Mail may.RU edition Archeage in Russia

Home » Game News » Mail may.RU edition Archeage in Russia
August 8, 2022
2 minutes

By Jonny Gamer

Mail may.RU edition Archeage in Russia
Korean unacrons Archeage Therefore, attracts crowds of public attention, that “under. 100% sandboxes at the mass user cause heartburn and paralysis of the brain, but when the developers are mixed into the sand a pieces of favorite amusement parks, there is a chance that Piple whipping and asks.

Now Archeage It is preparing to go into open beta testing (it will happen at night on January 2 in Moscow), and, in anticipation of this wonderful event, the most impatient Koreans have already downloaded the client laid out of the client (this is not invented, and the Mmoculture site.COM). To not sleep later, but immediately start swing.

Meanwhile, the same site claims that the Korean press became known to some secrets of the prepared expansion of the game to the West. Where K.’s interest Archeage also rolls. For any trustworthy information, the first steps have already been made.

And in front of all Russia and local Mail.Ru, which subscribed to publish the game with us and the nearest neighbors (there is an opinion that it is about it that is told in 21 days neglected the other day). And it seems to be Russian Archeage will be the first localized version of the game outside of Korea, overtaking even Chinese, whose release is scheduled for next year.

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