Distribution of beta keys for JumpGate Evolution
Studio Codemasters I am glad to announce that I am ready to share with the gamers ten beta keys for your new space MMO JumpGate Evolution. Of course, those who wanted, as always, will be hundreds of times more than the available keys, and therefore developers will arrange something like a competition. Challengers are invited to answer one-sole question: how many fractions exists in the universe JumpGate Evolution?
Answers to this question must be sent by email to Competition @ Incgamers address.COM no later than October 27 of this year. The author of the letter must register on the website incgamers, as well as at this address. Only adult candidates are considered.
Space MMO simulator release date JumpGate Evolution As long as not defined, but it is expected that this significant event will take place until the end of 2008.