Good News Shaft From Gearbox Software

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September 15, 2022
2 minutes

By Jonny Gamer

At the last exhibition PAX company Gearbox Software By law, it was possible to consider the headlinener – the news of the Grand Return Duke Nukem Forever still burning in our hearts. Wherein, Randy Pichford and his colleagues do not forget about their promoted brands.

Take at least the chief long-playing series from “Girboxes” – Brothers in Arms. Pichford gave the public to understand that it is not going to forget about Matthew Biker and his friends – they are all the main characters Brothers in Arms – and will soon please us with new announcements. FROM Borderlands Also all expected well. Gearbox Software Prepares for her a new loadable addition, which will be absolutely free. DLC will allow pumping his character in the game already up to the 69th level, will make some changes in the balance and will be available for download on September 28th of this year.

Returning to the topic of our honorable Duke Nyukem, We are in a hurry to inform you that from now on all rights to development belong Gearbox. Myself Pichford very pleased with the acquisition of the company, assuring us in the fact that the next year the project is far from the last game on the famous license, which will be released by his studio. In other words, we are awaiting a lot of “Dukes of Nytems”. Concerning 3D Realms, then everyone is convinced that Gearbox – the most suitable for Duke Nukem The developer who competently orders his further fate.

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