King’s Quest 4: The Perils of Rosella: Game Walkthrough and Guide

Home » Game Guides » King’s Quest 4: The Perils of Rosella: Game Walkthrough and Guide
September 21, 2022
12 minutes

By Jonny Gamer

King’s Quest 4: The Perils of Rosella: Passage

After three-selling and dangerous wraps for three sepions
Ostusive militant ‘Kopolevsky Search’ Cased Quests, His
Majesty, Kopol GPEM, left to leave such a factory poppy and
Transfer the browse of quests to the young generation. After making sure
your bold suggests to cut out absolutely any new company
‘Sierra on-line’, kapol (dubbed to symbolism) publicly ledates
Famous Cap Son Alexander and daughter outlet. But in the most Pazgap
The above-described Totol’s diseases are unprecedented bacillus
(presumably a plague) unexpectedly amazing unhappy Graham…
(The hall gives)

Almost killed by Gum Girl Rosetic agreed on the type of type
Service-Commodity-Money of Dreate Fairy Gensts (it is not clear how to see in
Mirror) and undertakes to pay for the house transportation in the distant country TamiP
Take her a stolen grandmother lolotta mascot, and at the same time to pour
It is a magic health fruit for dad.

Gentle sea and singing strange birds do not match at all
This Regulation in Tami. Therefore, the bold girl is not a refinery
in the woods on predatory definitions and squeezed giant (before sub
). Pepro-let’s move well to familiarize yourself with the water
Catina’s actions and only then put on the castle of Pogatan Lolotta.
espionage in favor of the gestdom and very needed in the dungeon. What is social
The witch underponing his His Council of School Edgap will change
the stiffness of the punishment and promises to come and naply for the resulting
services. It will be in the valley in the valley.
Late how to deepen in the encased one
Rosel should be fascinated by some divids:
– Seven Dwarf Lair (Clean Room). Creeps
it’s not to forget to make a bag
diamoman, which will happen by chance-
life is one of the consumers on the table (Take Pouch).
– As Rosella is a girl decent, it is
An recent bag of papa should be attributed-
Noid Punca in Copy (Give Pouch). This gnome
makes generosity and understanding and give a forgotten
the bag to you on the mouth.
P.S.: Comforting PPP for honesty – lamp (ke-
Pinsoin – 1pc. ).
– The warmth is coming to financially subsequent tamps-
kie depressed classes in achieving
donate all the same pot with honey, t.E.
Bag with diamonds, poor fishing family.
P.FROM.: Comforting Cardness Cardness Prize –
Fishing rod, equipped with a crochet and float.
– Jour travel there, yes, you will be on Tami-
Delivered to watch an attempt to absorb CHP-
Vyachnaya kipped bird. Then :
a) back the bird,
B) Take a Chep (Take Worm).
P.FROM.: A reasonable checkout of this manipulation will be
Worm attack on the fishing rod (Put Worm On
Field ). UPA-A-A-A !!!
– And only a brilliant mind of a specialist in vocational physics
or biotechnology will be able to suggest that Nasta-
drank time to go on the berth and catch fish ! (Go
– So it seemed to swim a little. If you see
Two-Tree Ecpannoo (using Pybatskaya
huts), then you can attack the abode of my friend
Gains. It makes sense for a long time to try on the batch and
Trying to participate deaf-and-dumb angels. Self-
valuable subject can be lying in different places, so
What will see him to find it (take peacock
– On the way, Rosella is randomly due to-
suck in waterpot.
In the chief mammal, take such a demon-
Useful PRETMET, like a bottle (Take Bottle).
Remove the note and try it out (read
Note). Now you need to find a way to the language of China to
T.N. tongue, and chalit a poor fellow Pavlinim
(Tickle Uvula With Feather).
– Powerful giant deployment Will DEuvice on almost
Uninhabited isp. His lonely resident will be
Hungry and very wild pelican, which did not interfere
would give to the excitement already deceased by that time
PyBBBU (Give Fish).
– Gipped Pelican Falls Pepes Pisch.
P.FROM.: Comforting Proprietary Protection – Separative
Take Silver Whistle).
– HA The same island in the depths of the wreck of Cupabl (Look
DOWN) you need to post the bridle (take
– SOS signal (saveursouls) on a desert island
There is just a whistle in a whistle (whistle). Ray-
Litting all physcultures – Dolphin – up to-
carries an unhappy rosette into twisted. Hado Tol-
a) very much want,
B) Drink Seagull,
c) spit 3 (TPI) dazeh leaf,
d) Print: ‘Ride Dolphin’.
– According to the larger land, it remains to turn
In a panic forgotten Cupid at the time-
pocated onions with. Naturally, it can-
But to promote on the screen containing the virgin immune ku-
guy;The main thing is perseverance and perseverance ! (TA-
This is how the rebellious uniform consider
Welcome, and concentrate on the fulfillment of the desire of the Pogato Step
After short searching for WokPug, yes, you will personally have honor
observed like a violent and rolling, but a very buggy one’s uniform
It will be mp- to join the swap. In order not
To go to the excessive violence and appropriate running for fearful
horse, it is necessary to use the same onions and the rasm
Cupid (Shoot Unicorn With Bow). The consequence of this unauthorized
a member will appear somewhat uncle
quite a decent girl by clicking. Now with him you can do everything that
you want to even wear a gold bridle, recently worked with uninhabited
Ostov (Put On Golden Bridle) and Smelted (Ride Unicorn) . Then
Horsep Expess’ Lonely Uniform Lucky – Castle Nadka Stephuhi
Lolats’ (with a capacity of 1 l.from. ) instantly deliver you to the appointment.

* * *

Lolotta will be baboba greedy and very ugly, and sweeps deliver
To her, the eyes are clearly located in the family of giants, a lunch of a row carrying
Golden Eggs…
Prelude in this action will be a lyrical retreat in favor
Magic health fruit. To do this, you need it all:
– Under the bridge, not far from the atmosphere, to come-
Golden Ball (Look Under Bridge).
– Hiji Molten-like probe with a frog sitting in it,
And how to inadvertently drop in the water all the same Sharik
(Drop Golden Ball).
– The grateful reptile will not be slow and
Fast will get a thing from the pudget. In Nadpad Roselka
It seems to take an animal on the bumps (take frog) and…
Oh God !!!- Kiss him in the mouth of sugar (Kiss
Frog). Slicky frog pins in some kind of yako-
would be enchanted pins, which
the collective farmers (to which Rosellah would like
owned) sculpt even thank save-
Tel and leave only a little frog conclusion.
– The next stage of the voyage will be borrowing in pain-
Shoe house (or rather in the room with a fireplace) books
‘Outstanding English Writer’ Goods.Shex-
Pip (Look Shelves. Take Book). This printed PPO-
Dukia can be easily rushing sitting on a stump-
Ke (not far from Pubatskaya Resident) Men (Give
Book). Having received a beggar lute from him,
It is necessary to run from all the legs already boring to us
Pana . It should be involved
Freshly Luthene (Play Lute) and get
In return for her flute.
– Kolkhozniki – people are simple and picky and
We will be able to use even such a big-
big thing like a column.
Question: how to swim under the waterfall.
Answer: elementary Watson ! Camp (PUT
– So, let’s say Rosella has been safely sold
Stamp waterfall. Purchas the most entrance to the cave-
Rosella pueks will not be able to undergo
ordinary board (Take Board), and already directly-
in the cave of piles of human bones (take
Bone) !
– The aforementioned bustle of the bones will inspire suspicion
even on an inexperienced quest. It is for this-
It will not be superfluous to light a dwarm lamp
(Turn on Lamp), in order to scare the whole crowd-
The most dangerous non-fatty living in the cave.
– Next, it will be done to find a way out of this-
Screen to the right
Screen down
– When the lights are cut off, do not tear on
to yourself a vest and run to one light. Always go-
tnoving to the passage of the car, and here you have a head-
Some terrible and bottomless pyal . Rosel
It follows as close as possible to get to the edge of the abyss,
quietly to try it through her board (PUT Board) and
Immediately press the F5 key to record-
go. In the future, there will be a lot to suffer ,
To find the desired TPEcting of a safe full-
– Going to the light of God, you will find yourself very much
wild and viscous swamp of course you can bother
Hunger of a terrible marsh man by pumped in
so favorite with all reptiles like a frog but
There is a more sensible way forward. Keyboard-
in such a situation – Jump on Tuft, PPICH JAM-
Drink on the tafts Roselle, not one PA.
Detect the following obstacle to the goal-
some very very poisonous snake. It is natural, not
pheepy, since the game on the flute will soon come
Ray Flute (Play Flute) . Teply Path
Open the coveted fruit of health (Take Fruit).
– In the same way, you will trigger to the waterfall and touch
To the house of the quartes.
– Opening the door, the girl’s outlet will have to be terrified-
Du Ogrant Clean PSA, Both Binary
saliva buses the weak and defenseless
Creation. But only a brilliant brain instantly Dog-
It is given to bump to the Sweet Monster Bone
(Throw Bone), thereby calming him.
– The floor floor of the house Ham sweeps such unfamiliar-
Green thing as an ax (Take Ax). Then, hit
maneuver having fallen into the storage room on the lane-
in the floor, Roselle is nowhere to pry
In Keyhole in Keyhole) in order not to-
put a moment when a terrible and merciless giant
will fall out after a tasty lunch. Only then you need to go out
from his asylum, grab the puzzle row and run
From there that there are urine towards the castle of harmful
grandmas Lolotty.

* * *

Ready appetite Lolotta will make himself felt on this. Her turns
(and hopefully, the last) will be… No, not
THIS… Larket Pandora !!!
That LJ, Rosella Girl Tcriding, and postpone affairs in long
Box she is not to face. Why stand in the inhabitants of the predatory forest (
T.E. trees) malicious woodcase (USE) . Rhythmic flutter
The Osty Blades of the TopPot near Depevs somewhat can be somewhat warlike
dust . Rosella’s pavement may vopefully pour through the
Magic forest and discover the modest abode of three witches. Once
her inside, it is necessary for all my might try not to hone with the back
witches, and, imperceptibly siping to the other rest, snatch from them.
After you have done in any way, you should not satisfy
Pepotibe witches. If you go out, and then again enter the cave, then
In replacements, you can get an obsidian beetle (Take Scarab).

* * *

It goes down on the tops of the Tampa
Zombie gets out of his grave.

* * *

From now on, we will all take care of the study
suspensively uninhabited (it only seems so ! ) at home (in both
The ends of which are the immense vague cemetering.
We will introduce unbearable designations to the same: cemeteries on the left and sprout from
At home, accordingly, call the cemetery (1) and (2). So, everything is looking for lapen
Pandora !!!
– First intensely explore the room on-
Levo from Hall . Experimental view of stapcency-
Rosella’s urge will notice sufficiently-
Looking for a loaf of capping
Look Portrait. Purrently research-
Walls for oddities and unusual,
The presence on it is detected (Look
Wall). HpAbpo has shown it (Pull Latch), you
Open…Yes, yes – secret two, behind which
the most necessary and only (at the moment
Weight) is a shovel (to us – collective farmers –
nothing else is needed).
– So it has come to engage in apheology. HA Pep-
In the Cemetery of the Cemetery, you can find the following graves
(READ STONE) and find (see. in brackets ):
Silver Baby Rattle)
Medal of Honor)
HA Cemetery (2):
a) Betty Cowden
(Lovely Locket)
b) WILLY, DIED IN 1546.
(Toy Horse)
Naturally, it should not dig everything and
It is impossible, according to the scenario of the game . Each grave
must be disclosed as social-
Appropriate hallucinations in the premises of the house:
(1) a) – Watching Baiba in the children’s
(1) b) – Guming chains of a man
(2) a) – crying woman in the bedroom
(1) B) – militarized ghost
(2) b) – smart hooligan
All things mined low desecration graves-
blows honestly return their former owners.
– The last pension is a boys sitting on a very
Curious Chest – His satisfied disappeared-
The news is a magnificent opportunity
Explore the above-described PRAMET. Look
INTO CHEST), subsequently finding tama
Sheet. Climbing the stairs in the sequence-
a door, picking a collective farmer finds old and dust-
organ. Only the reveaving stop will be able to-
To resist the temptation to play the instrument . RO-
Zell, alas, is not a stoic, and they do not collect them-
either. So it is better to print in the ‘Play Sheet panel
Music ‘. After the game in the organ there will be a small box-
Check with the long-awaited key of the skeleton (Take Key).
– Now it is necessary to flee from all over Dari (2), to
scrap (right lower corner of the picture). And here is smart
Device Roselle her ingenious mind will let you think
open door glue key skeleton. In his man
Internships should be used lying on
cheese floor rope (take rope) and, descending
down (climb rope), ghost casket Pandora (Take
– And warm again to how you already know frowning-
He Lolotte. UPA-A-A-A-A-A-A !!! Cheers naked !!!

* * *

Starukhina reward turns out to be generous. Besides that
Unfortunately refinery is withdrawn all gardening inventory (or,
In the public, I will raise), it is given to the easy-to-cut chad
Edgap (the wedding will take place with the brave rays of the sun).
Events begin to develop with incredible speed. Out ofige
The movement of love feelings and hemoglobin Edgap will give Rosella Rasolla (
T.E. ROSE) (Take Rose) with a small golden key,
which twisted two. Below, in the kitchen, unexpectedly unwound
In one of the scabs, the whole seized inventory (or in the public inventory).
Next, having fallen into the Lolotta Room by the same Golden
Key (yes – truly gold ! ) Ruthless Rozella shoots from Luke
Cupid, amazes (Death) Naughty Witch (SHOOT LOLOTTA WITH BOW
) and with already lifeless, it removes the misty of the Talisman (
Take Talisman). Fun in the harsh, all wicked good, and
a) Ryabina – 1 pc.
b) Pandoot Laps – 1 pc.
and having released on the will of the violent uniform from the chapter of the castle (Open
Gate), Rosella is eliminated to the gender and builds her talisman (Give

* * *

I have this nurse and start to fool your


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