John Karmak officially broke up with ID Software

Home » Game News » John Karmak officially broke up with ID Software
August 1, 2022
2 minutes

By Jonny Gamer

John Karmak officially broke up with ID Software
Votes programmer John Karmak (John Carmack) has always been skeptical to nextgen. It seems to him that games for the Xbox One and PlayStation 4 will not be very different from those in which we played several years ago – the future of the industry is in the hands of teams offering truly innovative devices. One such device he has always seen a virtual reality helmet Oculus Rift.

Vera Karmaka These unusual eyepieces turned out to be so strong that in the summer of this year he joined the team Oculus As the main technical director, in order to provide landing assistance in the development of virtual reality technology. Native studio ID Software He seems to be going to leave for a while, and not forever – parallel the creator Doom continued to help old colleagues with current projects.

But after a few months, John seemed to realize that it could no longer be broken between two positions occupied and made his choice – in favor of Oculus VR. In the official statement ID And Bethesda It is said that he has successfully completed its part of the work on the ID Tech 5 and other projects, so that its care will not affect the current affairs of the studio.

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