Modder Added To Dark Souls Among Us Style Mode

Home » Game News » Modder Added To Dark Souls Among Us Style Mode
September 23, 2022
2 minutes

By Jonny Gamer

If suddenly Among us It seems to you too casual, the Inferno Plus is a surprise for you. He crossed the first Dark Souls with fashionable now gameplay – now characters can die not only from mobs, but also from the hand of the traitor.

Recall, Inferno Plus undertook to realize RemaStest Mod – prokuchny version Dark Souls With a mad multiplayer. Mode with social stealth will be part of this fashion.

The idea is as follows: A group of four players is going together to defeat the boss or achieve a certain checkpoint. There is a traitor in the detachment, but none of the good guys know who this role got. It is important not to kill comrades for any suspicious deed. Otherwise, this will not only simplify the task of the cheater, but will reduce the chances of the band to defeat the boss.

At the disposal of the impositor, a whole arsenal of peculiar gadgets, including a sensory bomb, a poisonous smoke checker and subject called “Neulyha” (butterfingers) – he briefly makes the hero on the contrary to cut everyone around. Also impose into a common chaos can make a thing that revives the fallen hero, but turns it into a traitor.

RemaStest Mod version 2.0.2 Available as for Prepare to Die Edition, and for publication Remasctered – You can download it here. The description of the fashion states that some antivirus programs respond to DSCM, but it is not worth worrying – this is only a modification so that the players have the opportunity to connect to each other in Dark Souls.

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