Just Cause 2: Game Walkthrough and Guide

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May 23, 2022
11 minutes

By Jonny Gamer

Just Cause 2: Passage
Just Cause 2: Game Walkthrough and Guide
Republic of Panau, South – East Asia.

Welcome to Panau.

Jumping from the helicopter, catching up Marshal in the air, and then landing in the landing zone. You need to collect five cards of memory yet, no enemies reached them. In order to climb a high building enough to use a hook. They can also attract enemies from large distances. Picking up the first card, discard barrels with flammable on the heads of enemies. Take the second card, take weapons. Kill enemies, raise the third card, sit down for the zenith and knock the helicopter. You can get to the fourth card by clicking the huge ravine. We cling to the hook for the car by typing the speed, let go and reveal the parachute. Killing a soldier, take the fourth card and cling to the helicopter. Jump from the helicopter, we take explosives and destroy missile installations. We do with the resistance of the enemy. We leave the baza enemy, clinging for the helicopter.

Disassembly in the casino.

Go to the skyscraper. We climb on the very top. Neutralize bombs, alternately pressing numbers 1-4. Two helicopters appear. By killing the arrow you can hoock and take control of the helicopter on yourself, and then embed it in the building thereby destroying it. Savor Karl, climbing in a hanging hatch. Watch Roller. Holding “F” cling Carl’s car to the tractor. We climb on the roof of the car and shoot enemies along the way.

Grouping cockroaches.
Free trade.

Follow the people of the “razor”, especially actively protecting the technique. Go to the other side and open the gate. From the tower reset the sniper, I smoke the arrow from the machine gun slot. While the technician captures the database of the enemy, sit down for the machine gun and destroy the approaching forces of the enemy.

Red or blue?

We select equipment and go to the first bomb. We have four minutes to neutralize four bombs. Do it will not be very easy. We try to use a hook as often as possible and move exclusively on the roofs of houses.

Pursuit of paparazzi.

Raise equipment and sit down on a motorcycle. Catch up with paparazzi and kill him. Then select the camera, throw it into the container.

Grouping Ulary.
Voltage jump.

Jump over the other side, open the gate. We protect the technique, killing the enemies on the roof and on the towers. We calculate the accumulation of the enemy from machine-gun nest. Sit down for him and shoot enemies. We destroy the BTR.

Otlia Goriukka.

We get ammunition, sit down in the car and go to the mini database. We calculate the database, we wake a laptop and, without leaving, we wait until the data is available. And in this order two more times.

Grouping Zntsy.
Exact science.

As usual, accompany the technique and penetrate the database. Open the gate. Sit down for zenith and destroy the helicopter. Smoke opponents from machine-gun nests. We are waiting for the technician, captures the database, shooting from enemies.

Mountains and valleys.

Sit on a motorcycle and go to military base. Go down at the bottom of the mine, we wake the console and quickly go up using a hook.

Political debate.

Sit down on a motorcycle. A little to the right will be a springboard, we fly through it down. Catch up with limousine, kill the arrow and throw off the driver. Deliver a tenge to the point of collection.

Taming of the beast.

Get to the base of the enemy. I hone with armored personnel carrier. Deliver it to the collection point.

Pirate video.

We go to the television. Activate four satellite antennas. By downloading the video until it is reproduced, quickly arrange two bombs at the very top. At the very last moment we jump and admire the beautiful explosion.

Grouping cockroaches.
Problems at the airport.

Reaching the airport, kill the pilot and raise His PDA. On the take-off strip we grab the plane in which the baby is. Take off, a little flying, we get all the codes.

Green corridor.

Go to the airport. Catch a traitor and kill.

Oil for blood.

Accompanying machinery. And then as usual.

Theft with hacking.

Penetrate the military base. We wake a laptop, and then wait until the data is available.

Smugglers run.

It’s time to ride a boat. Sitting in the parked death car. Catch up two enemy boats and destroy them with rockets.

Grouping Ulary.
How from the moon fell.

Get to the cosmodrome Panau. Need to destroy three satellites. Make it easy with remote grenades. Bottom to lay them useless. Destroying all three satellites, learn about the fourth. Sit down in the fighter and in the air shoot a rocket.

New contacts.

We take the agent right from under the nasal. Please it to the point of collection.

Grouping Zntsy.
Right to wearing.

Accompanying machinery. Open the gate, kill machine gunner and sniper. We are successful to a radio transmitter, pass through the enemies. We are waiting until the technician breaks the radio transmitter.

Important witness.

Penetrate the enemy database. We try to open the door. Need a map. A little waiting, the name of the officer will notice, kill it and take the map. We enter the room, load data from GPS. We are waiting for the helicopter and cling to it. Capture the car in which the witness is. Take it to the delivery point.

Shofer Miss Stacy.

Hijacking nearby standing limousine. We select Stacy and please it to a safe place.

Task agency.
White Tiger.

Get to the “shelter of the player”, which is in the desert. First kill snipers, and then the rest. On one of the tips there is a walkie-talkie, with the help of it we inform the executioner that everything is clean. When they come out with Pang, we kill the executioner. Accompany Panga. Sitting on a motorcycle and go for him to the refuge of the white tiger. We kill the colonel there and take the storage device. Get to Mayak. Follow Sheldon, destroying everything in a row from the machine gun.

Salvation in the mountains.

Sit down to the helicopter and fly to the military base. We destroy four ventilation stations. Go to the entrance. Kill three ninjas. While we are fired from the atomic submarine, we capture the car with Jade Tan and save on the helicopter.

Grouping Ulary.

Accompanying machinery. Killing a machine gunner at the entrance. Next two snipers and a couple of machine gunners. Know the helicopter.

On the rocks.

Sit down on the plane and go to the island of Hanta. Let’s fly in the direction of smoke, suddenly our plane knock the unknown force. Speak with a pilot. He will show the way to cargo. Deactivate power sources. We destroy the pulse reactor. Get to the truck and please it before the collection point.

Death of mercenaries.

Make your way to the training camp. Before you kill the mercenary, it will be best to first deal with simple soldiers.

Deadly sin.

Catch up with limousine and kill everyone who is in it.

By versham.

We climb the skyscraper and meet with a hacker. Cover it while it hacks databases. Pulmonary shotgun and grenade launcher against helicopters. On the roof there are plenty of them.

Rico Day in court.

Get to witnesses and kill them.

Grouping cockroaches.
Head of state.

We go to the city square. Destroy the statue and trailer her head to unshakable BTR. Take to the point of collection.

Stream hold.

Get to the following way. Neutralize all four bombs. The complexity is that it needs to be done very quickly.

Mile High Club.

Make your way to airship in the sky. We hate three laptops. Next, so as not to give the ship to explode go on the stern, we go down the stairs, kill the guards and try to neutralize the bomb. Shoot on yellow fasteners.

Grouping Zntsy.
Optical sight.

We go to the position for firing. Shoot the Chinese from the sniper rifle will not work.

Black gold.

You can get to the oil tower with the help of a fighter that is near the take-off stripe. We destroy the tower by 66%.

Hell on wheels.

Get to Convoa. Need to neutralize three cars. Bombs are in the back of the car.

Task agency.
Three kings.

Sit down on the roof of the hotel. Kill Zhang Sunya. Cling to Sheldon helicopter. Killing Alexander Merkov (while Sheldon distracts him, we throw grenades from afar). Let’s fly to the next skyscraper. We blow up the doors of Vasio’s apartments. Kill Vasio, without falling under laser rays.

Grouping Zntsy.
Chemical laboratory.

We carry out machinery. Killing grenadeometers on the tower. Next machine gunner, sniper and one more machine gunner. Defending.

Planting helicopters.

We go to helicopters. We destroy them until they destroyed an important object.

Death from the sky.

Cling to the helicopter and make your way to military database. We destroy fighters.

I am free!

Get to the port. Find a container with a hostage. Blast it. Deliver the hostage to the collection point.

Clear sky.

Make your way to military base. Need to reprogram the laptop, and then wait for the decoding, beating off from enemies.

Unexpected pardon.

Capture a car that transports Saul Sukna. We assign it to a safe place.


We select Dr. Rezanev. And we are going with a doctor in Hunun Hotel. We kill all government dogs.

Grouping Ulary.
Beam plates.

Get to the base of Pan Milsat. Activate the first panel. We catch up with Ho Fuka and kill him. Activate the second panel. We destroy satellite plates. You can climb on it if you hurry after activating the second panel.

Select candy at a millionaire.

Carrying the car Tom Gunavan. Deliver it to the point of collection of target and safety.


Catch up and destroy all vans.

Toys for boys.

We carry out equipment to the warehouse. On the way, we destroy three military cars. Open the gate. Kill snipers and machine gunner. We protect technicians: destroying machines and helicopter.

Pulling jeremy.

Get to the resident. Speak with the resident and take it to the collection point.

Saint Smoke!

We go to the temple. We defend a cache from big waves opponents.

Grouping cockroaches.
Officer and killer.

Get to the estate of the colonel. We destroy four SPK. Kill the colonel (it is easiest to do this from a grenade launcher).

Red river.

Find Captain Singha. Sit down for a machine gun and protect the boat. Peel from the boat and go to open the gateway, go back to the boat. We destroy the helicopters (the machine gun can be not too effective against them, you can deal with them with your weapon). When the gate open, jump from the boat and find another transport to flash on it to mines.


We carry out the technique to the station. Killing a machine gunner, two snipers and a grenadeometer.

Information highway.

We find a convoy officer. Capture an officer and wait until the download is over.


Make your way to military base and destroy all five bunkers.

About Panay – Redeemer.

Get to the peak of the carcavod. We destroy the statue using a number of worth the helicopter and remove the head to the collection point.

Urgently in the room!

We find a journalist and kill him.

Task agency.
In the lair of the villain.

Now you have to choose. Who will go with us at the most dangerous and responsible task? You can choose from three groups: Ularov, cockroaches and Rezoreov. In this passage, this leader of the Ularov. We go to them in headquarters. We go to the meeting place. We carry troops along the canyon to the point of the meeting. Reaching the bunker, the door blast the military. We destroy their BTR. Now get to the first anti-aircraft and destroy it. And so everyone else. Next, get to the input panel. Make your way to apartments kid. Watch Roller. We destroy the helicopter, we wake the console and go from the dome as quickly as possible.

Right case.

Get to the oil field. Jump on atomic submarine. We destroy helicopters and all staff. We wake a console. Watch Roller. So, we go back and accurate, the sighting shots we kill the pan. Watch Roller. This Label Gad launched nuclear missiles! We shoot in the kid, and while it rises, quickly neutralizing the rocket one after another. Reaching the last rocket, watch the movie.


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