Pip-Boy From Fallout 4 Returns To The Sale! Improved!

Home » Game News » Pip-Boy From Fallout 4 Returns To The Sale! Improved!
October 4, 2022
2 minutes

By Jonny Gamer

Remember how last summer the people literally went crazy Bethesda declare the release of a special publication Fallout 4, which includes the present – if you can express it – the wrist computer PIP-Boy, working from the smartphone? Then the developers still assured in connection with the factory difficulties, they are not able to produce more valuable accessories.

However, over the past year Bethesda not just managed to laugh a new batch of collective PIP-Boy, but also to improve it.

As today it became known at the presentation of the publisher in honor of the exhibition E3 2016, now the creators Fallout 4 Offer the so-called Deluxe Bluetooth Edition, which, of course, will also be on sale in strictly limited quantities (five thousand pieces at all).

Unlike last year’s version, in the PIP-Boy of the new generation weighing near a kilogram, you do not need to insert a smartphone with a pre-installed application. He already has its own screen to which data from your mobile device (including tablet) is transmitted via Bluetooth. In addition, the manual computer will be able to show phone calls, messages, fight music. And without connecting to the “external” device – work alarm clock and demonstrate images from the game (Status, s.P.E.FROM.AND.BUT.L., PERKS).

Please note that the Deluxe Bluetooth Edition set worth $ 350 does not include a copy Fallout 4. But there is a charging stand that can be used as a speaker.

Pip-Boy From Fallout 4 Returns To The Sale! Improved!Pip-Boy From Fallout 4 Returns To The Sale! Improved!Pip-Boy From Fallout 4 Returns To The Sale! Improved!Pip-Boy From Fallout 4 Returns To The Sale! Improved!Pip-Boy From Fallout 4 Returns To The Sale! Improved!Pip-Boy From Fallout 4 Returns To The Sale! Improved!Pip-Boy From Fallout 4 Returns To The Sale! Improved!Pip-Boy From Fallout 4 Returns To The Sale! Improved!Pip-Boy From Fallout 4 Returns To The Sale! Improved!

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