The “Steel Generals” of the US Army will be greased in War Thunder

Home » Game News » The “Steel Generals” of the US Army will be greased in War Thunder
July 26, 2022
2 minutes

By Jonny Gamer

The “Steel Generals” of the US Army will be greased in War Thunder
Gaijin Entertainment announced that before the end of this year, military historical MMO War Thunder Alive next update. This time with the sequence number 1.45 and the poetic name “Steel Generals”. And its main feature will be the appearance in the game of ground-based equipment from the United States of America.

In fact, if you are aware of North American tank buildings, then you understand that the developers did not accidentally call the patch in this way. After all, according to tradition, combat vehicles from that continent often carry the names of the famous generals. For example, the famous M4 Sherman is named after the Hero of the Civil War of General William Sherman (William Sherman), and M26 Pershing – in honor of the general of the First World War John Permsha John Pershing).

A total of creators War Thunder Plan to replenish the project with thirty American tanks and self-propelled anti-aircraft installations, about the first five of which you can read on the official website of the developers.

Among other things, according to Gaijin Entertainment, “Steel generals” will not leave without newcomers and Soviet with German ground troops. Not to mention new aircraft for each game nation.

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