An Online Strategy 1100ad Opened A New Server

Home » Game News » An Online Strategy 1100ad Opened A New Server
September 29, 2022
2 minutes

By Jonny Gamer

1100AD game is a mass browser strategy, the action of which takes place in the Middle Ages – the most interesting and beautiful period of history, saturated in the spirit of romance and knightly battles. The game of its kind is unique and has no analogues, because 1100ad is a strategy with tactic elements.

Player’s task – Build and develop your city. Newbies are provided with two-week protection against attacking other players, and therefore no one can send a hike with an attack or help and a player can easily develop his city. And further, strengthen the castle, hiring people, to extract resources and prepare for attack, ejevery in knightly fights, raids on enemy cities and communicate with other players.
An Online Strategy 1100ad Opened A New Server
The game launched a new unique server called Outreer. This is a huge PVP world based on a real Mediterranean map that reflects the territory from the Apennine Peninsula in the West to the Holy Land in the East. Ditamvie takes place in 1172, where six kingdoms (the Jerusalem Kingdom, the Antioch Principality, the Byzantine Empire, Egypt, the Turks of Seljuki and the Kingdom of Sicily) are fighting for domination of the region. Straighten, develop, the server appeared on the server and the long-awaited seafront system, but in addition to military nautical movements, you can conduct a peaceful maritime trade.
Start your adventure in the Mediterranean, choosing one of the six sides, for which you will fight – link for free registration.

An Online Strategy 1100ad Opened A New Server

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