Tmartn And Prosyndicate, Who Owned The Site Csgolotto, Came Out With Dry Water

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October 17, 2022
2 minutes

By Jonny Gamer

Last summer, Youtube is not Trevor Martin (Trevor “Tmartn” Martin) and Tom Kassell (Tom “Prosyndicate” Cassell) slept into a very unpleasant scandal when it was revealed that the couple advertised the site CSGOLOTTO.COM with gambling guides for weapons in Counter-Strike: Global Offensive And he herself owned.

What Martin And Cassel (with an aggregate audience of more than 13 million people) did not advertise their interest in the project, which, by the way, is associated with decent real money (for one 2015 year, according to Bloomberg, on sites like CSGOLOTTO has passed transactions with valuable skins on 2.3 billion US dollars) not only violated the rules of the YouTube service, but also caused suspicion of the results of the results in videos involving TmartN And Prosymndicate (Painfully they easily won considerable amounts).

Moreover, it became known that guys paid to other YouTube users from 2.5 to 55 thousand US dollars for taking CSGOLOTTO and avoid any negative criticism in the site address.

And you know what? The other day, the Federal Trade Commission of the United States of America, regulating such issues, decided that neither Martin, n Cassel should not bear any punishment for your misconduct.

Conducting an investigation, the Commission concluded that the guys would be enough promise to do so. MOL, TmartN And Prosymndicate just need to forget CSGOLOTTO as a terrible dream and continue to always indicate your interest in a particular business. Otherwise they are caught by 40 thousand dollars.

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