ACT OF WAR: HIGH TREASON: Game Walkthrough and Guide

In the US, again restless. The state overcomes the terrorists again. And now they even managed to kill the president. The country is slowly moving towards chaos. What to do? And again, the brave fighters of anti-terrorism units come to the rescue, which won the enemy everywhere, where they will be able to overtake him. Now at sea…
We are all the same Act of War with his war in the style of a tele show show, reports from the places of battles and endless terrorists. Although, of course, the differences immediately rush into the eyes. In addition to the new campaign, it is mercenaries, new fighters and abilities of each of the parties and what was expected, the fleet. That is, war captured a new dimension, the sea. And the sea here is not “to be”, as in Command & Conquer: Generals, where the ships loomed next to the horizon line, deftly dodging your attempts to drive them along the coastline, demolishing terrorists by fire. Here the fleet is used for all hundred. But okay, I will not tire you empty reasoning, it’s time to go to specific facts.
Game mechanic news
First, the game tried to consider the repair and treatment of soldiers. But! The simplest way out has now become the room of soldiers or technology to the relevant buildings. For cunning mechanics of treatment and repair require money, ineffective and very cunning. But there was a new feature – now the technique scored to the last glasses of life, it is used to stop shooting and can only ride the battlefield. Moreover, they are not deployed by a common framework when allocating troops.
Levels of experience are five, but now it can receive absolutely all troops, including builders and aircraft. It is not clear, however, how to get it builders. Apparently, you need to scribble an enemy infantry. But the elite troops (5 levels) not only solicitively raise their own health (for which they need to fully appreciate, fuck and cherish), but also temporarily raise their experience on the level of all around them. Finally, there are tricks with the use of aircraft. The default task is the most experienced. For the same to avoid similar “grandfathers”, you need to select aircraft using the Shift key.
Mercenaries, or make us expensive
Mercenaries are not only heavy cannons, but also the ability to return part of the money back. How? Very simple. When you call these soldiers, you as if paying their insurance – and this waste is reversible. Once the fighters return with the task home, you will immediately get paid money back. Of course, only if there is someone to return. However, even if part of the fighters rank on the task, it will be deducted for them. It will be strictly proportional to. But irreversible spending – this is the need for payments caused by the group every 6 seconds.
The appeal of mercenaries begins with the construction of a special building for this, which will cost 800 coins. Actually, the process of this same for all sides. If you immediately want to invite strong units, you will need to additionally pay for their “addresses”. In total, 3 levels of good luck soldiers and only the first is available immediately since the building buildings. Invitation of the first level soldier will cost you 5000 insurance and 100 coins every 6 seconds. The second level will cost, respectively, 10,000 and 200, the third – 15000 and 300.
You can call fighters in a completely any point on the map, however, in the first few (from 18 or more) seconds after calling, the intelligence helicopter arrives, which will examine the specified point. It can be destroyed and then 2000 coins will be deducted from your budget, and the rest paid for the mercenary detachment will immediately return back. Then the landing of arriving fighters will begin, 10 seconds. All, soldiers are ready for use and now they can be sent them back at any time.
This is interesting: Every hired detachment can be at the same time called only by one player.
To the first level include such fighters like Schwarzer Hund. These are 5 infantrymen sitting from the helicopter, the main task of which is to capture the buildings. They cope with this perfectly, instantly dug the opponent from the premises not intended for him, especially since these fighters have been using shotguns. At the same time and hostages are captured. But for defense it is not worth applying. Captured – and let go rest. The following on the list – Grizzly Rescue Team, The team of easily armed physicians in the amount of 5 fighters, which every 12 seconds are to be injured surrounding fighters. At the same time and captured someone will take. The thing is pretty stupid and call them not worth. Circuit first level Dogs of War, Presented 2 anti-aircraft missile systems. Excellent anti-heart team, when the opponent is too tormented by us by aviation, and there are no other ways to solve this problem.
At the second level, you can get aviation. This Iron Rain, Consisting of 3 SU-25 attack aircraft. They fly on a planned corridor and put everything in it that falls on the eyes. They have a lot of missiles, so with a properly intended route, enemy technique that fell on the way to your aircraft will have to be disadvantaged. By the way, aviation is the only mercenaries that do not require a reconnaissance helicopter. In addition, they make only one departure and always return to 1000 less (fuel payment?). Another planes, Death Wing, Presented three Su-27 fighters and are very effectively spreading with enemy aviation. At least due to the fact that they are “stronger” enemy aircraft, and they themselves begin to shoot with a larger range. Finally, the third in the group go Burning Legion, consisting of 3 T-80. Just excellent tanks that can help in any situation.
It is important: When calling airplanes – schedule their route in advance. The fact is that they arrive very quickly, but payments begin with the moment you press the call button for mercenaries. And while you choose the place of departure, the money goes away anyway.
The third level begins with Rawhide, Including three installations of salvo fire “Tornado”. They have some superiority over the American analogue due to more missiles, which provides greater density of fire. Although Americans move faster and preparing for shooting. Shadow Hawk F-117A Nighthawk It consists of only 1 bomber flying in secretive mode. He is armed with just one superbbow, which ruins only buildings. If there is no such path on its paths – it will fly away, without making anything. Fireworks – Weapons of real terrorists, jugging nuclear bomb. We approach, unload, leaving, blast the bomb. In addition, the bomb itself is invisible and, if it is properly unloaded, then the enemy can not find it before the explosion.
The meaning of the use of mercenaries – fast disposable shares mainly on the other side of the card. Count on them in the long run perfectly meaningless – it hurts a lot of money to pay for this pleasure.
Novelties of the ground world
Of course, all participants in the epocal battle have gained new devices designed to destroy the enemy. Here we will tell about them now.
America (U.FROM. Army)
Stinger (1200). You know why it costs more than “Avenger”? Because this is the first enemy of aircraft. The fact is that the pilots do not pay any attention to these pests, which allows your zenitchiks to knock them down with impunity. Helicopters better cope with him, but things do not change. Unlike terrorist analogues, they can capture and hide.
Electronic Fighting Vehicle, EFV (3800). Funny futuristic unit, characteristic of the fact that in itself no damage does not attach and pass through the age of 30 MW, which requires the replenishment of production capacity related to the production of energy. The first its ability allows you to hide in the invisibility of all the fighters nearest to him (but not himself). Therefore, if the lonely EFV is approaching your base, it may be the beginning of trouble. The second ability was the possibility of disconnecting the nearby of all buildings that require electricity. Of course, the barracks will work regularly, but the tanks will not receive the enemy. Finally, the third skill for this “tank” was the opportunity to increase damage closely arranged troops by 25%. The ability it is cumulative and 4 EFV will strengthen the damage of your tanks 2 times. As a result – an extremely useful car, provided it is properly used.
OH-58D Kiowa Warrior (1600). Already the biggest detachment of American helicopters replenished with another instance, this time we got a scout with invisibility. Therefore, by itself, he does not shoot (the team needs), the volley is released at once a bunch of rockets and then half a minute recharges. As a scout, can use the ability, for 10 seconds by 2 times the increasing radius of the review and allows you to see invisible. True, at the same time the helicopter itself becomes visible. An extremely useful helicopter that allows you to collect information about the adversary and then purposefully come there with large forces.
In addition, there are some changes in other types of equipment. In particular, attack aircraft A10 Received in addition to rockets sixnole guns. What allows them to cheerfully shoot the infantry and lightweight technique of the enemy (before these trifles they did not do). BUT MLRS It began to shoot not only faster and farther, but also gained the ability to automatically fire for targets within reach.
It’s five not all. For money, you can even more improve individual samples of their techniques. Already mentioned A10 For 1500, he gets in addition to its armed with a pair of cluster bombs, which will discard on the specified purpose and this will not be understood by the technique there. Marines for 100 will find the bait grenade launchers. This thing is turned on to each single and useful only when disassembered with enemy infantry. On the “Bralli” In just 2500 you can hang such a wonderful thing as the missiles “TOU”. This will allow them to become a formidable opponent and for tanks. But there is no good without a drop of bad – both samples of weapons do not work and need to be shifted manually. And then your armored car can become easy prey for infantry, which rockets are not completely terrible. Finally, on jeeps You can hang heavy rockets (1000 for modification), which, although at a short distance, but allow only one rocket to destroy even “Abrams”. But! Jeep – the thing is very vulnerable and they do not recommend it separately. Yes, and the transformation costs expensive. Therefore, it is best to use them in the part of the squad and only 2-3 pieces so that there was someone to cover such “killers of tanks”.
America (Talon Task Force)
Objective Crew Served Weapon, OcSW (1000). Another infantry detachment in the poor in this species of the “technological” troops units. This time is machine gunners, thunderstorms of enemy infantry. If they got up and strengthened (and from the machine gun from hand, do not shoot anything), do nothing with them. Can harm both enemy techniques, but for this you need to switch the submission of ammunition with bursting to armor-piercing. Albeit better enemy infantry beat. Again – fighters in the troops.
Spinner Tacit Rainbow Launcher (3400). Powerful rocket that is absolutely not needed a goal in order to hit the enemy. Just choose a place on the map (the concepts of the limit of the range for it also does not exist) and shoot there. When the rocket arrives at the place, then, if there is a goal there, chooses one of them and the tormenting idol collapses from above. First, the list of priorities go buildings, then the technique and, if there is no nothing worthwhile, it will come to infantry. At the same time in the air there can be only one such rocket from each installation. If you understand that you shot at all wrong – you can blow the rocket manually to speed up the next shot. Cons – the rocket flies slowly and extremely vulnerable to air defense.
More buns got Commandos. First, paying 1000 coins, you replace their intelligence robots on mines. But then, in just 200 coins, every fighter will be able to put a mine who will explode if the enemy turns out to be near or if you activate it yourself. Mina itself is in invisibility and creates a fog of war. At the same time, the soldiers can put no more than one mini, and then he will spend another 60 seconds to “restore the ability”. In addition, you can turn each individual special forces into Future Force Warrior, spending only 550 coins. As a result, you will receive truly strong fighters that have significantly enhanced armor and fire power, speed increases. Next, there is a podolka, allowing you to install a tricky bomb on the oil tower for only 1000. If the tower is sold or destroyed, and the enemy will install its own in her place, then an explosion will occur and the building itself will be destroyed, but it will not be unlawable to get all the fighters of the enemy. Fighter-bombarder You can only equip the bombs for 3,500, which, besides the usual damage, will turn off the enemy buildings for 15 seconds, which is useful if the enemy is developed air defense. Disabled – and fuck calm.
Terrorists (Consortium)
Polaris Sniper (900). Best Sniper Games. Rides on Buggy, shoots further and most of all. Yes, and his most enemy sniper kill from one hit will not be able. In Duele, one on one always comes out the winner, and two will overcome with much the best chances in his favor. Can damage both equipment and if it smells fried – knows how to quickly make legs.
Kamov KA-58 Black Ghost Stealth (2400). Invisible helicopter, which is valid only against air targets. That in general, too, useful – the enemy flies on their affairs, and suddenly rockets are hitting it. Although our defender of heaven immediately becomes visible, but the right of the first strike belongs to him.
TU-160 BlackJack (3800). Another invisible bombard. Again the most powerful sample in the game among analogues. It is satisfied with the carpet bombing of the locality, considering it all living. Choose and do not regret.
Changed was only one “Piranha”, For which they did the same as for American MLRS. Use on health.
Finally became decent Mi-35, which can now give new rockets for 3000. With these rockets your helicopters every 6 seconds will independently shoot on enemy technique, helicopters and buildings. What allows and terrorists finally use helicopters that were previously a waste of money. You can still have a standby generator for 10 seconds to any of your rail cannons. So be, one more shot before cut off, she will do.