Neighbours from Hell 2: ON VACATION: Game Walkthrough and Guide

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March 29, 2022
10 minutes

By Jonny Gamer

Neighbours from Hell 2: ON VACATION: Passage
Neighbours from Hell 2: ON VACATION: Game Walkthrough and Guide
Passage covers all 14 episodes of the game, as well as a complete list of tricks and the procedure for their implementation to achieve the highest possible result and moral satisfaction. And remember that in the fight against neighbors, like with cockroaches, all the means are good, and the field of brave is alive to leave someone alone. Let’s hope that you will be, and the cart will not pass the cart with “Oscars” for the immaculately performed operation on the extermination of his neighbor.

Episode First – All Aboard – whistle all upstairs!

This is not even an episode, but a warm-up, created with the sole purpose – to teach you the Azami fight against neighbors. The first two tricks will literally get together and make swallow. Take a piece of soap from the chest. Put the soap in the puddle on the top deck and go down. When a neighbor slip, take the stud from the handbag. Use the hairpin as a hone to open the lock on the locker (hold the image of the hairpin in the mug so that it does not leave it). Take the adjustable key and perochny knife from the locker. Climb upstairs and pick up a knife with a feet of a table with food. Go down and take another piece of soap. Climb on top deck and use the adjustable key on the railing. Put a piece of soap in a puddle and run down. The last trick is quite simple. Climb upstairs and take spaghetti from the pan. Use spaghetti on the captain’s cap. Run down and get “Oscar”.

Episode Second – Covert Advance – Partisan War

Liner visited the first port on the Chinese coast. While a neighbor exercises in drinking beer for speed, prepare him a couple of surprises. Take a look at the garbage tank and pull out the shark fins from there. Go to the right to the bridge through the lake and make the bamboo stick. Go down where the boy plays, and take the sand bucket. Remove the head of the fish saw from the signboard. Relax a little sea algae near Olga’s litter. Use a bamboo stick to carry out a mink crab.
When a neighbor goes to the bridge, quickly pop up on its territory – crab throw in a refrigerator with beer, ripes put on sand and cover with sea algae. Running to the boy where you need to have time to push the fin for a submarine on radio control.
Now climb up and scoop the bucket of electric eel in the aquarium. Go to the bridge, squeeze the railing fish-saw and pour electric echo into the lake.
If you are fast enough, then in 2:40 we will manage quite realistically. Congratulations, the second “Oscar” in your collection.

Episode Third – The Cabin Is Occupied – Busy!

Excursion deep into the most red country on the planet led you to the most red city, where even the tribune with the portrait of the leader, and the toilet is adjacent to the real cosmic rocket! This city is your neighbor remember for a long time.
Open the castle on the Olga’s handbake and get the headway from there. Take a plate and sharp red pepper sauce next to Olga. Climb upstairs and take a cannonic core. Next to the broken generator take the canister with butter. Use tights on a broken generator. Get down and run to the toilet on the second floor. Spray red sauce to toilet paper, and oil from the canister, smear the water shoe handle.
Get down and hide the cannon core among watermelons. And finally, unwind the bike with a wrench.
Thank you, applause do not need.

Episode Fourth – for Whom The Gong Sounds – Bell Calls

Chinese evil… That is, adventures continue, this time you are in a more travel city, where they sell souvenirs and beat in gong to entertain the public.
Start with the fact that win the ivy bear in the gaming machine. Give a bear boy and get a slap in return. Take the brick, as well as garden scissors. Go down and lift an empty bowl. Turn out the handle from the umbrella stand. Climb upstairs and cross the Misa Miscellaneous Salo from a large plate near the guy drowning in Gong. Screw the handle from the umbrella to a stick, which beat the Honey.

Go to the right to the table with hot dogs and put a flap instead of sausage. Get down and use garden scissors to cut the necklace. Spray with a bowl of Bowl Vase near. Go to the place where a neighbor loves to show karate, and put a real brick on the stand. Now go to Ricksche, where Olga sits, and lubricate the handles of the truck residues of fat. Ah yes you!

Episode Fifth – Ping-Pong Fucius – Coward does not play ping pong

Another holiday day on the Chinese coast. Neighbor decided to do sports. What a field for fancy!
Go to the bar, where the cooler cooked cooks, and take it with glasses. Steal in chicken egg. Go down where the boy plays, and take the rocket from the drawer. Climb up and go to the right. Remove the camera for a bicycle from the box. Near the hammer and nails, take them. Go through the bridge and insert the rocket in the mood of the stone lion. With the help of glasses, burn fire – the stone head is yours.
Get down and put an egg instead of a ping pong ball. Take the rope from the anchor. Close up and put the camera from a bike in a basket with eels.
Go down and quickly pinned with nails water skiing. Now put the stone head of the lion in the sand next to the boy. Last Parks – Put the Savka on the neighbor, made from the rope, which is accumulated to salute. Close up and enjoy the presentation.

Episode Six – Every Shot A Hit – Without Promach

You again in the sea, and the regiment of your enemies arrived. Now you have to fight immediately against two and a half opponents: against a neighbor, his mom masses and an evil concerned dog. In fact, everything is not so difficult, as it seems at first glance.
Take a look in the bags next to get a pillow and an expander gum. Place the pillow in a bunch of ordinary pillows and hide in the pipe near. When a neighbor is leaving, and Mamas will sleep, choose from shelter and pull out the machine on the wall of the mixture of the sticky tape for cleaning the teeth. Take the dog bedding with fleas and toy bunny. Go down and attach the gum to the harpoon from the ladder. Put the bunny in the catapult. Go to the rod and change the towel on the dog bedding. Climb upstairs and put a sticky tape for cleaning the teeth in a drawer with dynamite checkers.
Well, a neighbor, well, wait!

Seventh Episode – Mummy’s Darling – Mamienekin Son

The next country where you got – India. What do you know about this country? That’s right, there proceeds the Indian River, in which living and fused on the world dead. Almost all year round is a terrible heat. No one eats the sacred cows (I do not know if there are bulls eating). Fakira and snake caster there on every corner, and even this is the birthplace of Indian films and the most terrible food poisoning. What to say, the best place to revenge just do not come up!
Climb upstairs and take grill nippers. Get down and take the spring. Remove from a moped foot brake lever. Raise from the sand of the sea hedgehog. With the help of forceps, get the crab from the mink. Go to the pool on top and set the spring under the board for jumping. Give the whiskey bartender, and when it turns, take the ice bucket. Type in bucket water from the crane near the pool. Take Water Water Verification. Go down and put the crab next to the sink. Once again, break the hole of the crab and get another individual.
Take the crab and put it in the ditch of the sand castle. Put the sea hedgehog on the litter. Climb upstairs and attach the brake lever to the sticking stick, the negative awning. Install the springs again under the jump board and enjoy the hands of your hands.

Eighth Episode – Above The Clouds – where only eagles fly

First excursion – and you just can’t calmly look at how a neighbor mocks a poor elephant. If you act quickly, then in 3:40 you can manage.
Take the ball from the basket. Do not forget to grab the shovel by the wall on the left. Go to the left and pull the mouse out of the mink. Go to the right and plug in Fakiir Ball. Then led the shovel to the swings where the boy sits.

Go down and take the chalk, hanging on the right of the booth, drum from a broken washing machine and a piece of cable. Cut the dog and put the rake on the floor. On the left you will see Cobra, make her mouse.
Go to the left and use the drum from the washing machine on the foot massage device. Climb up and catch another mouse. Show the mouse to the elephant, and when it runs out, draw a chalk hole, a little closer to the initial.
Climb up and put a cobra in the bowl of money. Connect the cable so that the river turns into an electric trap. A neighbor will be pleased.

Ninth Episode – Burning With AMBITION – burned at work

The second excursion – and the neighbor still teases the son of Olga and mocks the sacred beef. Will have to teach him another lesson.
Take the right canister with a gasoline and a box of matches. You already have a penny knife, so climb upstairs and cut a bouquet of flowers. Run down, give a bouquet cow. Do not expect anything, quickly run right, take the pants with a fit and fur. Back to the left, lift the cow a cow and climb upstairs.
Go down, and while mom in the booth, make ice cream from cowhide. Close up and go right. Fur Heat Coal. Fill fuel to a water vessel. Now take the panties and fill them with hot coals. See a round rug at the door? Use matches on it to set fire to the gas and blow up the rug, thereby freeing the entrance to the bottomless well.
When a neighbor will remove the slippers and go to sleep, quickly put the cowards with coals to him in sneakers. Run left and pour fuel into crewing opposite Fakir. Go down and deploy the harness cow.
Where is our Oscar? And here he. Thanks!

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