Mass Effect: Andromeda – Who Are Pibi, Bark And Liam

Home » Game News » Mass Effect: Andromeda – Who Are Pibi, Bark And Liam
September 16, 2022
2 minutes

By Jonny Gamer

Twist novels with colleagues – this is, of course, not the main entertainment in the coming Mass Effect: Andromeda, However, learn in advance what kind of people (or aliens) will not hurt. BioWare Shared some information about them on the official website of the project.

For example, the developers published an interview with the actress Christine Laken (Christine Lakin), which voiced by syncing Pib9. The full name of the Communion of the Rayder sounds like Peregesari B’Sail. Developers describe it as an arrow and biotic destabilizer. Favorite weapons – Greeting Greeting Gun, and the most frequently used ability – “invasion”. Pibi is pretty careless and friendly, always in search of adventures, but it does not experience any ideological attachment to the initiative of Andromeda.

Another thing – Lieutenant Cora Harper, who was the right hand of Alec Ridera (Father of both protagonists Mass Effect: Andromeda), the main commander of the initiative “Andromeda” by people. Considered a powerful biotic, served with the detachment of Azari “Daughters Talein”, owns weapons and tactics of the hunter, favorite ability – “Biotic charge”.

Finally, Liam Costa. Another person in the team of the Ride. Response Specialist in crisis situations actively used in battles by a couple of Omni-blade and rocket launcher. Middle Fight Amateur, most often applies the ability of the “empty blow”.

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