Poets of The Fall recorded music specifically for Control

Home » Game News » Poets of The Fall recorded music specifically for Control
August 1, 2022
2 minutes

By Jonny Gamer

Poets of The Fall recorded music specifically for Control
Poets of the Fall – Finnish rock band, performing songs in English. If you played in Max Payne 2, That surely remember the composition of Late Goodbye, written to the game. Also, the creations of the “Poets of the Autumn” sounded in the series Alan Wake. Today is a creative leader Remedy Sam Lake (SAM Lake) and vocalist Poets of the Fall Marco Saarezto (Marko Saaresto) announced that the group’s works can be heard in Control.

First of all, the song My Dark Disquiet from Ultraviolet album will appear in action. But this is not all – in addition, the group has prepared material specifically for the game.

Recall that the song Finns The Poet and The Muse was directly built into the plot Alan Wake – She contained a hint for the main character. According to Watering can, in Control We are waiting for something similar, but at the same time fresh and innovative.

Track My Dark Disquiet you will find immediately under the announcement from Remedy. In addition, just below, under the spoiler, we collected Poets of the Fall compositions from Max Payne 2 And Alan Wake.

Control will arrive at PC, PlayStation 4 and Xbox One on August 27. All the most interesting details and video about the novelty settled in our section of the news.

Max Payne 2

Alan Wake and Alan Wake’s American Nightmare

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