Initially Playstation 5 Was Even More

Home » Game News » Initially Playstation 5 Was Even More
September 29, 2022
2 minutes

By Jonny Gamer

PlayStation 5 – Hefty Console. She is more Xbox Series X and can stand for the title of the largest prefixment of recent generations. As it turned out, the first PS5 concepts were even more!

This was told about the PlayStation 5 designer Yujsen Morizawa (Yujin Morisawa) in an interview with Washington Post. According to him, when he started to design a console shell, he knew that the device would be very powerful. So, you will need an excellent blowing and a lot of space for the radiator.

But what kind of iron will put the team of engineers, Morisava did not know why he worked at the touch first. As a result, the early sketches were much larger than the current PS5 – so much that even engineers called the concept too large. But usually engineers are fighting with designers for each cubic centimeter of free space!

As a result, the size decreased. Moriceava Says that the design of PS5 sought to convey the feeling of energy and emotions to the player, as well as create a “aura of a powerful device”. When the Japanese pondered what appearance Nextgen is needed, there were two main options: the succession of PlayStation 4 or something going beyond the expected expected. The team chose a second option, since all people who participated in the design of PS5 sought to jump above the head.

Moriceava Satisfied with the result. He likes when the console is jokingly compared with some home items like refrigerators or tables, it means that the design of the device creates a feeling of comfort.

Initially Playstation 5 Was Even More

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