As Mirror’S Edge, Only In Vr – Gameplay Parkur-Action Stride

Home » Game News » As Mirror’S Edge, Only In Vr – Gameplay Parkur-Action Stride
September 19, 2022
2 minutes

By Jonny Gamer

That if Mirrors Edge was a game for VR? Indirect answer suggests Studio Joy Way in the form of a plot parkur-action in virtual reality Stride.

Since the ecological catastrophe, as a result of which the city-state of the IX turned out to be cut off from the outside world, was 15 years. The once prosperous megalopolis turned into a daytime nightmare, where the gangs are fighting with each other for extinguishing resources among the destroyed infrastructure. Hope for a bright future is almost lost … maybe everything is destined to correct you?

During the adventure, the hero will smoke on the roofs, grab the protrusions, fly into the windows and descend on the ropes – as the authors note, the possibilities are limited only to your care, creativity and response speed. Will not cost without opponents that can be cut down in secretly and spectacularly shoot from a gun right in the jump.

Perhaps you have a reasonable question: what is the probability to hold out in Stride longer than 15 minutes without letting out the contents of the stomach? According to the developers, testing has shown that the game does not cause significant indication. The movements of the player’s hands coincide with the movements of the character’s hands – this means that the load on the vestibular apparatus is minimized.

Stride will appear this summer in Steam. Among the supported VR helmets – Valve Index, HTC Vive, Oculus Rift and Windows Mixed Reality.


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