Game “Star Wars. Rebels “successfully updated

Home » Game News » Game “Star Wars. Rebels “successfully updated
August 10, 2022
1 minute

By Jonny Gamer

Game “Star Wars. Rebels “successfully updated
Disney Hurry up to remind you that Mobile action platform “Star Wars. Rebels “ survived the setting of the next update, which brought several more pleasures for fans of the famous saga.

First of all, the developers came up with how to allow users to unlock all thirty-five levels “Star Wars. Rebels “. And do it completely free. They say to take part in “dynamic combat actions” under musical accompaniment from your favorite movies, you just need to view short promotional videos during the game. Well, or simply wait when a new level is unlocked by itself.

Moreover, the update supplemented a fantastic platformer another character named Gajazeb Orrelio. Zeb – as it is commonly called – a former fighter of the Honor Guard Lasan, masterfully owning a unique bo-rifle, which is useful both in the far and in the near battle.

Finally, “Star Wars. Rebels “ got rid of some bugs, and also acquired new gaming spaces and subtitles for each video. In short, go and see yourself. And do not say that you do not play. According to Disney, Mobile action has already installed more than two and a half million people.

Game “Star Wars. Rebels “successfully updatedGame “Star Wars. Rebels “successfully updatedGame “Star Wars. Rebels “successfully updatedGame “Star Wars. Rebels “successfully updatedGame “Star Wars. Rebels “successfully updatedGame “Star Wars. Rebels “successfully updatedGame “Star Wars. Rebels “successfully updated

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