Chaos Legion: Game Walkthrough and Guide

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July 18, 2022
12 minutes

By Jonny Gamer

Chaos Legion: Passage
Chaos Legion: Game Walkthrough and Guide
Like any decent flooring action, it can be passed many times, opening new bonuses and opportunities. For example, you can access two new levels of difficulty, and even get a new player character – Arcia. In the game will be given to play for it only once, and so you can go for her all the game. Management is not too comfortable here, so you have to get used to. The buttons of the ROOG ZIGOM are as follows, by default: the arrows are responsible for moving (you need to hold “SHIFT” to rotate the camera), “S” – jump, “D” – order legion, “f” – attack by a sword, “E” – shot of lightning- “Castle”. The letter is called or removed the legion, “del” – makes it active or passive. “END” demonstrates the map, and by “PGDN” you can swap two selected legions.

PROLOGUE – Rotarl The Sacred Capital.

Go along the stone path, turn all the monsters and pick up the crystals of the soul and life. Crystals will continue to do not miss, they always highlight on the map. You can call a manual monster-thanatos and direct it to enemies. Note that by calling the legion, you can only walk (it is not a glitch game, but it is necessary), it is allowed to run only alone. The gate will open, for them will come out by a few more dozen (do not be afraid, here it is the norm) spiders. Strike everyone and go to the following gate. There they crumble a hefty monster (do not miss, he has the inscription “Target” above his head, like all key opponents) and the surrounding cocks. The next battle will be all with the same cockroach, only now it is necessary to fill the generator from which they are all fruit.
The next stage will introduce you to a new type of opponents who will need to bubble (man-like images), all over the heads are the word “target”, in addition, familiar packs are hoarse under his feet. Next, these folds will fall out already a couple of dozens, and new gates will open behind them. There is an armored with a bunch of healthy, one of which (target) certainly needs to be tugged. Tanatos on them, and you yourself can stand up aside. After the battle, pick up the luminous figure – “Sword Crest”. She carries a new legion that you can call. His name – Guilt Legion. Unfortunately, Tanatos will not call more, only when they collect all the necessary artifacts (Thanatos chip, they are scattered throughout the level), and then at the end of the game. Watch the video about the meeting of two former friends, memories of great love both, and trying one to drag another on your dark side. But we know that Zig – Flint, so all these attacks will not give anything to the insidious business. At the end of the stage, your statistics will be shown, they will describe a new acquisition, now you can finally be preserved. Hooray!


Between levels you can increase the levels of the legion and equip themselves with new legions, but not more than two. Call the newly acquired legion, it is effective against large clusters of organic creatures, and calmly drive along the path from the red stone on. In addition to famous packs, large four-legged “dogs” will appear. Do not forget to select the crystals of the experience and other objects falling out of them. Some raise attack indicators, other protection. Crumble a bunch of “dogs” and go to the open gate. Take away the first Thanatos Chip (1), all of them will need to collect nine pieces so that you can call this little animal again.
The boss will appear on the new arena – a hefty-type knight on four legs, and even with such a sword, the size of which could envy the Ostankinskaya Telbashnya. Here you can first catch it with your zipper, and then raise your legion on it. In principle, he has very good armor and all your blows – that mosquito bites, but when he falls on his knee, it can be blocked in a torso. After removal of the monster, grab the new “arrow Crest”. Now you can call “MALICE LEGION”, which are not bad to frame with the help of arbal arms with the enemy on the far distance.

After this stage, you can already raise any GUILT Legion (Force, Assist, Enchant, Attack, Defense) for one position. That is, you can increase the number of attacking fighters, or increase bonus acts, their strength or protection.

Stage 3 – Dyfan The Twilight City “Central Block”.

Burn everyone on the first arena, new metal monsters will appear. They are no longer swords and charge them, but it can be easily taken out of the Cross. Try the legion on Malice. Choose a new bonus and reflect the next attack of spiders. The gate will open, for which there will be dogs and firing metal cannons. Next, new gates, where in addition to monsters it is necessary to destroy their generator.
Again fight, and some other. Several healthy, pieces of five generators, not counting other mines. But at the end you can take the following THANATOS CHIP (2). Careful, some flying creatures are spinning around him. And here is another boss, a lizard-overgrowth. Avoid its shock waves and attack in the neck and head. Then, when he is already at death and starts to attack the tail, watch the Legion do not spoil. Finally just want. Take the “Bomb Crest”, can now call “Blasphemy Legion”, or smart bombs. Another video – a girl appears on the stage in a blue handkerchief and with two pistols. She is also looking for Delacroa, who destroyed her whole family, so now you got a new faithful ally.


Destroy the little animals, guns and most importantly – plant in the center. Need to jump so that you can get it with a sword. After there are several generators in the corners of the arena, and then the plants next to the goal. How to crash him, goal behind him and open. Do not forget to pick up the third THANATOS CHIP (3). And then this will start, behind bars are waiting for their turns at once a few bosses, similar to what you were filled in the previous episode. They, of course, slightly smallerly, but they are six. First will attack one, then at once two, and finally the remaining three times. Watch your legion not blocked, then you cannot use it for some time. Choose “Shield Crest” with the new legion – “Arrogance”. It provides protection against attacks of Mountains. I need her, or it is better to choose a couple of pair of legends – decide for yourself.


On the first site there are several packs and a large two-legged monster, then guns and paved, then pass along the bridge and burn the hefty “Winnie Poo” with a huge shield. Then, in the new arena, leave the dogs a little bit on the sides, and then celebrate the bunch of guns and the generator. Descend to the next arena with the generator with two ways, to the right and left, although it does not have any fundamental importance. By the way, you know that from every hundredth of the monster sent to the Light must fall out to some subject? And again the boss is not the tree, not the plant, which is getting out of the top of the screen. It is surrounded by several laser guns, and on earth, it also flashes the pattern of red lines. Here you can choose a few tactics, say, or use the Legion of protection, or impose on the scoundrel of your Malice Legion. Yes, you accidentally not forgot to capture the fourth THANATOS CHIP (4) for a couple of locations to the final boss? Take the “Claw Crest” – “Flawed Legion” will be a reward. This legion is effective against metallic monsters. See Roller. Delacroix again mys down over Zyg, pull out bullets from his body (a la neo from the “matrix”), released by the Arcia girl with two guns, which has already flashed in the previous video. Then he will take artifact and, gloomy mumbling about their sinister plans, will be removed.

Stage 6 – Lakeside.

Observe the monsters on the clearing, jump on the lefts on the left (carefully, bombs!), Soak the gun, pick up theatos chip (5), and go out into the gate. The path will be thoroughly kiche dogs, cannons and other evil spirits. The farther, the hotter. The following gates will guard the generator surrounded by a pack of monsters. Then new monsters will appear – Danu. It looks like ordinary creatures, only made of transfusion metal. Note that the damage to them can only apply your legions, Zig is useless here. At the end of the track, take the “Power Crest”, which gives you the opportunity to call the last – “HATRED LEGION”. Roller – Arcia little dreams, chatting with Zig, who tells about three artifacts;Then they are going together together to fierce caves.

Stage 7 – Misty Ravine.

If you want to make more bonuses and at the same time to grab thatatos chip (6), then you need to profite “Flawed Legion”, the ENCHANT indicator, to the second level. So that you can use a double jump and jump on the tops of the cliffs. Go along the path between the cliffs, then minu the bridge (griffins will appear there). Some monsters will attack you from high cliffs – use a double jump to get to them. Then down the path where you are waiting for two louds and a fascinated guard with a shield before gate. Run along the edge of the abyss, then by the lowered bridge and in a small stone corridor, fight with a pack of creatures that. Behind the gate will be the generator and another portion of “Aliens”. Behind the next hot fight with the generator and griffins will appear the boss. Healthy flying caterpillar. It needs to be filled into several stages, first need to destroy his outer shell, then you will see three yellow spheres – it is its vulnerable places. Take away Spiritual Gem.


If you use Legion Blasphemy at this level, you can destroy the secret doors for which bonus items are located. And Arrows-Crossheads from Malice will need to fight with the final boss. We run around the tunnel and in one of the caves, boil with a pack of beams and a metal monster, then see the plant surrounded by guns, a little later will appear and giants will appear. In the cave with a skull on a pedestal, scatter spiders, they will shine healthy metal spiders, and then the guards with shields will be shown next to the goal. On the next arena, you will be locked together with twelve spiders, which are in some sleepy state. While you don’t throw them, they will not do the step in your direction. After two gates will open. Where to go? Pass on the left, after several corridors and dumps with generators, spiders and guards you will refer to the main boss. This is such a healthy spider that rests on the walls, and will crawl about you. First you need to beat him into my feet so that he fell down, and then the goal for the attack to choose a vulnerable place on his head or what he has instead of her. Select Malice, they will start shooting paccuis. That sweeps one leg – do not sleep, but immediately give him another so that he fell down. Then they quickly attack his vulnerable place. It will later take the walls again – repeat the procedure several times. Watch the video about the conversations with Arcia, the next Glitches of Ziga, in which everyone ask him, why he still killed the girl. And he is all silent, yes silent like fish about ice. Arcia will run into the forest…

Stage 9 – Forest.

Now you control Arcia. Remember new buttons because they differ from Zig’s control. “F” – Attack, “D” – Energy bullet, “S” – a jump, the space – a change of weapons (you can turn off the shooting and scattering opponents with your feet, it does it too well). When shoots guns, he can only walk, run only, attacking legs. If you hold “F” for a long time, sniper mode will turn on. Of course, this is not a sniper to you, which is attached to any kind fps for free, but you can shoot. Legions This girl, unfortunately, can not cause – alas, not trained.
Polyanka follow the glades (who thought of the gate in the forest?), trees behind the edges, opponents and used sleeves are lying on the ground buckets, and the girl everything goes and goes… Lara Croft is resting. Do not forget to select special cartridges to use a special type of shooting – hurricane shelling around the energy bullets. After walking along the flattering paths, jump on the ledge on, at the gate, plunder the mounted plug and then shoot in the sky another avosy of evolution errors.
Behind the new gate to lure through a big failure (double jump, it has a very funny one) and shoot a flock of feathers on. Another boss – “tree” will appear, with similar you have already met in the fifth chapter. Shoot the bombs flying on you and wet a tree. After taking “Map Selector”. After passing this stage, you get the opportunity to move on the map and scroll again on the locations of previously lost chips, bonuses and t.P. Look at how Zig and Arcia are born a little bit in the forest. Nothing extra, do not hope, just according to the scenario, the main character with a impenetrable face is supposed to express the sympathy of the stubborn, fragile girl (which, by the way, just a second shot and wriggled so many monsters, no matter how much the head of the fighters, a couple of horror movies and moreone tearful melodrama).

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