Looks like Deathloop will be released on May 21, 2021
June 27, 2022
1 minute
In August Arkane Lyon And Bethesda Transferred a militant release Deathloop Since the end of 2020, the second quarter of 2021. The specific date of the company was not called. Perhaps now we know the day of launching game – May 21.
The date was noticed in the New Zealand PlayStation Store (not enough for the heart at the sight of the price link – these are New Zealand dollars, they are cheaper than American). Also in the store mentioned game items that will get to customers Deathloop:
- Pre-ordered bonuses:
- Unique Weapon – Machete Royal Defender (Exclusive PS5).
- The appearance of a character – “Storm Rider” for Colt.
- One bauble (equipped hero strengthening).
- Digital Deluxe Edition:
- Unique weapons – Transtar (exclusive PS5).
- Unique weapons – “Eat the rich”.
- Unique weapon – revolver .44 Karat Fourpounder.
- The appearance of a character – “Uninvited Guest” for Colt.
- The appearance of the character – “Titter” for Julianna.
- Selected Compositions from Soundtrack.
- Two baubles.
Deathloop Visit PC and PlayStation 5. Though Bethesda And Arkane entered the composition Microsoft, about transferring games on xbox speech yet.