Warface launches regional servers in Russia

Home » Game News » Warface launches regional servers in Russia
June 10, 2022
1 minute

By Jonny Gamer

Warface launches regional servers in Russia
Russia – a large country. And with large territories, network games have a well-known problem: the farther from the server is a gamer, the higher the ping. However, the creators Warface found the simplest but effective solution.

Developers announced that additional regional servers launch. Already, residents of the Southern and Siberian regions of Russia can test the work of local servers.

How to count the authors of the shooter, thus the quality of the fights will improve for those who live far from the central district. And the gamers will show the ping counter before entering the game – they themselves will be able to decide on what server to fight.

In the future, servers must appear in all parts of Russia. One of the priority regions at the moment – the Far East.

Developers called their venture # allwarface and offer new users gifts. If you did not go to Warface More than a month, now you can get a set of weapons “Magma”.

All other information – on the official page.Warface launches regional servers in Russia

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