Such Duke

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August 1, 2022
2 minutes

By Jonny Gamer

Such Duke
In his official blog 2K Games placed a message in which we shared the plans to release an add-on to Duke Nukem Forever coming autumn. Hail to the iCons Parody Pack will be released on the Xbox 360, PlayStation 3 and PC, and contain DLC will be three new modes for the game, as well as four cards for battles.

By the way, the name of Paka speaks for itself – inside you will find parodies for several very popular projects. Here, for example, Call of Duke Map. On it, players will be able to run around the destroyed war city and coat with Novekhonka cannon. What do you think what? Of course – N00B T00B! Or here 2Forts1Bridge. The description says that Duchu all these foolish caps did not give up for nothing, because in his hands there will be a harsh minigan.

By the way, especially enthusiastic fans are invited to familiarize themselves with new modes, cards and guns in the very near future – August 4 2K Games Invites everyone to their office, in order to drive in a multiplayer Duke Nukem Forever. So if you have already shouted for 17 years, and get to the city of Novato in California – not a problem, then we ask. Send a request to the address specified here and wait for the invitation. Nowato, by the way, is a 30-minute drive from San Francisco. Hold on the northern direction.

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