Afterfall: Insanity: Game Walkthrough and Guide

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July 13, 2022
13 minutes

By Jonny Gamer

Afterfall: Insanity: Passage
Afterfall: Insanity: Game Walkthrough and Guide
Life in refuge

Come to the lady, we learn from her that the door does not work. We check the door panel (pressing E), so are – closed. Go to another room, where we find PDA on the table. We study it, watch all the menus. We learn that the lady, which we just treated, name Magdalena, as well as we read that the program for hacking doors is installed in the PDA. Go to the door, in the hope of opening it, but we stop the incoming signal from the computer. We speak with a psychic, and with surprise I celebrate after a conversation that Magdalena disappeared.

We approach the panel and wake it up, for this, simply pressing the w, a, s, d keys. We are trying to bypass all levels of protection. In other words, you need to click on the keys in the correct sequence so that all three gears shown in the top of the screen. We leave the room, run right along the corridor and turn right on the second break. Open the doors, cross the hall waiting, open the following doors, come to machine guns with gas.

We meet with marchin, agree to go with him in the bar, after which follow him. Warding the bar ends with a terrible everybody, because a huge screen suddenly turns on, through which the Colonel Pokhotsky reports that our hero is subject to immediate arrest for state treason. But Albert (so calling our hero) is innocent and is not going to just give up to the authorities, so I cut down the guard (right during the game there will be windows with tips on the fight), after which we leave the bar.

Take an ax that hangs on the left on the wall. A ax kill the guardsman, run straight from the bar (we get the task to find Carolina) and go to the door on the left. We go through the compartment, we are successful to the stairs, climb and watch the movie in which Carolina is talking to the Guardsmen. After the roller, we immediately go to the accelerated jogging (clinging the space), run up to the panel and wake it up (left, left, left, right, left, left, down).

We run on the corridor, watching it left, then right to dodge bullets. Having received the task to find a secluded place, the bullet rises along the stairs, run through a dark corridor. Next Albert will run to the door and enter PIN code. Go to workshop.

Marchin, asks us to get to the technical sector and replace the fuse so that you can cut the light that cut down the security. So, we go into the dark room, littered with all sorts of trash. In the rubble, we find the fuse and insert it into the transformer. We go out into the corridor, cut down the shield that is responsible for the light. Just go further on dark corridors and rooms, soon the light will turn on. We fall into the corridor, in which Albert will overcome various hallucinations (or this reality?), We are successful before the exit … to church. Watch the video and understand that we have just seen a dream.

Come out again from your coneers and keep the path to the bar, where Alberta girl is waiting for us – Carolina. On the way, we celebrate Marina, which will announce that the colonel is urgently waiting for us in the conference room. We decide that he will wait a little and eat more important. Find Carolina in the bar, we look at the heart.

Now you need to get into the conference room. Long it does not have to run, because next to the exit from the bar is a soldier, who will hold us to the hall. We look at the video and understand that the most real damp begins. We are sent to the second level to pacify the stolen scientists. Go away.
Where the sun does not shine

So, arriving in place, think what to do. Come to the big goal, but they are locked. Need to find a key card. Unfold with your back to the goal and go straight and left. Go to the room, from there – the next. In the room with monitors and a box of ammunition we find a key card. Find on the wall of the shield, turn off the light. We return to the goal, open them with the key. We look at the roller, after which we stay alone.

Make a couple of steps on the hangar, immediately will start a roller in which the enemy will run out, press the button and the container will start. Click e when the inscription will appear, so we will avoid death. We go around the container on the left, through another container, knocking down the door (pressing the V button). Further simply run forward (it is impossible to divert, the path linear). In one beautiful (well, or a terrible moment, as you please), two enemy will attack. Demolish their heads and step further up to the gates that do not open because there is no power. Here we get the task to restore the power.

We climb the stairs, go to the control room. Take the battery, insert it into the cell, click on the button. Approach the panel to the right and activate it. We look at how the container moves. Kill two enemies, go down, open the gate. We listen to Albert monologue, come out from the compartment, moving to elevators. We call one elevator – it falls, we call the second – it works to surprise, rising on it. Kill the enemy, pass through the gateway and reach the reception. We listen to the message of Professor Tomashevsky. On the tables we find a heavy gun, if you want to take it, in this case the injector, which in our hands now – will fall.

Find a door that can be discovered, but the panel is broken. We hack it through the terminal in the reception, it turns out this code: left, right, left, right, left, right, down. Enemies will raise immediately. We go through the open door, go down the stairs, run through the corridors and get to the next gateway.

Finding into the room, notice a stream of fire. We get a task to smear the fire. Kill a couple of enemies, go down the stairs down. We find the valve and turn it. Immediately, the hordes of enemies are rushed at us, we will spread to all the towers and come back to the place where there was a fire. We pass through the door. We knock out the grid on the left, in stock only at first glance there is nothing, but if you search, then you can find a shotgun “Archer”! We leave through the rail door, we get into the “swimming pool”, the room that is flooded with water. Paul under us collapsed, and we fall into the water. Kill a couple of crazy, run into the log control. Listen to the audio recording that you can pump water. Activate the panel, we also do not forget to pick up cartridges from the locker. After activating the panel, a roller appears, in which it will be seen that the water pumping device has activated. But they need to be managed, so we run up to it (killing, of course, all enemies) and become behind the panel. Press the desired control buttons to be shown on the screen. Now we can go to the elevator, access to which was not available earlier because of the water. Lifting on the elevator.

We pass through the gateway and watch the video about how some psychopath decided to overheat and blow up the reactor. Our task is not to give it to happen, otherwise we will bloom on the pieces from the explosion. So, first turn to the left and run to the elevator activation panel. Kill two enemies, run in the elevator. A professor is associated with us and, while we descend to reactors, he explains to us our task. Come to the panel near the first reactor. It shows reactors and numbers indicating temperature. The reactors show the coolant level (if the level is green – the level is normal, and if the red one needs to be raised). Our task is to overtake the cooling fluid on reactors so that there is a normal temperature everywhere, t. E. fluid level was green everywhere. Need to run from the reactor to the reactor and choose in which reactor to redirect liquid. The task is extremely lightweight, so I think you will handle without difficulty.

We rise on the same elevator back top, turn left and pass through the gateway. Now we need to save the professor who locked in the dispatch. In the next room, closed doors expect us, which will not open if we do not restore power supply. Here, new enemies will appear – this time is not even people, but monsters, with a rather funny name “Hussars Mutants” (well, what to do, it is a Polish game). By killing the trinity, we are looking for a generator in the room (if you stand back to the door, then you need to go left) and launch it. We go through the open door and immediately get the task to stop the filling of the room by corrosive fluid. Run forward when the way blocks the stream of fire, go down, we go down, we are successful until the next staircase, we rise and activate the generator that will stop the arrival of the fluid.

Go down on one span below, pass through the next gateway. We fall into the hall with cylinders, listening to the record that if you give a current not to all cylinders, then a closure may occur. We pass through the doors in the right part of the hall, we kill two monsters. We find a room with scientists, they are locked there. Only a professor can open a room, it means that you need to bring it here. Scientists inform the code from the dispatching 2485. Dispatcher is located on the left side of the room with cylinders. We enter the code, we meet with the professor. Now we will run together. Our task is to repair ventilation. We leave from the control room, follow with the professor to the gateway, then go to the first. We are waiting for the professor and Rune to the ventilation management system. To begin with, we start computers with which we will turn on the ventilation. To do this, approach the panel and activate all four elements. Make it pretty just. Switch between buttons from the bottom and turn on / turn it off so that 4 elements have risen exactly in the middle. Then run to the computer and synchronously with the professor I enter access codes. We go to scientists.

After the roller we kill the creature. Find a professor, he dies. We get a task to get to the first sublayer. We run along the corridors, killing creatures, until I bump on our familiar psychopath, which will run away and shoot into the pipe, it is that way our way of a jet of fire. You need to overlap the valve.

We run on top to elevator, go down, turn the valve. We find a room with a security guard, listen to his voice recorder. Find cartridges in this room. We pass through, previously closed with fire, pass, drive behind the runaway, fall and fall into the heavy equipment zone.

Interrupted Message

Turn on the light, approach the connection monitor and try to get through three times to different people, but everything is useless. We leave from the cutting, go down the destroyed stairs. Run forward, pass through two gateway and reach the place where the engineer has brewed the door. Go to another door, we find three valves. Turning alternately: the first, second, third, first valve (the first is the far from the door). We go through the passage where there was a fire before. Sit down in the elevator and climb.

We leave and see huge shelter doors. After listening to the monologue of Albert, we find an explosive barrel, next to the car, shoot it and move away. We go to the resulting passage. We reach the console that raises the platform if you quickly click on the button E. We pass through the gateway. Boot on an armed guy gun. Kill him, since there are absolutely all enemies. We take the key card, which lies on the boxes, and open the door with it.
After watching the roller, a pump rifle Archer appears in the hands. Kill two hussars, go to the hall, in the middle of which the monitor is. Listen to the message of Colonel. We hate the computer, go to the opening room, we use the computer, open a secret door. Activate two buttons on both sides of the mystery door, pass through the gateway.

Without climbing the stairs, we go to the left, we find a closed door, you need to use electricity on it. We rise, find a remote with another puzzle. You just need to choose the right item. We find regularity in their location and choose the necessary. If they coped, the door will open where we go.

Further, just once we run through the corridors, until I bump into the fire, from which the hussar crashes. Not far behind there is a remote that turns off the fire. Pass. Close garbage burning compartment. See the monster will be burned. We go until we get into the room like a kitchen. We find the panel, click on the button, the trash can open. Tear on a close tube, get into the morgue.

Yes, now we are in the clinic. We pass through the corridors, we go to the door on the left, go up the stairs, get a task to turn off the quarantine mode. Commander over a computer at the reception, trying to open a big door. But without the desired retina eye and fingerprint it is unfortunately not to do.

We are looking for a retina: we go to the compartment on the corridor directly, we kill Psychic. We are looking for a doctor’s head nicknamed. Retina in our pocket.

We are looking for a print: Go down, go to the office to the right of the ladder, with the bed we take a hand of a doctor. Carry it to the door. Through the computer, turn off quarantine, go to the door. We run into the room Marina, watch a long roller. After that, we collect all the notes in the room, listen to the messages on the computer, run away and go down. We go to the database repository, we are looking for a terminal on which there is information about another shelter. See how caring caroline. We run it to save: we run out of the asylum, climb the escalator, we kill the enemies, rushing along the corridor, run away to the “Street”, run in the gardens. In the end, catching up Carolina. Sit together with her in the cargo elevator and watch the movie.

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