Epilepsy due to World of Warcraft

Home » Game News » Epilepsy due to World of Warcraft
February 7, 2022
1 minute

By Jonny Gamer

Epilepsy due to World of Warcraft

The 15-year-old Swedish schoolboy lost consciousness and experienced epileptic seizures after the game in World of Warcraft: Wrath of the Lich King 24 hours in a row. The parenchy, along with six friends, gathered at his house to play a new addition to the most popular online RPG. “They played all day and all night. Can be and slept a couple of hours. They filed a little and have breakfasts for computers. “, – Says father teenager. According to doctors, the reasons for such an incident have become a long time without sleep, a small amount of food and tension from the game.

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