DYING LIGHT developers will also become publishers

Home » Game News » DYING LIGHT developers will also become publishers
August 3, 2022
1 minute

By Jonny Gamer

DYING LIGHT developers will also become publishers
Poles out TECHLAND very cool rose due to zombie action Dying Light. Apparently, they also added ambitions: from now on, the company will not only make their games, but also to publish.

As executive director says TECHLAND Pavel MARHEVKA (Paweł Marchewka), in the past, the developers collaborated with many well-known publishers, so they know exactly what both sides want. Advertising campaigns Dying Light And DYING LIGHT: THE FOLLOWING invented a separate team in the walls of the studio, so promoting games in the market Poles has already learned. Now TECHLAND wishes to take advantage of the accumulated experience and help others.

Publishing brand is called TECHLAND PUBLISING. According to MARHEVKI, The company intends to produce every year two major multiplatform projects and four “digital”. The first game of the newly published publisher will be announced soon.

Also TECHLAND Now engaged in the production of two AAA blockbusters. One of them is most likely – this is a continuation Dying Light, But the second is a certain fantasy story with a large open world, RPG elements, a single mode and a cooperative, which is made on the basis of completely new intellectual property.

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