Saints Row 4: National Treasure Edition will be released without Nicholas Cage

Home » Game News » Saints Row 4: National Treasure Edition will be released without Nicholas Cage
February 17, 2022
1 minute

By Jonny Gamer

Saints Row 4: National Treasure Edition will be released without Nicholas Cage
Publishing house Deep Silver reported that an ultimative edition Saints Row 4 entitled National Treasure Edition will be released on PC, Xbox 360 and PlayStation 3 July 8. Dropping $ 30, you will get the original game, as well as 29 DLC, the total value of which is 60 bucks. Such a tempting offer!

Unfortunately, the fans of the film “Treasure of Nation” have nothing to be happy. They decided that since the publication and paintings are a common name, then the actor is simply obliged to the light Nicolas Cage (Nicolas Cage). But Deep Silver brutally broken all, refuting the speculation.

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