is a niche game. And if you are comfortable in this niche, then Sanctus Reach spend time will not mind.

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