Alone in the Dark 3: Game Walkthrough and Guide

You appear before the bridge leading to the old, abandoned cowboy city with
caressing hearing name "Blood Gorge". Curly place, night… You are one B
Darkness.. Scary? Heat? Continue.
And it is impossible to return.. Emily waiting for you.. What? Emily? Like you forgot her? Huuu..
My lovely, Emily is… HU… Actually, when the game with CD-ROM was dragged,
I got chosen.. Okay.
So you go to the bridge. (You did not understand ? I said: Go a bridge !).PO-
Mat, some old man smoked. Oh her-her! And nothing rushed, and ? Hu you have
anyway life – 50. And by the way, we will carry out an inventory:
Life – 50
38 SRECIAL – 6
Everything. Not enough !!
So. Now go to the left (in the sense, left – not in the left side of the screen, but by
relation to the character). Go to saloon. Left. We take a canister with oil. What
Now need to find ?? Right, lamp. What is your burden. In the center of the room-
take the key on the table. In the float under the broken staircase, we find matches (where
I saw it ?). We go under the balcony. Chu! Some kind of carved carpet waters wherever-
Padya. I do not care, leaves. (Sense of Humor, Huh?) Has shelves find: Dream-
Spring alcohol (tried someday ? :)), bottle, flask. Flag drinking…
Bottoms Up.. Okay-dike. Now life – 60. Bottle here you throw;She is breaking-
It is in the wreckage find a token. (Again, something to mind comes: Vase, in
It is key…). Tokens immediately insert into the piano (from the side, closest to-
Ke.) Listen to an interesting fairy tale. At the same time we find the lamp. Has scene (at the window) take
Maracas (such).
Coming out of the saloon, but without going outside, turn left. Take the barrel S
Gasoline. Return to Salon, pour gasoline to the electric generator. Hooray! Cinechka!
Only strange some… Oh, sorry, the horse ran away.
Now go for the rack and click on one of the skull horns.
For those who were mistaken in the choice of horns: Pif-Paf, oh her-her…
HA floor opened Luke: Do not worry, it .. Ghost. He’s, worry ! Kill
Him, Yeah !! Gii him, Gasi ! You can also from a pistol – 4 shots… Subbone-
Rita is that it remains from him – a tambourous ace and a gold bullet for the hard drive (not
of the one in megabytes measured.. W 🙂 now in the hatch. Dark ! Use ka-
Nistra, then matches, then lamp. Lamp you found, falling into the hatch. By the way, when
Will you light the lamp, you will see that the ladder leads from the bottom. If you approach her
closely, then you boil upstairs.
Three barrels stand in the basement. Which in fact and not barrels at all, but giraffes.
What, believed ?? 😉 HE barrels, and passages. In each "barrel" – No, not a plug, but
a door. What is said, "The Door Is Locked. Use the window". Take in the corner
For the farthest barrel husting on the wall cane. Read the announcement (type: Guy,
climb in barrel, (and not in a bottle ! :)) And I carry me a drink !). Now if you are going-
Open / Search with the nearest door to the hatch, then you will explain to you that
There is nothing to look for there. If the second – you just bite you.And if the third? And you
Try.. OK. What we have ? Big snake – 1 pc. To communicate with it somehow
reluctance. A lot of small snakes – do not jum right away, and first devote dis-
kid. (That is, use the rattle of Maracas). Now let’s give-
Single camera. From the hatch rises some kind of drugan. Drink it with handles.
Now – fast ! Go to the lattice and use the cane to tighten
Key. Then dramatically use it on the grid. Hara is lying a stone – take
his. By the time the following Drugan raises from the hatch (and there-
mo, whole warehouse), you must have time to get out of the room.
Now right along the corridor. On the door to the left. There is a ghost of some alcoholic.
Hau let him drink.. Put the wood alcohol on the floor. Yeah, told you – al-
Cogol is harmful to health. But you have another flask. Drink on health!
Now go to the turn with the pentagram on the floor. What, died ? Ah, first on-
before it was to throw a stone on the wall, and in the wreckage you would find Indian amulet. A C
Such an amulet in my pockets would be able to walk where you want.
Go straight. In the big room, move the cabinet to the door. Get out of it
Shotgun. (De Ja Vu?)
In one of the small rooms where the wardrobe with weapons, open the lock on the closet
The key taken on the table in Salun, and take the hard drive. (Do not hurry to charge
His golden bullets!). Read the expectations. They say "Wanted !". And then pro
One guy who can only kill the Golden Bullet (!), about the second, which-
ry 2 times ran out of the conclusion, stuck in the castle with a bullet 30/30 and fucking on it
the edge of the palm, and about two brothers who do not take a bullet at all (these are those that
Stand in the yard).
In a broken table opposite the cabinet with a weapon, take the sheriff and bullet star
For Winchester.
In the room where you move the wardrobe, the stairs get out to the top. Take knut,
Go on. Where the stove rotates, run under it and take the loop-
Cha voodoo. Red Light – No Roads ! 🙂
In the next pass, take a metal plate, and use it. Now
you have a kind of bridal armor. Whoring time you will not get-
what harm from shocks (until the plate breaks..). Left at the rate – Door.
Let’s open. HE opens ? We will break ! How, as – as usual…
Stringing into it !!! Bang Bang ! Booyaka, Boooyaka ! Tuk, Tuk, this is Santa Claus with-
walked beard shovel… *<:) Hau knows themselves. Go. Heck! I am alone-
notew! Doast lamp. It turns out, not one ! In the room Palach. We use PA-
Voodoo lach – who can =) . Has exit.
Next on the floor is lying the belt with the cartridges (and who it only dismissed everything here
?). We run past zombies, and find a claassed thing – a machine gun !!! Uh! Pro
Flags I will not explain anything. Hadoelo !!! 😉
Behind the barbed lies short (!) Bikfords cord. We take, go back. Zombies, Co-
Something stands there – this is the same guy who has allergies to gold bullets.
Charging the Bullet Winchester, shoot.
Dying, he says: "Scorpions… I kept them for the executioner…". Hau Well, IS-
Fully his last will: I will pick up the bag that he left, let’s go to the room
To the executioner and use scorpions on the edge of the hole. Pushing lever. Stop closed-
Lyuk, Search, find dynamite and dried meat. Go to the room that oh-
wounded zombies. On the way, severely shoot more with guns. Run in Kom-
NATU… Ha ha. Hu nothing if you go to the door, it will open. Now use-
Photo bicford cord. Then stand close to the crack in the wall next to the barrel,
and use dynamite, then matches. Go for a barrel. Babah ! Go in breaker.
Stand on the arrow, door and open. If you do not do this, then you meet-
with some nucleus versil with a knife. And kamat him, in my opinion, will not succeed.
Go straight, hammer the skeleton, go to the mechanism in which there is not enough six-
Renki. It’s enough, so insert ! You have one. Yes, yes, do not be surprised!
True, rather this is five – the notorious Star of the Sheriff.
Now, probably, you need to somehow start the car ! Come close to it and
Use KNUT. Door opened. Go to her.
HA floor lies the flask. Further – on the bridge. There are bullets for hard drives. Bim
on the bridge. Exactly _beat_! Bounce! Oh, see an athlete! 🙂 .
Stone collapsed in the window, you find yourself in the house. The wall hangs a certain plan – for-
Draw it =) HA floor in front of the hole lies with a diamond ring. Behind
A hole walks some kind of munk. Felt a diamond ring (USE) – Get
Ring separately, diamond – separately.
Then go back and burn the candle near the door on the wall where hangs
Plan of this building. Come in the open door. Choose from the floor of the newspaper. Soil-
Taite. This, of course, not "AIDS info", but… It says that the ghost of some
The guy periodically gets out of his portrait, and when he climbs back,
You can go after him. Go to the clock with a cuckoo… More precisely, it is not a cuckoo, but
vigra. He will begin to cook, and here you seem to be ku-ku… But we are a lik
knitting… Oh, in the sense of not a scyt… In general, put in the clock dried meat –
Get aware. Second. Here that, at the end of the game is planned Pinball ??? Meanwhile-
Him arrows disappeared. Take Night Valet (untransight phrase). Portra-
Ta – Flask. Drink it – and, as they write in the newspaper, go through the portrait. Here, in
the box on which the mirror stands, take a bullet 30/30 (well, who will remember faster?),
Pear and pearl.
Had bed has 4 figurines. Search one of them – a girl with a quiver,
We find the shooter. Use the arrow, standing in front of the Amur – another statuette. Looking-
Rome cartoon.
Now stand in front of the mirror and press it on it (Push). Get the key. Idi-
Those through the picture back. Oh, the door opened ! (Why do I like this game
– Everything is logical here !!! = (). Go to the corridor and open this door to this key,
What next to the hole in the floor. Come in (or you didn’t have to say it ? ;)).
Take a diary, instruction, flask. Insert a dragon on the table in the eye
Brilliant – Get more bullets to the Winchester (oh, yes the party is scheduled?
W :)).
Go to the balcony. Stand on the hatch (well, such as the floor board of another texture) before
Neighbor door. Will shoot you but this is a hoax. Put Night Valet (I
I did not understand what it is ! % – (). This gorilla failed. Right in the door-
CSU and tilter her. Sale… Ah, okay yourself guess.
Pick up the next instruction, the key, the wire (shutter release) and
Photo flash. Use a pear. It is connected to the wire. Now use-
Wrock – Here is a photo list and ready to work. Take a look at 3 photos
(2 + 1). Where did you see it ? Personally, I’m nowhere.
Go back to the corridor with a hole in the floor, and open the remaining door. Inside
Sitting a pretty creature. Ignore it (but only neat!). Piano
Find a canister with butter. Insert a token in the piano – look at the second series.
Now go to the cabinet from the side where something lies on the floor, and use-
Photo photo flash. Monsterskah as it did not happen. Now hit (Fight) door screen-
Fa, and inside you will find a flask and combat staff. At the same time in the floor opened Luke. What de-
give on ?……
Fight from the cave quickly, otherwise you are a little bit…
You have another one – Jump, T.E. Jump (remember,
Alone in the Dark-1 ?..). Stretch as follows:
| Bad †>† D>D †>† D>D † D>Indian
Ad † addend
| Hell †<† D<D †<DD<D from the cave
Adddec Addddshch DDDD
to Indian. Poke his martial staff so that it does not interfere. Being the place where he
stood, lies a small key and a box with cartridges. Further jump like this:
| !D †<† D<D †<† D<D †<† D¬ |
Adddec Adddec Adddec hell † Davit
Dindld † DDDDD
| | | Hell †<† D¬ |
| Bad †>† D>D †>† Dwin |
Ad † addend
The lad † DDDDDDDD
| Hell †<† D<D †<† D¬ |
Adddec Adddec hell † Davit
| Indian DBD
And here, it would seem in a hopeless position, the names again-
cue amulet. Ghost Focussary (Harry Hudini ?) transfers us and we go upstairs.
Has upstairs, chatting with two Partizanen, take the flask from one of them-
Gu, and another-cylinder and key. Open the closest door to it by this key.
Hurray, library! (I dreamed all my life;)). Has shelves take respectively: be-
Book, book and closed book. HA TAKE Take the impression, and use it
In the picture nearby. Read the book. Light a candle on the table, and read the white book-
G. Remote the closed book with a small key, and read it. In a statue at the end
Bilbotheki Take Pocket Watches. Exit the corridor, and use them before
closed door (the one that next to the barrel with silver dust).
Inside, take Emily Schek . Use the cylinder to one hundred-
Tyu, and kill 2-emerged zombies. Reflexes are slow. Go to Kar-
Tine on the wall, which is opposite the stairs, and from there a shot to break the glass (Huli-
gan!). It was the most damned glass that was written in white book-
G. Now you ripped again. Close to the stairs, jump out the window. IN
center, on a round stone put a combat staff. Use a tambourine ace on that
The grave where the beam hit. Take Messagu. Third floor please.
Hurray, kitchen! Read Messagu. Appear, yes ?! I like it ! Ha half
Take a movie coil, on a buffet – A BAG OF PEMMICAN. What it is not
I know, but it tastes nice. Eat. HA Take Take Oil. Explore the focus. Me-
Hanism is badly turning ? Lubricate it ! Use oil from the table. Here,
Now the walls went. So reach the roof…
Oh yes there is a disco ! Go ahead, on the left wall. Otherwise you will be shot!
Has scene Find the string from the guitar, photos and key of the safe. Name
lady (ho-ho ho!), you will find cartridges (???). Native a man in front of her, find
Hammer. HU, have now started dancing… Run back to the kitchen.
Hmm, this buffet looks pretty strange… A, you can go for it! He is false-
Shiven! Solid deception… At the end of the ait of the buffet on the right – the door. Come out…
ABOUT ! Here you can get, if from that corridor, in which we raised from the stage-
Meld, go to the passage and climb the stairs.
Insert the door opposity of the bullet 30/30, and use the hammer (remember the poster
?..). Inside, next to the model of the railway station on the table Take an explosion-
Chat, card and light bulb. Read the map . Go for the partition –
See the mounting table. Use a light bulb, string and coil with it
Film. Looking a movie, use photos – on the clearance you will see 3 numbers. Behind-
Remember them !!! Go to the next room, take a book on astronomy from the table,
And read in it about the constellation, consisting of five stars. The brightest of them is naz-
Alpha Crown, or Pearl… Open the green picture on the wall, and de-
Get in the open / search niche opened until you get the same kombie-
nation numbers that you saw on notes. Now boldly go for the glass obscurity-
ku ! Protection hacked ! You are hacker !-) The door of the safe (yes, yes, it’s safe ! Hooray !)
You see 4 stars. There is a desire to add them to the fifth – the crown of alpha, or
Pearl. Then use the key to the safe. open the door… HEY ! This flag
Sucking my amulet! Hado return it ! Hammer this Lamer, return the amulet.
(Rather unusual when the ghost runs away from you !..). In the Safe Take Che-
Modan and cartridges. Now get out in the window that near the safe. By performing acrobatia-
Czech trick, crash to fall down. Downstairs again surprise – the ghost,-
some is your friend. HE kill it !!! Take him a letter. There
Emily for the suitcase and key. At midnight at the tank with water.
Jed Stone.
Say in the trolley detonator and cartridges. A fighter has suffered ! Eh, Pumping !
Kill all Gadov. Go to the door at the end of the railway, push the board with
bucket at the top. The watchman caused security! Score them and take the key from the suitcase.
In a pile of boards, find a vice, and knock on the bell around the door three times (not
with the one in which you entered! For the one that opposite the boards). Carefully go out (in
The moment when the door is the highest). Now refresh the card in memory, and for-
Lodge (N "Put", but "Use") Explosive and detonator (the structure from which you
just came out and there is a station, "Station" on the map). BOOM! Ba-Bach! Yes !!!
Go towards the reproach, and turn left immediately. And here is the tank with
Water and Jed Stone. Put on the ground the key from the suitcase and the suitcase itself. A-A!
Again deceased.
What is it ?.. Cool ! This is cool – you are in the image of the cat !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
You must find an eagle, and bring it to the cave. Eagle where ?.. Hu maybe you
have seen when they ran down the corridor immediately after Dina blew up-
Mit, Break in the wall. And through it it was visible a statue that keeps something in
Hand. So, in her hand she is an eagle. How to get to it ? Listen to how much
questions immediately !!! HU, run out of the cave. Beat to Salun. Inside. Go to
Rack… Heat ! This is the wrong way to Eagle ! Go on a broken staircase !
Rising, go along the corridor, Jump across the hole in the floor. To a broken window… By-
fall back to the same corridor. From there Already close to break in the wall. Going
In this break, and get an eagle. Now run to the house where your friend was killed
(at one end of the railway). Near the house, in the alley there is a barrel with
Degtem. Pull out the front paw in it, and run to the house where you raised from
Dungeons (house with columns, near the cemetery). Inside lower the paw in the barrel with
Silver dust – Now you have a weapon against a weapon (Werettered – 2 pcs.
– attached). Go to the courtyard, go to Salun and kill one of the roasted.
Go to the cemetery, and kill the second. Come back to the cave from which you
came out and put the eagle into the fire.See cartoon (no, still cool ! :)).
Now pick up the colts from the ground (on the railway) and soap (behind the grate). Idi-
those to the water tank. Put colts on the ground, and enter your double. Take
Colt, climb the stairs, go inside the tank, and use soap that-
would get rid of monster. Site Metal Comb and Flag. Use
Comb like a lever by inserting it into a rod with a hole sticking out of the central
Pipe. Jump in a hole. Pick up the fallen sheet and notepad. HA Wall is a relief-
Naya Cave Map . Put the sheet on the head of the Indian – the door and will open-
Xia. Climb the stairs. Kill two deshenkov. Best tactic fighting-
Mi this: Colt Do not use, they are weakly susceptible to it. Bates their hands.
Say, press the gap and right, and do not let go… After the fight, find Kirk
To the right of the entrance (as I said, to the right in relation to the character: enter, and
right.) Also find the flag (in niche, nearest to exit). Go to the cliff, in
Corner Take pieces of paper. Now – believe ! Believe ! (AND.Jones and the last
crusade). Pass over the edge of the cliff (in exactly a certain place,
. Found on the floor? Now go as follows (directions
are indicated in relation to you, t.E., for the top view): Levo, HIZ, L, L, Top, L,
In, l, in, l. Earth! People !!! Aaaaa!! Ouch! People! Human. Have a joy to hammer him
Kirk. Enter. Hammer Kirk (Damn! It’s broken!). Hitch book,
Water bottle, needle. Next to the candle take the charred book. In one of
Columns Find a candlestick. Enter the opened door. Go to closed
Doors close, closer to a person with a gun, and from this position, pour it
water (mystery from the first of pieces of paper). Come in the elevator. Lift
Pig and press the lever. Exit. Throw a pig about the wall, and in the wreckage
Find the glass from the microscope. Microscope there, on the table. Insert into it
Glass and look. See flower sequence. In that
sequences Press (Push) to the color marks on the walls – the open door-
Running. Log in, Take the poison on the table. Go to the lattice with a locked inside-
rum (hate doctors !). Hmm, retort on the table… Use poison. Cool!
Just like Hils ! Go to the lattice. Now you freely break between rod-
yami. Gop! You have grown again! Use poison, then needle. Now she is like
You in hand. Now select "Fight", And try to hit the doctor hand (WHO-
You can, it is right ?). Pick up the straw and key. At the wall on the floor take
Bottle with ammonia. Open the grid and skip the poison again through the retro-
that. Having decreased, go to the mink that under the table. Use straw. Now
Relieve, and not coming to the abyss, press the gap. Jump! Right like a bubka !
In the corner, take a bubble. Go to the passage. Oh, spider! SPIDER ! Run to his food
(Something red-yellow), and use there bubble. He, bastard such, fed and
decrease! Disstain it! Wow, hate spiders! Powder has a bucket with glue.
Take it. Caution, do not fall into the web! Use the glue. Fu, you have everything
Hands in Klee! Now: see, to the right of the hole in the form of an eye in the wall above the end-
Smiling light ? Run right on it. Op! Skalolaz!
At the top you see headless. Hey, where the head lost? Yes here she is on the table!
Take her and throw in that hole from which you just got out. HA Kovistne
Take the ingot and the flask. Move the anvil, and take the Winchester. Enter B
Opening door, and kill Bruce Lee (it seems it is it that% (). 5 shots –
And he is ready. Pick up the flask, the silver dollar and the Cobra Wig (???). Lower
Dollar in Portrait of Jedi Stone, which next to the door. Get down, take matches.
open the door. Ha, and here is the camera torture! Take the scroll in one end, and
In another newspaper. Put the ingot B… uh-uh… "Blue", And burn it. Emily
FREE! But she fell asleep. The ingot combined with a precious stone in one big
Magic chopstick. Take it. Go to that corridor where Jed Stone ran away.
Oh, again Indiana Jones! Throw in the ammonia door – it will wake Emily. She is spa-
Site V! Now save yourself from Verry. Soamy it! Take the knife.
Now imagine that the thing with pins, which I wanted to crush you, –
a door. Presented ? But so it is! Come to her and throw a wig
Cobras on the hook. open the door. Enter. ABOUT! And here brothers rabbits! Yes, Jed
Stone, turning into a terminator! Run to the statue of the Eagle, and use the ox-
Sucan wand (legend from a scroll). Now take a bag with coal (in the corner of the native-
in how to get out of the room with an eagle). In that corner where the cabinets are, take the cut-
new glove and turn on the water. Now cut the wire to the wire slightly to the right-
a place where the rods flow into the wall and run back to the room with an eagle. Looking-
Rita, as this cans, kills current and everything else! Run at the door
for Emily. Close to the locomotive cabin, put in the furnace coal, ignite it
Matches and push the lever. GO!
Hush! Hu here and all! Wake up this cool game! And, my advice to you, – by-
Smaller read this decision, Think more more! W 🙂 so interesting!