The Authors Of Doom Eternal Intend To Provide A Game Of Stable Post-Class Support

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October 7, 2022
2 minutes

By Jonny Gamer

No matter how beautiful Doom 2016, in some places the developers are calculated – the shooter support for the shooter turned out to be quite scanty. According to the head ID Software Marty Stratton Marty Stratton) Doom Eternal After the exit, the content will receive in full.

As the developer noted in an interview with Official Xbox Magazine magazine, many continue to play the last Doom, However, the studio still regains himself for not allowing gamers more incentives to return to the game. Instead of updates ID almost immediately proceeded to create Eternal.

To be honest, we do this thanks to demand. We see hundreds and hundreds of thousands of players who continue to play in Doom 2016, but we have nothing [for them]. They asked more add-ons, they asked more ways to play, and we, in truth, immediately moved to the development Doom Eternal And they did not give anything.The Authors Of Doom Eternal Intend To Provide A Game Of Stable Post-Class Support
Stratton also mentioned some of the post-class additives for Eternal:

  • At least two additions for solitary mode,
  • Master-level “sectant base”,
  • Weekly and monthly tests,
  • New content for Multiplayer Mode Battlemode,
  • opportunity to invade in other people’s worlds.

Recall that at the same time Eternal There will be no microtransactions – all cosmetic items are extracted solely for experience points that are issued during the game.

Doom Eternal It turns out on March 20 on PC, PlayStation 4, Xbox One and Google Stadia. Version for Nintendo Switch will appear later. All you need to know about the militant in front of the release, you will find in our news.

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