Fan Bought A Courier In Dota 2 For $ 38,000

Home » Game News » Fan Bought A Courier In Dota 2 For $ 38,000
October 13, 2022
2 minutes

By Jonny Gamer

Some player Dota 2 Under Nickname PAADA the other day of rich for 38 thousand US dollars, and all because some enthusiast agreed to postpone the above-mentioned amount for the War Dog courier with the Ethereal Flame Pink effect.

How you yourself can guess, such a kind of courier in Dota 2 is an extreme rare. First, War Dog is included in the list of “historical” (legacy) of creatures opened in the first few weeks from the date of appearance in the game “Unusual” (Unusual).

Secondly, Ethereal Flame – “Heavenly Fire”, enveloping courier paws – a very rare visual effect. Whereas finally pink flame color is generally perceived by users Dota 2 almost like an eighth miracle of light. And the fact that the color of the sunset is not among the ten template colors pre-installed by developers Valve Shortly after the bug with black couriers showed.Fan Bought A Courier In Dota 2 For $ 38,000
So, consider War Dog – the most deficient in Dota 2 A variety of carriers of items from the camp to the team and vice versa. ETHEREAL FLAME – the most popular special effect, and for pink is generally ready to kill. At the moment, only four couriers with similar characteristics are known in the game. It turns out a very rare combination for which 38 thousand bucks is not sorry. Although no, sorry.

By the way, this amount is far from the most impressive of those ever were paid for a virtual gaming facility. So, for example, in 2010, some John Jacobs (Jon Jacobs) safely broke up with a space station in MMO Entropia Universe Already for 635 thousand green.

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