“One Of The Best Gaming Westerns” – Critics About Desperados Iii

Home » Game News » “One Of The Best Gaming Westerns” – Critics About Desperados Iii
October 19, 2022
2 minutes

By Jonny Gamer

Slowly selected to the release Desperados III – She comes out in three days. Critics have already tried the game and carried their verdict: the general opinion is inclined to the fact that Mimimi It turned out a wonderful tactical Western.

At the time of writing news from Desperados III 86 points out of 100 based on 38 reviews. The game recommends 92% of the reviewers, and among the best releases of the 2020, it takes the 15th place.

The author of PC Gamer (86/100) calls Desperados III “A brilliant tactical sandbox that pins you again and again”. According to the reviewer, a new game Mimimi more temperament and slightly less elegant than Shadow Tactics, But it is great for stories about cowboys and gangsters. On the Rock Paper Shotgun (no rating) write that this is the continuation of which deserved Desperados, and one of the greatest Westerns on the PC on a par with Outlaws And Red Dead Redemption 2.

There are those who met Desperados III cooler. An employee of the Spanish Hobby Consolas (70/100) writes that there are obsolete mechanics in the game, and progress strongly depends on the method of trial and error. They say fans for all this game will love, but beginners, probably it is hard. Push Square (7/10) is neglected about the same problems: the gameplay often does not forgive mistakes, and the rules are sometimes overwhelmed by nuances.

If you do not trust someone else’s opinion or just want to meet with Desperados III early, then on GOG.COM you can try a demo. The release of the game will take place on June 16 on PC, PlayStation 4 and Xbox 1. If you purchase Desperados III Before it is released, you will receive a Digital Deluxe set with a seasonal subscription.

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