Creative Assembly Does Not Plan To Continue Alien: Isolation – The Authors Of Horrora Are Generally Left The Studio

Home » Game News » Creative Assembly Does Not Plan To Continue Alien: Isolation – The Authors Of Horrora Are Generally Left The Studio
September 26, 2022
2 minutes

By Jonny Gamer

It seems that the dreams are not destined to come true: yesterday’s hearing about Sikvel Alien: Isolation from Creative Assembly And SEGA received refutation from eurogamer.

The site contacted your sources to learn the details. They reported that neither sequel Alien: Isolation, Neither another game in the Universe “Alien” in Creative Assembly Currently not created. Command Halo Wars 2 really engaged in the prototype of its next project, but with the brainchild Ridley Scott (Ridley scott) it is not connected.

However, this is not all: the overwhelming part of the designers Alien: Isolation generally do not work in Creative Assembly. To check this statement, Eurogamer compared the list of horror authors and Halo Wars 2 – coincidence really little.Creative Assembly Does Not Plan To Continue Alien: Isolation – The Authors Of Horrora Are Generally Left The Studio
Eurogamer assumes that everything is marked. Alien: Isolation Received very positive feedback, but she did not have large commercial success – according to some reports, the circulation of the game was about two million copies, and most of them accounted for sales.

Recall that all of the above is unofficial reports, although EUROGAMER trusts them. SEGA Also gave a public comment: “At the moment Studio Creative Assembly Busy development Total War: Warhammer 2 and non-announced projects “. Say something about gossip about Alien: Isolation 2 Publisher did not.

By this regard, you can remember the quotation of the classic: “Game Over, Man. Game Over!”.

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