Amazon: Guardians of Eden: Game Walkthrough and Guide

Home » Game Guides » Amazon: Guardians of Eden: Game Walkthrough and Guide
July 15, 2022
13 minutes

By Jonny Gamer

Amazon: Guardians of Eden: Passage

This game is about the adventures of the young man Jason Roberts, who departs in the delta of the Great Amazon River in search of his older brother Allen. In this way, it is waiting for many difficult and dangerous tasks, and this description we will help you to solve them.
The game in the game is carried out using the icons shown in the bottom of the playing field:
Eye – F1, F2 – Watch;
Hand – F3 – use the subject;
Hand with the subject – F4 – Take the subject;
Backpack – F5 – View wearable things: To choose a cursor to bring to the desired item, choose it and after clicking on ok;
Steps – F6 – go somewhere;
Talk – F7 – talk;
EXIT – F8 – get out of the room;
The question is F9 – to see the hint if it is asked;
Floppy disk – F10 – save or restore the game;
Ctrl + Q – Exit the game;
Alt + V – Screen switching: one – only the playing field;Two – game field and wearable items.
The selection of pictograms and movement is carried out using a cursor, which is controlled by the cursor keys or “mouse”.
Before running the game, if you do not want to leave the previous game setting, then destroy the AM file.CTG, which marks various options for the game. After starting this game, if you erased this file, then you are invited to first select the tip level: Select The Levels of Hints You Want Available During The Game:
0 – no hints – no prompts;
1 – Level 1 (Subtle) – a sophisticated tip;
2 – Level 2 (more detailed) – several tips;
3 – Level 3 (VERY DETAILED) – a variety of details;
And also set up a music card and sound effects:
Select Device To Play Midi Music – Choosing a Music Card;
Select The Device Which Will Play Digital Sound Effects and Voices – Selecting a device for sound effects and voices.

After that, by clicking on “any key”, you will see what happened in the base camp of the expedition, in which Allen was also on the Amazon River. They were attacked by unknown and killed everyone. 6 weeks passed, and you are in the role of Jason are in America in Oregon.

Episode 1: Terror in the jungle

You arrived at your car to the institute, in which you have been working for many years, and, looking at the building, nothing but boredom did not feel. It starts another routine day in these walls. Enter the building (steps). Darlein sits at the table, and you decided to say hello to it (select Replies 1, 1). After that, open the door to the right and enter your laboratory. On the table on the right flashed a self-conductive device and when you press the reception button (Intercom Button), I learned that you should visit your boss.
Exit the room (EXIT) and go left to the easiest of the corridor to the door, opening it, enter inside. Oul Wilbur told everything about your missing brother, and you, stunned, came out from there and realized that now the best – go home. Get out of the building (right) and sit in your car (go to the car, take the keys in the items and hover them to the car) – And now you are at home.
You can look at the photo of the brother and three sisters and other items that resemble him. Under the door, barely lies with the envelope (package). On the table you saw the knife (Knife), take it. And now, open the envelope with this knife (enter the list of items, take the knife and bring it to the envelope lying on the floor). From it fell a letter (Letter) and a small key (Small Key) (white point on the floor at the door). Pick up the key and then the letter. It is encoded, and the key is required to decrypt it.

Episode 2: Secret Code

When you read the letter, you returned to you, which will be able to find a disappearance of the disappeared brother. Get out of the apartment and come back to the Institute. The only thing that bothered you is the loss of the code ring to decrypt the message. Entering the building and passing by Darlyn, you entered Allen’s laboratory (the next door to the left for the secretary). Inspect the room, open and read the book lying on the right on the table. From it you will learn about the grass (Jungle Weed), from which you can make a substance with a paralysis action. And after a while you will find this grass in a bottle lying in the closed cabinet on the right in the corner. On the table in the center lies the cassette with the film, take it and inspect: this is a favorite movie of the brother (remember his name – it will be useful). Take the key that received by mail, and open the door under the table in the center. There will be an audio cassette (Audio Tape), which you want to take. You must listen to her to find out what a brother left my message. And for this you need to return home where there is a tape recorder.
But before that, leave the laboratory and, having passed to the left, open the door to the secret department (to the right of the door of the boss) and enter there. Try to go ahead: you will be warned that it is impossible to move on. What follows the second warning, you are well known, so you have to quickly leave from there. The output door is at the bottom of the screen and a little left center. Thinking about the protection, you came to the conclusion that the grass located in the closet of Allen can help get rid of it. And the keys to the cabinet are most likely in a closed box outside the door of the table Darlyn. Talking with her (1, 1), ask the key, but it will refuse to help you. Talking again (6, 1), you will learn that it is afraid of mice. And here you remember about one small rooftop you in the laboratory. Follow there;Entering inside, open the cage with animals (right on the table) and take the rat (Rat). Return to the corridor, close the door to the laboratory and try to attract the attention of Darlyn to Pisk (take the animal and visit the girl). When she, frightened, will run away, go to the box and take the key from the cabinet (Display Case Key), grab the key from Darlene (Darlene’s Car Keys). Entering Allen’s Lab, open the wardrobe and take a blue liquid bottle from it (Blue Jungle Weed Vial). Over the cabinet hangs a pipe for shooting, take it (Blowgun), as well as a dart (DART), sticking to the right of the target.
Return to your laboratory and open the locker under the table. Take from it a bottle of alcohol (Alcohol). And now mix the alcohol with a blue liquid (in the list of items to take alcohol and bring on a bottle from Allen’s laboratory), it turns out a red liquid (Red Liquid). Put the resulting mixture on the left on the table (BUNSEN BURNER), and now turn it on by clicking on the right button under this table. When the fluid becomes green (Vivid Green), turn off the burner (click again on the button) and take a bottle with liquid. Skift the arrow into this liquid (the arrow is hidden on the bottle) and charge the tube (the arrow is hooked on the tube). Now you are ready to fight the secret object. But you first need to decrypt the message Allen. Get out of the building and in the car go home.
Arriving in place, you will find that someone greatly joked here. Under an inverted chair (in the upper right corner) you will see your ring to decrypt the message (light glitter) and take it (Decoder Ring). Insert the cassette in the tape recorder right on the table, and press the start button. Listening to the recording, you are making a message and recognize the code of your brother’s safe (Combination SAFE).
Return to the Institute. Coming out of the car, you remember the keys of Darlin and decide to inspect her car. Go to the trunk of a green machine (next to yours) and open it. Inside you will see a cutters (Cutters) and scrap (crowbar). Take everything that lies in the trunk, and enter the Institute building. Enter Allen’s laboratory and remove the target for playing darts from the wall. You will see a safe behind it, open it using the code (in the list of items, take the decrypted code and move it to the safe). Take Money (Money) and return to the doors leading to a secret laboratory for guards. Sign in. Climb on a tree (staple pictograms). When the guard fit very close, turns back and passes past the tank with garbage, shoot it from the tube (in the items to take the phone and visit the guard). Poison will make instant. Now it is necessary to hurry, because a hungry bear is wandering around. Go down and go to the garbage bake. Open it using a cutter (take a cutter and bring to the tank) and go from there;For a while, the bear will be engaged in waste. On the left you will see a brilliant subject and decide to take it, this is the key (BRASS KEY) (White Spot on Earth) from the door of the card file. Passing through the gate ahead, follow the door in the upper right corner, and open it by the key.

Episode 3: Heavy Metal Monster

You will see a robot in.ABOUT.IN., guarding this room. It is programmed to leave when the robot changer appears – excellent! Exit the room, go back to the garbage and take it (TRASH CAN). Go back to the room, put the tank and only then enter the room. The robot will take you to shift and leave. Having removed the tank, go ahead and click on the Red Lever Exposed) (left of the door), and now take a scrap and open them the right bottom box in Allen’s card. Take from there Microfilm (MICROFILM), map (map) and old compass (Ancient Compass). Come back to the institute building corridor. Go to the library (right to the window) and ask Miss Morton to see Microfilm (1, 2), it will not be allowed. Repeat conversation (2, 2) will also not give any results. And then a good idea comes to your mind. Go to the right to the hanger and remove some of the shoulders from it (right) (Rightmost Coat Hanger). Exit the building and go to Miss Morton machine (Extreme Right Blue). Stand on the right at the door and open it with my shoulders. Turn on the distant light in the machine (click on the button on the left at the top of the steering wheel). Return back and, coming to the library, let Miss say that it happened to her with the car (1). And when she leaves, you can see the microfilm. Insert it into the device (movie to the center of the screen) and, shifting the film by arrows located below, left or right, read what is written there. Having received the necessary information, sit down in the car and follow the airport.

Episode 4: Dangerous chase

You arrive at the airport, having with you from clothes only what was on you. Before you stands a truck, on it canister with gasoline (red on the left). Take her, she can come in handy (Red Jerry). Now go to the door of the car and open it (hand), a pack of cigarette will fall from there. Raise her (Lucky Strikes Cigarettes) (White Point on Earth) and put in your pocket. Go to the lonely standing bike leaning against the wall, and remove the pump from it (Tire Pump).
Now you can go to the station building (left). Go to the checkout and, talking to a man about the flight to Rio Blanco (1), give him all the money you have (after the end of the conversation, click on Offer’s inscription, select Money in Items and click OK). Having received a card (Card) and learning to whom to contact to fly in the right direction, open the door to the Green Monkey bar and enter the inside.
Try to talk to the bartender when he will not work, and offer him a red card that the cashier gave (using the inscription OFFER). He will say who from pilots fly in the near future in Rio Blanco. Contact one of two pilots sitting at one table (long) and you agree on flight. Once on board the aircraft, just in case, take the parachute (Parachute), lying on the right of the entrance door.

Episode 5: Dangerous Flight

Look around and explore the load, which is quite diverse, even in the cage sit chickens (right), go there. When you turn, you will see a pilot with a gun sent to your belly. Talking with a pilot (1, 2, 2), you will understand that you do not wait for anything good. However, something interested: Lakes are safe for landing, but not safe for swimming. The pilot will open the door and will offer to leave the plane, but you need to wait, maybe he makes a mistake. When it approaches closer and repeat its requirements, you need to open a cage with chickens. Scattered chickens frighten the pilot, and it will fall off the plane, but it will be time to shoot the door in the castle and it closes. The plane will start falling and not to break, you must act very quickly. Hook a parachute for the door handle and when it opens, grind the door to the cabin. Sign in there and take the steering wheel (left). Lower the three red levers (in the center of the screen) and turn off the engine using a bluish lever to the right of the left steering wheel (hand). A few seconds, the aircraft will land on the lake.
Due to the fact that the entrance door was open, the plane will start filling with water. You remember Warning of the pilot about Piranlah floating in the local waters and you will need to find another way to salvation. Move the cage (hand), standing in front of you: You will see the box, open it (hand) and take an inflatable boat from there (RAFT). Quickly inflate it with a pump sticking from the airport (in the subjects Take the pump and hover over the boat). Throw the boat into the river and, sowing it, swim to the shore. Stepping on the ground, go to the jungle to look for any location. After a while you will achieve the goal.

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