Trailer and official details of the new version of Duke Nukem 3D

Home » Game News » Trailer and official details of the new version of Duke Nukem 3D
June 20, 2022
1 minute

By Jonny Gamer

Trailer and official details of the new version of Duke Nukem 3D
Maybe you did not ask for it, but Gearbox Software Anyway announced Duke Nukem 3D: 20th Anniversary Edition World Tour – new version of the classic Oak 3D For modern platforms.

In the reissue, the graphics will be pulled up and add a completely new fifth episode created by the original designers – Allen Bloom III (Allen Blum III) and Richard Gray (Richard “Levelord” Gray). In addition, especially for World Tour Composer Series Li Jackson (Lee Jackson) composed fresh compositions, and the permanent voice of Duke John Saint John (Jon St. John) recorded a pack of replica.

Nick Nick 3D: 20tn Anniversary Edition WORLD Tour On October 11 of this year on PC, PlayStation 4 and Xbox One. You can already pre-equip the game in Steam and Xbox Store.

This is not the first time the old woman Oak 3D drag to new platforms. For example, in 2013 came out Duke Nick 3D: Megaton Edition Complete with multiple supplements, multiplayer and engine on OpenGL. However, this version was removed from sale after Gearbox Zagraban all rights to the series.
Trailer and official details of the new version of Duke Nukem 3D

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