Fight For Cobein

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October 12, 2022
2 minutes

By Jonny Gamer

Announced so far only for consoles (that it is unlikely to prevent her later to get to computers) Guitar Hero 5 rushed to the litigation scandal. This time from the widow of the former leader of the Nirvana group Courtney Love (Courtney Love). Courtney believes that Activision has no moral and legal right to use Kurt Kobaine as she is going to use it – as a gaming character. Activision, In turn, believes that on its part there are no violations and all rights are recorded on special papers and are fixed with appropriate signatures.

However, the former colleagues of Kurt on Nirvana appeared on the side of Court Cryst Novoselich (Krist novoselic) and Dave Gol (Dave Grohl) who rolled out an open letter to music lovers. According to them, they have no legal rights to interfere in the dispute, but cannot be silent. If the use of Cobain as a performer of its own songs, from their point of view, quite a normal thing, the ability to play for it and sing other people’s songs – unambiguous bust. Like, Kurt always treated very much that sang, and turn it into a banal pop singer means to insult his memory. Crist and Dave sincerely hope that Activision He listens to the voice of the mind and removes the cobene from the list of game characters.

If the former colleagues of Cobain hopes for the reference of the publisher, then the Love prefers to rely on lawyers and declares that her lawyers are already preparing for Activision Hot judicial surprises. And only the very object of the outlined judicial label has all a long time on the drum ..

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