Metro: Last Light: Game Walkthrough and Guide

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March 28, 2022
9 minutes

By Jonny Gamer

Metro: Last Light: Passage
Metro: Last Light: Game Walkthrough and Guide
Chapter 1. SpartaMetro: Last Light: Game Walkthrough and GuideThis is what happens when black interfere in a friendly campaign
We look at the introductory roller. At that time, while we sat by the fire, from the other end of the tunnel came the voices of the allies who were attacked. Literally a few seconds, black covered our mind, and we had to kill all their associates.

Waking up, communicate with Khan. He informs about the black shelter on the surface. It is necessary to establish contact with them to find out about their intentions. From now on, we are in the Order and are under the command of Melnik. Khan left for Melnik. We take a lighter and diary from the table. It will record current tasks. Compass will indicate the right way to goal. Come out of the room and turn the left. We pass to the end of the long corridor and get to the weapon. We select a gas mask and a couple of filters for him. We also need first aid kits and army cartridges, which are simultaneously both fighting projectiles and local currency. The damage from army cartridges is much more, but they can be purchased by ammunition of any caliber at the relevant course. From the rack on the right we take three any guns. Even the right is the Tir, on it and our trunks will test. Shoot on emerging targets. To block armored goals, you need to shoot them for a long time and stubbornly. Or accurate shot to hit the head. We replenish the ammunition and pass on.

When the gate open, together with Khan and Ulman enter the lift. Rising upstairs, moving toward the command center to Melnik. Command believes that black is a threat to the Order. Khan also adheres to the opposite opinion. Instead, it will go with us the best sniper orders – Anna. Proily proceed to her elevator and climb up the platform. We wait for the arrival of Monorail and sit down in it.

Chapter 2. Ashische

Train in the pastMetro: Last Light: Game Walkthrough and GuideAnya – clever, beauty and just the best sniper orders
“A year ago, standing on the top of the television, I saw the rockets fell on the botanical garden, reversing all the living beings in the ashes, melting metal and glass. No one and nothing could survive in this hell. But Khan found black there. Now my duty and my mission is to find and destroy it. Complete started “.

We arrive at the metro station-2. Sit down, turn on the flashlight and follow Anna. Open the gate, pulling the lever on the right side. Climb upstairs, open the door and enter the collector. We turn right and get to the stairs. Before climbing the surface, put on gas mask. On the clock, the countdown of time will begin, after which the filter will become unusable. In a minute before that we heard the signal. Rising, follow Anna to the main entrance. Most often wipe the glass gas mask to improve visibility. Further we will go on your own. Jump down and faced with guards. We go back and simultaneously shoot them. Parliament will support fire from a distance. When finished, we pass forward and turn the left. We continue the movement until you find a black black. Pursue him and at the same time trying to shoot. When he falls, come together and grab it.

Chapter 3. Paul

The enemy of my enemyMetro: Last Light: Game Walkthrough and GuideSimple measurement of the skull can be determined – you are mutant or not
“That creature I met on the scorched remains of the Botanical Garden looks like black and could penetrate my mind, getting and shaking out of me the most intimate. But it was only a young. And I’m sure he learned me. I learned and frightened. And was able to withdraw me for a while in order. It was enough to be in captivity “.

Together with us in captivity was three fighters from the Red Line. Two of them are killed, and together with the third we manage to deal with the enemies. The door is locked on the remote lock, so they roll down the garbage. Follow the ally and wait for the elevator county. We move on the other side while in the shade. Lattice do not break down, so come to the partner and put it. We climb upstairs by the lowered stairs. Moving crumbling and, if necessary, get drunk in place. Sneak into the enemy on the right side and kill it. Pull the lever and climb the lowered stairs. Unscrew the light bulb on the spotlight, which is directed towards the ally. And he will do the same, after that they move on the bridge, we turn left and climb the stairs. Rolling through the pipe on the right side. Send from it, pull out the knives from the body. They are intended only for throwing. Take them on the next opponent. Climb upstairs, click on the button on the wall and weaken with the arrived enemy. We go to the gateway and pull the lever.

We get a gun with silencer from partner. An important feature of the clock is a light sensor. If the blue light is burning on them, it means that it is easy to notice. Arriving in place, leave the gateway and moving on the right side. Hit the enemy on the other side by a taught head. Watch out the wall so as not to miss the staircase. Climb upstairs and get to the bridge. We are waiting when the enemy goes on him, and, by submitting, neutralizing it. Go to the other side. Clean the room from enemies and deal with those who are sitting at the console. Pull the lever to release the prisoners. Approach and pull the lever on the right side of the gate. It remains only to quickly go inside.

Chapter 4. ReichMetro: Last Light: Game Walkthrough and GuideBeautiful speeches about Eldorado so foolishly soldiers that they don’t even notice us
“Escape from the fascist prison was under the motto” The enemy of my enemy is my friend “. And the name of this friend Paul. He commanded the red brochure of the red. I never had a special sympathy for the Communists, but Paul acted as a hero “.

Climb the escalator and begin to wade through the crowd of enemies. Soon we are broken, and the chase will begin. Accelerately run for Paul, jump over his team and have time to go under almost closed gates. We use Dresa to finally hide from Reich. Shoot the enemies that appeared before transportation will travel out for a safe distance.

Chapter 5. Parting

The escapeMetro: Last Light: Game Walkthrough and Guide
For an alternative ending of surrendered enemies, you need to ignore

“We managed to be impossible. Now my task is to warn the order that black disappeared. This means – to admit that the task is failed. But now, when the black hit the subway, I don’t find it alone. You need to get out of the neutral station. And from there – in the policy, at the order headquarters. Paul will show the road “.

We accelerate and rack the grid. Moving on the tunnel on your two. We detect the pipe and put the Paul to her. Enemies grabbed the partner and have already sent fighters to our position. We hide behind the concrete slab on the right side and necessarily turn off the flashlight. When patrol will go away, catch up with them and destroy one by one. Return to the opened goal. We shoot on the light bulb at the top and for that which constantly rotates. Waiting for the cargo of the loader, pass forward, immediately turn the left and jump higher. If nevertheless one of the enemies came to the goal, it is desirable to wait for his care. Otherwise, the enemy at the top position will notice the body. Go to the other side and stand in front of the aisle to the building. Shot into the light bulb and two enemies from the right room will go to the left room. Quickly pass to the stairs and go upstairs. We go around the cockpit with the console, we move on the other side and jump down. On the left side is a staircase. Climbing higher and higher by shooting on lighting devices. Open the door, the enemy did not expect someone to go here and therefore immediately gave up. We rase with him or immediately go further. On the wall of the left there is a ventilation passage through which we need to pass.

Chapter 6. Camp


“Pasha probably waits loop. Who knows what happened to me if he did not pull me? Red, blue, yellow – what’s the difference? He risked his life for me. In the subway it happens infrequently. I can’t throw it here. “.

Close to the camera Paul and communicate with him. He will be taught on the hanger, and we will get right and go to the end. Moving along the corridor and watch the beating of red. We turn right, carefully selected to the stairs and Gasim Lamp. Climb upstairs, turn to the left. Soon the electrician will leave, and we can proceed to him. We go on the left for patrol. When he goes on the other side, they overtake the electrician and destroy it. Go down and straight go to the exit. Penetrate the freezing chamber and pass to the end. On the wall on the left side there is a break, we move to the nearby room.

We pass through the flower beds and go to the other side. Left – enemies, and on the right – electrical. Turn off it and quickly go on the bridge to the right. Will not work to deal with a lonely opponent. We go further and penetrate the ventilation shaft. We choose to the stairs and go down. Do not forget to shoot lighting devices and lamps. Under the stairs there is a passage, go down to the water and move towards the enemy. Almost rearing before him, we turn left and climb upstairs. We shift to the left, go ahead and get to the stairs. We shoot the light bulb on the ceiling and only then go upstairs. We will turn right, destroy all the lighting devices and pull the lever. Right from here jump down and pass through the opened gate. We turn right and descend even lower. The trap is installed here, so you shoot in the canister on the left side. Raised the stairs in the corner. Through the break, we choose to Paul, quickly kill enemies and approach the gallows. Freeing the ally, leave this place.

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