Accusing Prosecutors

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October 21, 2022
2 minutes

By Jonny Gamer

The best method of combating something is to blame it “anything” in anywhere. For example, weakly blame fighters with virtual violence in … virtual violence? British human rights organization Gamers’ Voice, As it turned out, not weak.

British Channel 5 in half the eleventh in the morning the next issue of The Wright Stuff program, where the murder of a 16-year-old girl street hooligan (even a gangster) was tied to cruel video games. And very good. Freedom of speech – all of them. But it is necessary to use freedom according to the rules. And televisers ruled rules.

No, the interpretation of the murder, albeit idiot, but the right has. Well, yes, there were two youth gangs on the street of the London District of Hakston Yes, they arranged a shootout. And a certain Leon Dunkley (Leon Dunkley) got into the snacking in the pizzeria of Agnes Sina-Inakoju (Agnes Sina-InaKoju), and so (not) well, what to death. And, of course, blame for this video game. Who would argue.

That’s just provided their point of view of the TV roller from the shooter Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2. And the game has a rating “18+” in the United Kingdom and in the morning on TV is shown to be in no way. In order not to injure the rapid children’s souls. What human rights defenders and paid attention to.

Along the way, they did not miss the chance to blame journalists in sensationalism and an attempt to profanation problems of street violence. But it is unlikely to work. Sensationalism – journalistic bread. And profanation – almost all modern life. But the accusation of promoting violence can and pass. Well, or at least to spare blood televisers and make the next time it is pretty thinking before connecting to games.

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