Evil Genius 2: Pre-Ordered Start And Sandbox Mode Trailer

Home » Game News » Evil Genius 2: Pre-Ordered Start And Sandbox Mode Trailer
September 21, 2022
2 minutes

By Jonny Gamer

To release Evil Genius 2: World Domination Six weeks left. Company Rebellion I decided that it was time to start collecting pre-orders and show the previously not announced gear mode.

The name of the regime speaks for itself – in it you can build a lair of your dreams, without looking back to the progress system and other limitations from the campaign. Have fun like a soul wishes – fill the database traps for enemies or gossip the corridors to the labyrinth, where unfortunate workers will wander.

After exit World Domination The authors plan to supply a novelty for paid and free content. Support is broken for seasons – so, in a paid subscription of the first season included:

  • A set of campaigns (whether fresh campaign, whether any additives for the mode is unclear),
  • Two twigs (Henchmen),
  • Two sets of whims (Minions),
  • Set of objects for Logov.

World Domination Sold in Steam in the composition of the two publications:

  • Standard – 652 rubles (taking into account 10% discount for early purchase).
  • Deluxe – 976 rubles (taking into account the discount 10%):
    • a game,
    • Seasonal subscription,
    • The subject “Northern Lights”.

For owners of the first Evil Genius In service Valve Discount grows up to 15%.

For pre-orders of the strategy, two in-game items are relying:

  • The fountain of youth is a twitch, which will come out of it, pump up their parameters.
  • Trojan horse – the legendary statue will open unique schemes.

Evil Genius 2: World Domination Visit computers on March 30.

Evil Genius 2: Pre-Ordered Start And Sandbox Mode TrailerEvil Genius 2: Pre-Ordered Start And Sandbox Mode TrailerEvil Genius 2: Pre-Ordered Start And Sandbox Mode Trailer

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