Forza Horizon 3 Has Big Problems With Preloading On Pc

Home » Game News » Forza Horizon 3 Has Big Problems With Preloading On Pc
September 14, 2022
2 minutes

By Jonny Gamer

We have heard a lot of “good” about the Windows Store store, where Microsoft trying to drive gamers with large exclusions of the type Forza Horizon 3. But it seems that the service problems still fully fully, even after a large-scale August update.

Some buyers can not promote Forza Horizon 3, Although formally downloading already works. Someone has files just disappear if the download is paused, and then continue. Someone the files disappear by themselves when the download is almost completed. Someone has a download interrupt because Windows 10 is suddenly going to be updated.

Forza Horizon 3 “Weighs” about 49 gigabytes. It’s up to the fig, but in many people, even in the progressive West, tariffs for connecting to the network have limitations on the number of traffic. In addition, Forza Horizon 3 There is a Ultimate Edition edition for 6,999 rubles (or 99 dollars), which offers to start the game today, a few days before the official exit. And how, it is asked, use the bonus of the expensive set, if Windows Store is something and case interrupts download?

The problem arises not all, but you still need to do something. Command Turn 10 Studios, parent series Forza, The official forum writes that the “shock detachment” of Windows Store is already exploring mistakes and tries to fix them.

In the meantime of the gamers make all sorts of alive with the command line and dance with tambourine.

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