The History Of Kentucky Route Zero Will Be Completed Simultaneously With The Release On Consoles In 2018

Home » Game News » The History Of Kentucky Route Zero Will Be Completed Simultaneously With The Release On Consoles In 2018
October 7, 2022
2 minutes

By Jonny Gamer

Quest about magic realism Kentucky Route Zero although it does not reach the “long-term” to something like Duke Nukem Forever, But still it turns out extremely slowly: the first episode appeared in January 2013, and when the final fifth starts, until the last moment was not known.

However, on the eve of Studio Cardboard Computer Finally announced that the final act will be ready at the beginning of 2018. Simultaneously with this on PlayStation 4, Xbox One and Nintendo Switch will be released Kentucky Route Zero: TV Edition. It will include all five episodes together with the interludes, as well as some other improvements and a number of localizations (Russian among them has not been stated).

PC version of the game will also receive edits TV Edition. According to Cardboard Computer, all options Kentucky Route Zero will be the same. In addition to naturally, the platform on which you play.

The authors note that the console versions of steel are possible thanks to cooperation with Annapurna interactive. The company helps to pass certification for consoles, transfers the quest to other languages and works with media. As noted Cardboard Computer, Neanan Gary (Nathan Gary) from AnnaPurna was among the first “backers” who supported Kentucky Route Zero At Kickstarter in 2011.

Cardboard Computer assures that the contract with Annapurna interactive Allows the studio to fully focus on the final act of the game. So on all sorts of parallel things like porting on console authors will not be distracted too much.

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