SPIDER-MAN: Shattered Dimensions: Game Walkthrough and Guide

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June 16, 2022
12 minutes

By Jonny Gamer

SPIDER-MAN: Shattered Dimensions: Passage
SPIDER-MAN: Shattered Dimensions: Game Walkthrough and Guide

Chapter 1 – Kraven

Appearing in the jungle, begin to pursue Kravena, overcoming obstacles. Enemies blocking the path we send to knockout. On the way we get to the small arena, where an ambush is waiting for us. We raise with all the enemies and move outward. Mined traps are jumping.

In the meantime, it is already waiting for Kravelin with their new toy. Having dares from his attacks, put the opponents and try to make it so that his shots occurred on the trees in order to open the way further.

Next, we get into the arena where we will be seed “heavyweight”. We understand with him and go to hand-to-hand with the Kravalemself. It follows it when he completes his series of attacks and just gets in place. You should also beware of copies crawling out of the ground. In the first-person mode, on time, press the corresponding buttons in time to strike and dodge the crawling.

After getting into the jaw, our enemy flies somewhere far away, and we go to his searches. We find it in the temple, where we have to raise the platform by activating it from the buttons on each floor.

We rise to the top of the temple and meet already vigorous and cheerful kravela. It should be hitting it at that moment when he will be filled with yellow radiance and is about to strike. Periodically, he will jump on columns. Knock him down from there along with the column will not be labor.

Chapter 2 – Hammerhead

I appear at the station and begin to pursue a hard folio with his guards. On the eyes they should not come across, t.to. Rates anxiety.

We free the three hostages so that they discover our way further. Enemies do not forget to drag into the shadow and bind a web. We climb the window and continue the surveillance.

Open the door and get into a big hangar, where you neutralize all enemies. After following in the opening gate, where the first battle with solid. To strike him, you need to constantly hide in the shadow and try to go from the back. After the third strike, our “friend” will decide to leave our company, after having embarked on our tin head.

Using secrecy skills (well or violence), we are chosen outside, where we have to release five hostages, relating to them in a special zone. When everyone is saved – we get to the railway tracks, where it is necessary to simultaneously fight with people hardening and shy away from trains passing by.

Next will be the final battle with the villain. I hurt for the generator and wait until it explodes from the bullets shots. After the explosion, the whole area will cover smoke, and we, using this moment, go around the hardening on top and apply a blow to the back. When all generators are destroyed – we move to the wall and wait until our “favorite” does not let my head. As soon as the frontal attack starts – we jump in the direction and, using the concussion of the enemy’s brain, quickly apply strikes in the first person’s jaw.SPIDER-MAN: Shattered Dimensions: Game Walkthrough and Guide“E-hey, uhm!”

Chapter 3 – Hobgoblin

We fall down from the roof following Hobgoblin. Fields close enough, we catch his web and knock on the head. The main thing is on the way not to crash into flying past cars and obstacles.

Falling down, start catching the bomb “Hob” and send back to him. From strong emotional shock, he will fall down, where and continue to finish him.

Let’s go after Hobgoblin. From the front side of the building we deal with enemies, repeat this operation and inside the house. Through a breakdown window, fly further and continue to beat the physiognomy enemies. We also do not forget to throw benches and boxes in Hobgoblin (although his bombs are better fit).

On the hem of the elevator go up upstairs, twitch and jump down again. We repeat what they did at the very beginning. By landing, we continue to fight, go to another elevator mine. Now there is a last battle with Hobgoblin, only he learned to restore health by Gargulo. Therefore, as soon as his health becomes less than half, quickly one after another we destroy Gargulo, not giving “Hobu” to restore health completely.


After exploring the electricity, you begin to beat back from his minions. Go to the pumping station and save four workers. In the next room we see villain in all its villainous greatness. We begin to beat at the moment when he falls into a minute stupor after a lightning jerk. From time to time, he will also let a lightning shield with a beam and teleport to one of the generators, from where it should be shot down.

Going for electric, passing up from enemies. We pass the dam and try to put a strong monster, then two of the same. Moving along the wires for which the current will sometimes pass.

Electro uses the protection that just does not break. We are waiting for the moment when it disappears, and we apply counter. We do not give him to recharge the generators.

We go out on the street, go to the power plant. Savor and begin to protect the working people. We go to the dam to fight already with an increase in the sizes of electro. When he spends his hand over the earth – jump over it and glue your hand to the ground. When the enemy turns out to recharge his batteries a bit, with the help of flying boxes, jump over the other side and begin to pass away from strikes. We do it until the dam will be destroyed, after which we finish the villaging.SPIDER-MAN: Shattered Dimensions: Game Walkthrough and GuideNoir in the style of “the city of sins” was especially successful.

Chapter 5 – Sandman

We begin to pursue a shortbread tornado. With the help of a web overturn water from the tank. Before fighting with a sandy person, it should be thoroughly soak, t.to. While he is sand – beat it useless. We throw in it a barrel with water or lure under the broken cranes. When he worsens – beat. With sand monsters in the building we do the same.

Next, jumping along various scraps, get to the water tower and pour water from it on a tornado. “Ponchek” grows in a huge monster and begins to pester. Stand near the carts with barrels so that so much got a hand after hitting. Immediately begin to beat her. Then throw barrels with water to his head and beat her already.

We crawl out of the mine and, jumping over the flying scrap, again get to the water towers and overturn them on a tornado. After going to the mine, where we save the man and refer it to the drilling machine. Monsters pushing nearby, kill. When the passage is made – run out.

Circle on a flying trash, refreshing the “sandplash” with water. When the head wet and become sad – attack.

Chapter 6 – Vulture

We go down the street, we try not to stick out (if you wish, you can still hover anyone to someone). We are separated with all pests in the building. In the platformer mode, carefully go around windows with light, without crawling out of the shadow. Begging again.

The vulture itself flies to our light. He is very clever, so before you climb to hand-to-hand, it is better to throw something heavy in it. Do not forget to remove it for spotlights.

Next, you need to resolve hostages again, as we have already done before. In the burning tower also need to free the poor people. Follow the vulture to the top, we deal with the enemies. From the first person in the head of the sound dryer and again we use spotlights.SPIDER-MAN: Shattered Dimensions: Game Walkthrough and GuideNow it will hurt!

Chapter 7 – Scorpion

We are separated with enemies. It is better not to approach eggs from scorpion (women’s loud), and throw them into enemies or make passes. We save scientists and do not admit that enemy paws touched them.

In the battle with scorpion constantly shy away until it gets stuck, after which Beam. There will be eggs on the spot with a spinning acid, which we throw back to it, and after all this we finish.

Then the charitable action “Save a civilian citizen – put in your pocket”. I cut down all people in trouble, and evacuate them in a safe place. Follow the scorpion, “soothing” everyone in its path. Raised the elevator above and continue the slaughter.

Shy away from the blows of scorpion and at the moment of the curtain of it. From the poisonous gas they save on the upper protrusions. Get out for scorpion and punish it. When he will spit with acid – we select the formed eggs and throw them to him for the collar.

Chapter 8 – Deadpool

We start to destroy the cameras that are placed everywhere. To get behind the bars, looking for ways (they are marked, so the search is not a problem). Place opponents.

Dadpool itself is not dangerous. Quickly beat him together with the support that he will cause, thinking that he will be bad.

The sea swollen flourously, boiled, raised howl … and sent waves. When there will be a big wave, the best does not catch it, but to hide somewhere higher. Return to the ship, flying to the container.

Dadpool, it seems, engaged in cloning, it will not come down with his hands. We scatter miserable twins and go directly to the “DEAD”. From bombs, we are touched by a web. Finish Deadpula.SPIDER-MAN: Shattered Dimensions: Game Walkthrough and GuideHand-to-hand weapon with sight.


Jump onto a cylinder with gas, Jaggernut doesn’t like it and he will immediately want to bring us down from there. At the time of the collision of his head with a balloon, we jump down and, taking this opportunity, we throw it into the wall. Also “Jager” will throw in us cars. While he tracks the flight trajectory of the car – Beam.

Jaggernaut runs away, and we, without satisfying the fight, go to beat evil faces with ordinary opponents. First on the street, then in the building. On the way, look at the construction site and save workers. After climbing on the roof, to catch up with a cowardly jaggernaut.

Beying him from the first person. After come from the back and continue to make a relaxing massage of the ridge. After landing, we wait until the shock waves and the anger “Jagher” will be held at the moment when he is killed in one place. When it comes to rest – we immediately throw on it.

Chapter 10 – Goblin

Looks like we hit some holiday: Fireworks on the street, whistles … But we are not up to us, we came to save hostages. We do it quickly and efficiently, t.to. constantly will be a hauting salute, thereby giving out our location.

First-person beat the physiognomy of goblin. We continue this thing in the tent, after which we save the people. In the house, choose your head with fast running eyes. Following the corridor to the exit, do not fall on the couple. Having understood with the enemies, lay on the wall, go in the shadows and fight again. Savor hostage.

Goblin is best attacked from the back, t.to. This is his fastest place.SPIDER-MAN: Shattered Dimensions: Game Walkthrough and GuideThe most brutal spiderman from the entire detachment of arthropods.


We need to turn off 4 reactors. Dive down lining traps. Fight with enemies and get into the laboratory where we turn off the first reactor.

Road blocks “Mechanical Tentacle”. Fly over an open cell, then dive to octopus. Saving a scientist and destroy the second reactor.

Fight with enemies, save scientists. After this good deed – pull the third reactor.

Cut with a tentacle again. After saving a scientist, we destroy the last reactor and run away from there with scientists.

Doctor octopus climbed into some mechanism. Pull out the batteries from it and knock out the octopus from the device. Next, you need to disable the doctors from the power supply and throw it into some wall. From monsters will remain a sphere that explodes. Throw them into the villain.

Chapter 12 – Carnage

Moving along the laboratory, destroying zombies crowds. Do not give them to break the door behind which the scientist is. We go outside and follow the carnage. On ventilation we go to prison. Save the scientist and take into a safe place. We are separated with enemies in the hangar.

First-person hear in battle with Carnage. After that, lubricate it into the turbine, being directly next to her. As soon as he jumps to us – redirect it inside. You can also leave the carnage in the fire.

We save from the falling fool, climbing the tower.

Now we are guarding the robots issued to us so that they burned Carnage Cocon. When will jump out – beat from the first person.

Chapter 13 – Final

The whole level consists of four stages of battle with Mysterio.

1) Runs moving from shelter to shelter, hiding in the shade from the flying balls that illuminated everything around.
2) fight back from the crowd of enemies, while driving from flying “gifts”.
3) Flying for Mysterio. On the way you need to be attentive and not please in the bunch of energy. Falling very close – beat.
4) fly to the platform, destroy enemies. Pick up a big cobblestone and throw in a hard hat.

We look at the final roller.

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