Ryu and Chan-Lee from Street Fighter broke into Fortnite

Home » Game News » Ryu and Chan-Lee from Street Fighter broke into Fortnite
June 24, 2022
2 minutes

By Jonny Gamer

Ryu and Chan-Lee from Street Fighter broke into Fortnite

The characters of your favorite series have not yet been in Fortnite? Epic Games It fixes – so, now in the in-game store items there are Ryu and Chan-Lee from Street Fighter.

Ru has two style options: white kimono with a black belt and a red bandage on the head, as well as a form for a fight. The kit includes decoration on the back “Boxing bag” and the emotion of Shoryuken!

Equipment of Chang Li includes a nostalgic type of costume. You still wait for the decoration on the back “Arcade Automatic” and the emotion “Lightning strikes!”.

In addition, Ryu kits and Chan Lie contain the download screen “Choose your fighter!”, Deltaplan” Flying Sugoist “and two Kirk -” Wand of Seven Stars “and” Combat Sign “.

Ryu and Chan-Lee from Street Fighter broke into Fortnite

In addition, the developers announced a new topic for “Fortography” – “one on one!”. You need to take a picture of two characters (optional Street Fighter) who took a combat rack:

  1. Use suitable emotions.
  2. Make a two-dimensional image of the battle in the style of the arcade game.
  3. Share the screen with a screen in “Twitter”, adding a hashtheg #FORTRAPHY.

Favorite screenshots EPIC will publish in his blog.

Ryu and Chan-Lee from Street Fighter broke into FortniteRyu and Chan-Lee from Street Fighter broke into FortniteRyu and Chan-Lee from Street Fighter broke into Fortnite

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