Activision Is Not Against If People Prefer Reissue Modern Warfare New Call Of Duty

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October 11, 2022
2 minutes

By Jonny Gamer

After the announcement of New Call of Duty On the network, jokes crawled about what pre-ordered Modern Warfare Remastered Establish another I Infinite Warfare. Other companies could be worried: how so, why the audience is stronger than waiting for the reissue, and not a full-fledged one? But Activision This, figuratively speaking, on the drum.

Representatives of the publishing house told Forbes that they clearly heard the requests of fans over the past years. Actually, that’s why Activision And gave green light Modern Warfare Remastered. The company believes that the set of a new game and reissue is an excellent and advantageous offer, almost the most generous in the history of the franchise. Activision Do not worry about the fact that the people will spend more time in the multiplayer Modern Warfare, than in Infinite Warfare. On the contrary, the publisher is glad that the audience is going to play a lot in Call of Duty this year!

Chapter Infinity Ward Dave Table (Dave Stohl) also does not see Modern Warfare Remastered Competitor Infinite Warfare. Shooters have different goals: the first – for nostalgia, and the second – for the rest.

Well, since we are still about Call of Duty speak, then keep a couple more details about the upcoming release. Firstly, Infinity Ward confirmed that the campaign in Infinite Warfare will be solitary, without a cooperative. For those who want to play side by side with friends, there is zombie regime. Secondly, now we know two more cards that will appear in the multiplayer Modern Warfare Remastered: Overgrown and Bog.

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