Rex and UFO: Game Walkthrough and Guide

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June 2, 2022
12 minutes

By Jonny Gamer

Rex and UFO: passage

Playing it calmly it was difficult. To paint it like a boom for young gamers was impossible. Emotions beat the key, however, the toy will be interested in children. Yes, and an adult toy will drive a pretty fun too. I, for example, laughed from the soul. The developers did not stroke the share of healthy marasmus, the pearl in the game flashes, worthy of the bitter “full pipe”.


Soldiers get up! Under such a code name you can start the game. Get out of the coneers, listen to Achinu, which is brisk rooster, and go to the garden. UFO hostile to believe. What to do? You can step on the rake and get on the crusher. You can grab a bucket with hindrances (what kind of fear in the bucket, the game does not say, but taking into account the fact that there are three needles…) – However, this is also a dead-end version, because the contents of the bucket are blocked badly, but it’s not even bad ones back to the head. Suitable membrane gun – Bucket with beet.

Arcade, following this, is controlled by the mouse. Everything that is required is to scratch the beet identified flying plates. What do you want? WAV system with Rex at the level!

Schooling UFO, returning to the rooster and listen to a bunch of snot. Ah, he was stolen! Another would be happy that he had a bundle of caustic marriedians, and this… This scoundrel decided to create a cosmologist in order to reflect the invasion of “cosmits” (well at least not cosmopolitans). And here the mole activist appears. It is not clear what kind of rooted, but mourns something small.
Waiting when the rooster draws the drawing of the cosmolete – and go ahead. How he commented!!! One cannon-ion cable what is worth!

Next, collect the ship by its drawing. Spare parts can be collected easily. Some of them are lying in a cone, part in the garden, part in the yard and part in the barn. Details are easily rising, but it will not be able to collect them all over again (and then the navel of the navel will unleash), therefore, in turning with the drawing, they collect those details first that they make up the lower part of the cosmolete, and then in order. The ship is going to simply click spare parts on a circle with a cross in a barn on the floor.
When the cosmole is assembled, sit down and go… Not. Not forward. Here pops up the polisman with the “Starfors Activation Code”. Pirates Protection, Disc Cover Key. Only it is introduced not with diquses and beaks, but pictograms. While I realized which one of the representatives of the Pernoy Fauna who, a lover to request the code suggested that I “call dad with my mother and ask for me to help me”…

Well, here we are in space. Only fly in a circle. Sit firmly? In order to fly further, it is necessary to calibrate the crot. In fact, everything is extremely simple: it is necessary, to the planets on the planets in two glasss, to set them in such a way that the mole in the right point I saw the same thing as in the left.
Well, now you can fly. Letim, as usual, to the Milky Way. And here everything is like us. Roads ragling, asphalt stackers are not treated. Detour. And gasoline ran out. Let’s fly to hell.

Arcade is simple, but for the realization of this simplicity it took time.
According to my mental torments.
It is necessary: over the islands with sowing proudly and leisurely fly over the island, in order to hamster on the iron holding a fur cooked Mordea. His satiety (that is, the amount of fuel) will increase.
Do not: seek help to gods, turks and other shooting creatures. Stay away from meteorites, coconuts and other Paducha. It does not very well affect the status of the body of your ship.

Arriving, get pretzels from foreign invaders. Fall on the nearest planet. Ship Khan, Rex upstairs hangs, Hamster turns into a typewriter. At your disposal, one mole remains that, acting on the nerves, looms on the screen back and forth. You can twist any diverse tube, boards and covers. Your task – first help the mole climb upstairs and settle down the stove, then release a hamster, spend a hamster to the Rex so that it is overgrown with the first half of the rope, to spend the crotte on the stove to naked wires so that he is heroically closed the wires to herself, to spend the hamsterRex, so that he is overlapping rope.

Hurray all free. Now climb upstairs. Listen to some kind of clock story about the evil dictator (I did not say anything about Cheheger, although the portrait of his wall hangs on the wall… Well, almost his…). We look at how the pile of pink saliva dismissed, the mole in love will promise to save everyone from all…

Well, yes, he asked himself. Now he will have to dig a hole under the prison fence to free the bundle of the rebels. Partisanism, however! Dig away on two screens. Control buttons-arrows and a space. Remember the old good toy Digger? Nothing, remember.

Dipping three rolling moles (one already on the legs does not hold), returns back. While your commandman welcomes with a cloth, go down the stairs to the basement and look at the strange typewriter to scroll off the chickens from the egg (no, obviously without cannabis it did not cost here). Then go to the wreckage of the ship. You are promised to repair the cosmolet if you find a file. Find it easy. It is packaged in one of the French bulls, which lie on the windowsill in the room of the crotche. Yes yes, those becks that she stubbornly calls punish. Well, yes, on the spubby, it is also not something and you will be wrong.
Carry a file, see how you get a cosmolet, speak with crumbs. It seems the one that for furniture will make you a company in your further flights. Calling the closet to the crotich.

The next planet you will visit is even more smoked. Or rather Obindyuchen. Leave the furnish-shaped clock-partition from a cosmolete and go to communicate with turkey. And they are also Chernobyl! Everyone has two tanks, they cacked under the selection of the Great Wall of China, and this is boring that monteches with cabins are rotating in coffins, and Shakespeare and the air is not worse than three propellers at all.
After listening to the pack of traditional trep, take a letter and carry it in love montecs-turkey. Mole, as the most important Satolyubet, it remains to be dipped in love with turkey, and Rex, like a young pioneer, keeps playing Runner. Remember such a game? Netch, I remember.

In order not to run in vain and here, go through the first labyrinth and go to the ridiculous cave. Come down the second labyrinth, give the turkey Love Message and go back. Now go for the remaining two maze. Your task is to find six grass for potions from Amnesia. The grass is crushed in labyrinths, and their names are painted as tips on the walls of these most labyrinths.
For blind and lazy:
Bombedal – Yellow grass similar to sunshine.
Rambedal – Red Herb.
Boomboon – yellow grass with three sheets to the right and berry on two sheets left.
Gupidamis – Green grass.
Gabidulla – Lilac Background
Rambadul – the remaining yellow grass with three curls on a strange stem.
In general, to honestly, what you are looking for, does not really look like a flora.

We go to the top left cave. Give the grass to old marasmatics in the order in which they are indicated above. He wakes up memory, and he gives you a bowler. With the boiler, return to the mole and two turchaces. Give the boiler. It turns out, monkeys with kapuls precisely because of this kitchen utensils were hostile. But now, thanks to you, all the turkeys brothers, in honor of which the Great Wall of China would be good.
The mole climbs under the ground and slowly dumps the wall, as long as it does not affect the ground. The main thing is not to get brick on the head and do not forget that the fallen bricks can be moved (if there is where, of course).
Bursting under the ground an architectural masterpiece, click on the current huge wrench, we look at the edges of the generator and the rapid farewell and fly back to the mole planet.

Krotich will not lean. Gives a new task. What to do, you will have to pray again. Go down to the basement, then go to the cosmolet. Speak with the mole, select a familiar furniture-like clock and fly to a new planet (“look for the third planet”…).

Leaving the furniture-like guard from the ship, go through the village to the village. All simple. 1 and 2 switch the character, the Persian arrows are controlled. The thing in the upper right corner, if you get up on the panel with a cross, throws the bridge. Only to go on the bridge, apart with the cross it is necessary to stand. The key opens the door. Worms are better not to roaming, they are aggressive and careless.

Labyrinth passed? Welcome to Atrides and Harconenam. And you thought worms just jump out of the sand? Not only Shakespeare will have to sick Nonche.
Read a note, go left and come to Harkonen. Mafi’s frog promises to release a cat cotta if you win intergalactic races. Win them easier to light, and attempts unlimited number.
Winning the racing, pick a cat. He asks to remove the worms from the orthoshadow, which he grows (apparently, also sniffs, because the eye of the cat is three things). Go to the right, take the tape recorder and tank the worms until they can be spoiled from the disco. After receiving from the cat, recording the secret code and the bunch of soul men. It turns out that the controversy does not add extra eyes, but reduces the stock rate for 10 minutes.

Returning to the mole planet, speak with Crothikh, go down to the basement and reduce the hellish machine. After rising back, wear a curve costume, stitched with crothih and go outdoors.
Outside, full of cubs. Will stop, but with their memory they have figs, so you can still go. Course Curia easier at the top edge.
Going around the chickens, pass to the code lock, dial 2288 and pass to the cosmoport.
Ahead of a kettle-like spacecraft, and along the road to the teapot dead with braids… That is, it is… Chickens with beater. And silence…
However, silence is easy to break. Take the parrots while they do not call chickens in unison by name. Chickens depart to parrots, you go to the ship.

Ship flies on a malfuncting egg. Here is the fun and starts. The labyrinth acts on the nerves very professionally. Not only to understand where to go, it is impossible, so from time to time there is a maniac rooster with ingratiating voice and reports that the game as if Over. In addition, after a while, the voice behind the scenes, how mocking, reports that it would be nice to make a map of the labyrinth. Congatory, especially since the map of the labyrinth is to make a labyrinth without passing, unreal. And go hinds the rooster maniac.
For those who are tired of listening to the insane velvet baritone villain:
First you need to get to the bridge on the right in the middle. There you take a key card. To do this, go to the passage opposite to the one from which came twice, on the third bridge, go back and then go back all the time in the opposite of the passage through which the passage was.
Pick up? Congratulations. Now return until you get to the closest bridge. On this bridge, lead a stupid dog on yourself, that is, so that she looks at you from the screen. And again, in front of the opposite, through which came, pass.

In the end, you will fall on a bridge with a computer. In the computer you need to turn out the direction of the egg so that when you hit it, it flew past the planets and falls into the star (the right upper angle).
Something long ago there was no plagiarism… The appeared rooster will inform that he is your father (joke, the rooster will say that he is a brother of the earthly rooster, which. Then he snatches the sword glowing with green fire with three blades and…
Run a computer. Take a fault of the villain with me and run smoke chickens. Actually scribble them without you, and your task flies to drive. Shoot on the enemy stars and substitute for their shells, so as not to fall into the chipper.

Well, and the long-awaited finale. Snot. Mals are almost married. Wires. Earth, roosters are broken. Rex… More precisely, there is no shadow and rex. Cool dogs. Continuation in the next series. Goodbye.

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